"Lord Dragon...Dragon Lord...."Seeing that Long Ye was motionless, Abisi ran down the mountain.

When she got to Long Ye, she found that Long Ye was dead.

Looking at Long Ye's motionless body, Abisi cried,"Long Ye, didn't you say that you would get better as long as you returned to your hometown? Why....Why...Why did you lie to me?"

At this moment, Luffy and Zoro flew over.

Seeing Abis crying, Luffy said to her,"Lord Dragon is a lost thousand-year-old dragon."

"He has been alone for a thousand years!"

"But in the last days, he met a friend named Abis. He said that in the past thousand years, the year he lived with Abis was the happiest time for him."

No one else could understand Luffy's words, but Abis, who possessed the Whisper Fruit, heard them clearly.

Abis looked at Lord Long and murmured,"Lord Long,....I am glad to know you as my friend.....I am also very happy."

As she spoke, Abis started crying again.

After all, it was a friend she had known for more than a year who died, and Luffy could not persuade her with just a few words.

At this moment, a slight sound of breaking was heard not far away.

Hearing this sound, Abis turned her head and saw a dragon egg that looked like a fossil breaking, and then a newborn Millennium Dragon broke out of the shell.

When Abis saw this young Millennium Dragon, it was as if she saw the reincarnation of Lord Long. Seeing the birth of the little Millennium Dragon, Abis seemed to have grown up several years in an instant. She stopped crying, but was happy for Lord Long who was able to return home and the little Millennium Dragon who was just born.

He wiped away his tears and came to Luffy, thanking him,"Luffy....thank you very much for your help!"

"You're welcome...."......

At this time, Usopp, the Millennium Dragon, and Sanji, the Millennium Dragon, who were going to return the Golden Merry to the sea, also came to Luffy.

Ike also flew over with Nami.

Ike smiled and took out the monkey charm to change them back to their original appearance.

"How does it feel to become a Millennium Dragon?"

Luffy said excitedly after hearing what Ike said,"It's very interesting. Can I become something else next time?"

Zoro took out his wine gourd and took a sip and said,"It's a very interesting experience, but I still like the feeling of fighting by myself."

Usopp's idea was much simpler.

"Ike, next time we fight, you must turn me into a powerful monster!"

Sanji came to Ike carefully and said,"Ike....Do me a favor! Next time when there is a beautiful girl, please turn me into a cute dog or cat! Please, I want to experience the rough ocean!" As soon as

Sanji finished speaking, blood started flowing from his nose.

Although Sanji's voice was not loud, Nami still heard it. Nami punched Sanji, who was bleeding from his nose, and knocked him out.

Zoro also commented with three words"Sexy Kappa"".......

Naval Headquarters

"What? A brigadier general in the East China Sea had most of his fleet killed or wounded? How did he survive in the East China Sea?"

Zhan Guo slammed the table and cursed at Den Den Mushi.

Logically speaking, in the East China Sea, a brigadier general with a naval fleet was basically invincible, and no pirates could defeat him.

Suddenly.......Sengoku thought of one person, Garp's grandson Luffy.

If there was anyone who could cause such a big commotion in the East China Sea, it would probably be that kid.

"Hello....Could it be that Straw Hat Boy Luffy did it?" Sengoku asked anxiously.

"that....Marshal, this incident has nothing to do with the private navy, and they also rescued a lot of navy soldiers who fell into the water and were injured!"

Hearing that it was not Luffy who did it, Sengoku was relieved.

"So what exactly happened?"

"It was because of the Millennium Dragon. Commodore Nelson wanted to capture the Millennium Dragon, which angered the Millennium Dragon group. Then several Millennium Dragons went out and destroyed nearly half of the navy fleet."

"Bastard! What was that idiot brigadier general thinking?"

When he heard that he had provoked a group of wild beasts and caused the navy's combat power to be damaged, Zhan Guo became even more angry.

As for the thousand-year-old dragon bones, they could be used to make elixirs of immortality.....That's pure bullshit.

The World Government was looking for treasures that could increase lifespan and immortality. They had found a lot of thousand-year-old dragon bones and even hunted a lot of them. It turns out that was just a rumor.

"Gather Nelson's men together again. As for that idiot Nelson, I will ask Garp to bring him back to the headquarters for trial!"

After saying that, Sengoku hung up the phone and called Garp again to tell him what happened in the East China Sea.

He also praised Luffy.

After all,....

Luffy and his crew also saved the lives of many navy soldiers.....It was Luffy and his men who destroyed the navy ship............

The view returned to the Battleship Island.

After solving the Millennium Dragon incident, the Straw Hat Pirates had a real meal of buns made by Grandpa Abis before boarding the Golden Merry to continue sailing.

The next step was to enter the Grand Line.

According to Nami's instructions, everyone steered the Golden Merry towards the Red Earth Continent.

When they arrived at the Red Earth Continent, everyone was shocked by the Red Earth Continent that was 10,000 meters high.

"that....Nami, how do we cross the Red Earth Continent?....It's too high!"

Usopp looked up and found that he couldn't see the top of the Red Earth Continent with his eyesight. To be precise, he could only see the clouds because the Red Earth Continent was too high.

Although Nami had heard that the Red Earth Continent was very high and big, she was still shocked when she saw it with her own eyes.

However, as a navigator, she naturally had to lead the crew to cross the Red Earth Continent.

As early as in Rogue Town, she had already begun to collect information about crossing the Red Earth Continent.

"Don't worry! Our ship can cross the Red Earth Continent."

While speaking, Nami pointed to an inconspicuous crack in the Red Earth Continent.

That's right.....Compared to the entire red earth continent, the crack is indeed inconspicuous, but it is large enough for a large sailing ship to pass through.

Zoro and Sanji were operating the rudder, while the others looked in the direction of Nami's finger and saw that the sea water in the crack was actually flowing upstream, which was amazing.

With the upstream current, the ship can really climb the mountain.

"Everyone, we must steer the ship well to enter the portal. If we hit the red soil continent on both sides, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will die!"

After hearing Nami's words, everyone became extremely serious.

It is very difficult to operate the rudder in turbulent sea water, especially in the face of this strange upwelling current.

One careless mistake will result in the destruction of the ship and the death of everyone.

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