Just as Ike had just finished the lottery, the sky suddenly began to be overcast, and the originally calm sea surface began to surge.

The sudden change in the celestial phenomena caught Luffy and Ike off guard. After all, both of them were going out to sea for the first time and had no sailing experience.

At this moment, Ike suddenly discovered that a huge vortex appeared in the direction of the boat.

Seeing this scene, Ike handed one of the oars to Luffy,"Quick, let's row back immediately!"

Luffy also knew that if he was caught in the vortex, he would definitely die, so he also rowed desperately.

But no matter how the two rowed, the boat was still pulled by the vortex and could not escape the range of the vortex.

Seeing that things could not be done, Ike threw the oar directly, and then took Luffy's hand with one hand and rowed in the air with the other hand. A space gate appeared, and the two of them got into the space gate.

On the other side of the space gate is naturally the cozy cottage of the TX penguin that Ike had just drawn.......

After entering the cabin, the first thing you see is a two-meter-wide bed.

In addition, there are desks, bookshelves, computers, air conditioners, and water dispensers........Basic modern furniture and household appliances can be seen here

"It's not a cozy cottage.....A room full of fans, it's really cozy!!!!!"

Luffy looked at the cozy little house in disbelief, then looked at Ike and said,"So you are also a person with special abilities!"

Then, Luffy asked curiously,"Ike, are you really willing to be my partner and not join the navy?"

In Luffy's opinion, Ike has been persuading him to give up being a pirate and join the navy, probably because he himself wants to be a navy.

Hearing Luffy's words, Ike shook his head and said,"Since we are on your ship, we are companions."

Although Ike's words were plain, Luffy was very satisfied to hear them.

Although Ike has been persuading him not to be a pirate, Luffy has no ill feelings towards Ike. Instead, he feels that he is a very interesting person.

For Luffy, as long as he thinks you are an interesting person, he will invite you on board.

No.....To be precise, he doesn't care whether you are human or not....

Ike took off his wet clothes and threw them into the pink drying box, then said to Luffy,"Luffy, take off your clothes and pants too! Let them dry!""

"oh...."Luffy didn't hesitate at all and took off all his clothes. He looked around the cozy little house and smiled.

"but....This room is all pink! It's the same as Dadan's room!"


"So, Ike, you also have a girlish heart, right?"

"Um...I think so! When I asked Dadan why she liked fans, she said that he had a girl's heart!"

"Although I don't know what a girl's heart is, I always feel that it looks so powerful...."

Ike held his forehead and said,"Luffy, I want to rest, don't make noise!"

At this time, Ike didn't want to discuss the issue of girlish heart with Luffy. He extracted the dragon-slaying magic crystal he had drawn. He planned to absorb the magic crystal during this time.

The absorption of the magic crystal is very simple. Just put it on your forehead and think about absorbing it in your mind.

It can be said to be a very fool-proof operation.

In less than ten minutes, Ike completed the absorption.

After successfully absorbing the magic crystal, Ike felt that his physical fitness had become much stronger.

Moreover, to activate the dragon-slaying magic, he did not rely on the magic power stored in the body, but on his own physical strength.

At this time, Ike was equivalent to taking a devil fruit without side effects.

Just when Ike realized his own changes, Luffy asked curiously,"Ike, when can we leave here?"

Ike heard this, thought about it and said,"At least wait until the storm outside stops!"

As he spoke, Ike opened a space door and began to check the situation of the sea outside.

He found that the outside was still turbulent and the typhoon was howling, so Ike closed the door again.

"Let's take a nap first! I think the weather outside will clear up after a nap."

After saying that, Ike was the first to lie down on the big bed and prepare to rest.

But before resting, he took out the candy box that he couldn't finish eating and poured out a candy.

Holding the candy the size of his little finger, Ike looked at it carefully and found two words written on it: [Avoid water】

"so...Can I avoid water if I eat this candy?"

Looking at the size of the candy, it can be held in the mouth for more than ten minutes! In other words, holding this candy can allow you to swim in the water for fifteen minutes. I wonder what will happen if a Devil Fruit user eats it? After putting the candy away, Ike planned to take a nap.

Since crossing over, Ike hasn't had a good rest for more than two days.

Before resting, he took a look at Luffy and found that the carefree Luffy had fallen asleep on the floor.........

Ten hours later, the East China Sea returned to calm. A space door suddenly appeared at the place where Ike and Luffy disappeared. Then a head popped out. It was Ike.

"Well! There's nothing wrong outside, let's go out!"

Luffy cheered and went straight through the space door. With a"plop", he fell directly into the sea.


Ike was a little speechless. He took out the water-proof candy that he had poured out from the candy box and put it into the mouth of Luffy who was struggling in the sea.

"Luffy....Don't swallow this candy! It won't work if you swallow it!"

At this time, Luffy didn't listen to Ike's words. He found that a circle of transparent film suddenly appeared around him. With this film, he could swim freely in the water.

Most importantly, he could also dive and breathe in the water.....


Seeing that Luffy was planning to go deep-sea diving, Ike immediately jumped down and stopped his stupid behavior. He told Luffy that the effect of the water-repellent candy would only last for a dozen minutes, which made Luffy calm down.

With the water-repellent candy, Luffy's speed in the water was no different from that on land. Then he ran all the way with Ike, trying to find an island with people or a ship.......

Ten minutes later, just when the effect of the water-repellent candy was about to disappear, the two finally saw a ship, and it was a passenger ship.

But before he could come and go, he saw a pirate ship flying a skull flag also eyeing the passenger ship.

The flag of this pirate ship was a skull with a red heart on it.

Ike recognized this flag, it was the first pirate boss Luffy met, Alrita

"It seems that I can use Alrita to test my system's recognition of the private navy!"

Thinking of this, Ike shouted to Luffy,"Luffy, speed up, we...."

Before he could finish his words, Luffy had already started floundering in the water.

Ike knew that the water-repellent candy must have lost its effect.

In the end, Ike had no choice but to swim with Luffy to the side of the passenger ship and climb up the rope ladder.

As soon as he got on the passenger ship, Luffy started clamoring for food.

Ike had no choice but to let Luffy go find food alone, while he began to enforce justice as a private navy.

At this time, several pirates were threatening several wealthy businessmen on the deck of the cruise ship, asking them to hand over their gold and silver jewelry.

Seeing this, Ike naturally rushed up without hesitation.

A stream of air gathered on his fist, which was the power of the Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.

At this time, several pirates also noticed Ike........

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