Badges' fighting style is very wild. Facing Ike, he did not have any intention of defending himself. He just rushed forward with only one goal, which was to kill the skinny guy in front of him.

For Badges, who is three meters and five meters tall, Ike is indeed skinny in front of him.

Ike did not intend to fight Badges head-on, but to use cleverness to break his strength.

After opening the Sharingan, Badges's big and wide movements made Ike see it very clearly.

Badges is very fast, but Ike is faster, and with the help of the Sharingan, Ike can easily dodge his fists with his agile body, and at the same time he can dodge and punch Badges twice in the side. A punch thrown with the technique of Flowing Water Rock Breaking Fist can easily shatter rocks, but....The blow only made Badgers' body tremble, and then he counterattacked.

Ike dodged and attacked again, this time his fist was wrapped with hurricane, which pierced Badgers' lower back like a drill, giving him a kidney shot.

"asshole....You hurt me!"

As he spoke, Badgers turned around and slapped Ike on the head.

Hearing Badgers say"You hurt me" in such a wild voice, Ike was stunned for a moment and almost got slapped on the head by him.....

"I wipe....How can you say such a vicious thing!"

Badgers ignored Ike's words and turned around to continue attacking.

But after a few attacks, Badgers gave up because....He really can't catch Ike....

Moreover, each time Ike's counterattack was getting stronger and stronger, but this kind of battle was just what he wanted.

Just when Ike was waiting for Badgers to continue attacking, he saw that Badgers actually closed his eyes and stopped attacking.

At first, Ike thought he had some conspiracy and stood there for a while. After realizing that he didn't seem to have any movement, he began to attack actively.

Ike naturally cherished the opportunity to fight with a strong man like Badgers. The reason why Badgers felt that the force of Ike's attack on him was getting stronger and stronger was because Ike was gradually increasing his strength.

The purpose was to know to what extent his own strength could be used against Badgers, who had a perverted physique, so as to enhance his control over his strength.

After all, there was still undigested medicinal power in the body. Every time Ike absorbed some medicinal power, his strength would become stronger. So before absorbing the medicinal power next time, he must be able to control the increase in strength......

Seeing that Badgers was standing there with his eyes closed as if he had given up resisting, Ike took the initiative to attack.

The Flowing Rock Crushing Fist kept hitting various parts of Badgers' body. The pain made Badgers' expression become very hideous, and blood even flowed from the corners of his mouth. But even so, he still chose not to open his eyes, but just closed his eyes and tried to avoid Ike's attack.

At the beginning, every punch of Ike could hit Badgers' vital points.

But after dozens of punches, Badgers was able to make Ike's fist hit a position with stronger defense through slight movements.

At this time, Ike realized Badgers' purpose

"damn it...He is using his Observation Haki to cultivate his Observation Haki!"

In addition to Ike, Kuleha, who was watching the game, also discovered Badges's purpose

"hehe....Young people nowadays are really wild!".....

Ike naturally would not give Badgers a chance to practice. He originally planned to continue fighting with physical skills, but he decisively chose to use magic.

Gusts of wind blew in front of Ike, and then a magic circle appeared under Badgers' feet.

Badgers immediately felt the danger, and just as he was about to leave the place, a huge tornado appeared out of nowhere.

""Tianlong's Broken Fang Wave Wind!"

This move is an upgraded version of Tianlong's Wave Wind.

Tianlong's Wave Wind creates a tornado that blows the enemy up.

The Broken Fang Wave Wind adds a sickle-like wind blade to the tornado.......

After being blown up by the tornado, Buggy screamed in it, and slowly the originally white tornado began to turn red.

When the tornado dissipated, Buggy, who fell to the ground, had turned into a blood gourd.

Fortunately, Buggy is also thick-skinned. Although it looks miserable, the injuries on his body are all superficial injuries. Most of the damage from the wind blades was blocked by his muscles as strong as steel.

Buggy, covered in blood and with his clothes completely torn into strips, stood up from the ground.

At this time, Buggy's eyes were red. He had never been so miserable since his debut.

He couldn't relieve his anger without killing a few people. Thinking of this, Buggy looked at the other people present.

He first looked at Luffy, and as for Chopper next to Luffy, Buggy directly skipped him.

Luffy and Usopp are both young and look very energetic. They look like Ike, and they are also as hard to catch as loaches.

In fact, if Buggy really found Luffy, Luffy would never fight like Ike. He would definitely fight with Buggy!

After giving up Luffy, Buggy looked at the old man, the woman and the long nose on the other side, and then a grim smile appeared on his face.

"Kid....Since I can't catch you, I'll just attack the people around you. Let's see what you can do?"

Thinking of this, Badges decisively rushed towards Vivi, Kuleha and Usopp. To be precise, he set his target on Kuleha, who was the easiest to bully. Seeing this

, Ike decisively stopped him and blew out the roar of the dragon, intending to blow Badges away.

Of course, Badges would not be blown away so easily. He suddenly thrust his hands into the ground under the ground and took the dragon's breath.

After the dragon's breath, Badges pulled his hands out and then rushed towards Vivi and Kuleha again.

"Damn....I wanted Luffy, Zoro and Sanji to fight you too! It looks like that won't work!"

For Ike, Buggy is a very good sparring partner. The Straw Hat Pirates have the strength to suppress him, and he is also thick-skinned and has mastered some Armament Haki.....It's perfect as a sparring partner!

But now....He actually took action against Kuleha, a hidden boss..............

"Hahaha......"Old woman, go to hell!"

As he spoke, Bajes punched Kuleha in the face.

Seeing this, Kuleha simply stretched out a hand to block Bajes' attack.

"Who are you calling an old woman?"

As he spoke, Kuleha grabbed Badges' fist and pulled it forward, and while he was unstable, he hit Badges' chin with a palm.

The heavy blow to his chin directly affected his brain, and with just this one palm, Badges' body softened.

However, Kuleha's attack was not over yet. Just when Badges' huge body was about to fall forward, Kuleha raised his foot and kicked him into the air, and then kicked Badges in various parts of his body several times in a row.

Ike didn't know how heavy Kuleha's kicks were. He just heard the continuous sound of bones breaking coming from various parts of Badges' body.

After kicking him several times in a row, Kuleha turned around and kicked Badges' huge body directly.

After kicking him away, Kuleha said unhappily,"I'm just a young and beautiful woman over 130 years old. You are so rude!"

Naturally....Bajies could no longer hear Kuleha's scolding.

Seeing that Kuleha had just defeated the enemy that Ike had been unable to defeat for a while, Luffy, Vivi, Usopp, and even Chopper's eyes widened.

Especially Chopper, although he knew that his doctor Doriel was very strong,...I didn't expect him to be so strong.

Chopper was sure that if he took action, he would definitely not be the opponent of the strong man, but....But her own doctor, Doriel, kicked him away in no time.....

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