A few days ago,

Sengoku received a request for help from King Cobra of Alabasta, and the reason for the request was that there was a rebellion of the revolutionary army in their country.

Originally, Sengoku planned to send troops directly to resolve the rebellion, but was rejected by Cobra because.....The revolutionary army is composed entirely of civilians from their country, and he does not want any bloodshed or sacrifice.

Sengoku knows that Cobra is a good king, but he would be a little conflicted if Cobra did not allow the navy to enter Alabasta directly.

Because there is a troublesome existence in Alabasta, and that is the Shichibukai Crocodile.

As a Shichibukai appointed by the World Government, the Navy has no control over him, unless Crocodile has committed an unforgivable felony.

Things like human trafficking, ordinary looting of merchant ships, and even confrontation with the Navy, as long as they do not touch the bottom line of the World Government, the Shichibukai can do it.

This is also what makes a righteous navy like Sengoku very indignant. The system of the Shichibukai is a complete insult to the entire Navy.

Even if he is unwilling, but....The Navy can only swallow its bitterness in silence because the Navy is also an institution under the World Government and its military expenditures and other expenses all depend on the World Government.......

After communicating with Cobra, Zhan Guo also knew the real purpose of Cobra's request for help.

He did not want the navy to help suppress the rebellion. To be precise, as long as the people under his rule could live well, he would be willing to step down as king......He also knew that there must be a mastermind behind this revolution.

And Cobra's purpose in looking for Zhan Guo was to hope that the navy would help find the mastermind behind it.........

When Sengoku heard about the Revolutionary Army, he naturally thought of Garp's son, Dragon, who was the biggest leader of the Revolutionary Army.

That's why he asked Garp to come over. After all, Dragon was his son........

After listening to Sengoku's explanation, Garp also fell into deep thought.

After thinking for a while, Garp frowned and said,"I know Cobra, he is a good king, and Alabasta is prosperous under his rule."

"Although Dorag was in revolution,....The countries he revolutionized were basically those where the people were living in poverty because of the World Government's gold. I believe that the revolution in Alabasta has absolutely nothing to do with Dragon."

Although he is in the navy, Garp knows his son very well.

Dragon was originally a navy, and a backup for the admiral. It was because he saw the dark side of the world government's world aristocrats that he chose to quit the navy, change the world, and create the revolutionary army.

So....He would never interfere in a harmonious country like Alabasta.

"Rather than saying that Dragon is causing trouble, it is better to say that Crocodile is the one causing the trouble!"

Zhan Guo nodded. He also watched Dragon grow up and understood Dragon's character very well.

"I also believe that this matter has nothing to do with Dorag, but....If we want to enter Alabasta to investigate, we must find a legitimate reason!"

"My purpose is not to investigate the revolutionary army, but....Crocodile, I guess the mastermind behind the rebellion in Alabasta is probably Crocodile."

Sengoku knows that pirates are pirates, especially pure pirates like Crocodile and Doflamingo. If there is any blame, it is right to put it on them.......

"I say, Sengoku, since you also said that this matter has nothing to do with Dragon, then you should just send someone to investigate Crocodile!"

"I have no objection to you entering Alabasta in the name of investigating Dragon."

Just like that, Garp directly sold out his son's reputation.

Sengoku smiled and shook his head and said,"I suddenly thought of a better way!"

"That is to let the private navy enter Alabasta to investigate!"

Then, Zhan Guo said his next plan.

The plan has coincidences and inevitability.

That is....

The Straw Hat Pirates enter Alabasta, and then Smoker enters Alabasta in the name of capturing Luffy.....With Luffy's help, the water in Alabasta will be muddied, and then the reliable Smoker will conduct an investigation...........

After hearing Sengoku's plan, Garp thought about it for a moment and agreed. Then he took out Den Den Mushi and started to contact Ike.......

At the same time, in the town of Whiskey Peak, almost all the bounty hunters here were chopped down by Zoro.

Only Mr. Wednesday and his duck were left.

It was not that Zoro was merciful to women, but Sanji took action.

Sanji's chivalry would never let a beautiful woman be chopped in front of him.

Zoro also understood the temperament of Sanji, the nymphomaniac cook, and did not intend to bother with him.

Just when Zoro took out the wine gourd and was about to take a gulp, a man and a woman walked over here.

The people who came were Baroque Works' senior agents, Mr. 5 and Mr. Valentine.

When Valentine saw these low-level bounty hunters lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive, she did not have the slightest pity, but kept mocking them.

"Ha ha ha ha.....What a loser! He can't even handle a pirate swordsman!"

Hearing this harsh voice, Mr. 8, also known as Ikalem, looked unwilling.

"you....Are you here to laugh at our jokes?"

"hehe...."Mr. 5 with afro showed a disdainful expression and said,"We are not that boring. The boss has assigned us a task, and the goal is to kill the person who knows his secret!"

Mr. Valentine looked at Princess Weiwei and continued,"After our investigation, the identity of the person that the boss wants us to kill is really incredible!"

"Is that right? The princess of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi, whose whereabouts are still unknown!"

Ikarem's expression changed drastically when he heard this. He then stood up despite the knife wound on his body and fired at the two people in front of him.

"Princess Weiwei, please leave! I will stop them....."

After a burst of gunfire, smoke and dust rose up.

As we all know, as long as there is smoke, there must be no damage.

After Mr.5 easily withstood the bombardment, he dug out a piece of booger and ejected it, directly knocking Ikalem to the ground.

Mr.5 is the user of the Explosion Fruit.

The ability of this fruit can be said to be very powerful, but....I don't know why, this guy only knows how to use boogers...........

At this time, the Straw Hat Pirates were still watching the show on the roof.

"I said.....Did this booger man and that woman treat us like air?"

As soon as Usopp finished speaking, a black figure rushed out. It was Sanji.

Sanji saw that the beautiful Vivi was in danger, so he rushed out decisively.

But after rushing out, he was entangled again, because....Mr Valentine is also a beauty, he just can't do it....

As a last resort, Sanji could only change his target midway and kicked Mr. 5 in the face.

At the same time, Ike also took action.

Holding Lake Toya, he came to Mr. Valentine's side at a very fast speed and knocked her out with a wooden sword.

""Hey? Ike's actions just now looked familiar to me."

Nami asked curiously.

Usopp nodded and said,"Indeed, he looks familiar."

After saying that, the two of them looked at Zoro who was drinking.

"The sword move Ike just used was indeed my sword move. When did he learn it?" Zoro asked in surprise........

Just as Ike slapped Mr. Valentine away, the mini Den Den Mushi in his pocket started ringing.

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