In the desert of Alabasta,

Crocodile and Sabo finally met.

One of them is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the other is a rising star of the Revolutionary Army who is about to become the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. One of them is active in the Grand Line, and the other is in the New World. Basically, there will be no intersection between them.

That is why the two just looked at each other after meeting, and no one spoke first......

A few minutes later, Crocodile, who was still feeling a little uneasy, lost his temper.

The so-called uneasiness was not because of Sabo in front of him, but because of the Revolutionary Army behind Sabo!

"Revolutionary Army, tell me why you came to Alabasta!"

In fact, Crocodile's purpose in looking for Sabo this time was only one, that is, to find a way to get the Revolutionary Army to leave Alabasta.

Next, Crocodile will seize the country of Alabasta, naturally...This is just a superficial plan. The real plan is to get Pluto, one of the three legendary ancient weapons.

If the Revolutionary Army knows about this, it will definitely be a big trouble. At that time, the Revolutionary Army will pounce on him like a shark smelling blood.

In fact, it is not only the Revolutionary Army, but also the World Government.

Pluto is too sensitive to the whole world.......

Hearing Crocodile's words, Sabo smiled and said,"We heard that there was a revolution here, so we came to take a look!"

Crocodile took a puff of the cigar in his mouth, and then said in a low voice,"No need to look, the revolution here was caused by me!"

"I advise you not to interfere in the affairs here."

After saying this, Crocodile stared at Sabo in front of him. He had already made a plan. At present, there was only one step left in his plan, so there must be no mistakes. If...If the revolutionary army still did not intend to leave, he would immediately kill the person in front of him.

Sabo did not expect that Crocodile would admit it directly. After thinking about it for a while, he guessed what Crocodile was thinking.

"Say an insignificant purpose and hide the real purpose?"

Thinking of this, Sabo smiled and said,"Okay! Our Revolutionary Army will not interfere in the affairs here, but....."

When Sabo said"but", Crocodile attacked directly in impatience. Since he said"but", it meant that he had no intention of leaving Alabasta, which made Crocodile take decisive action.

He swung his right hand into sand, and then several sand blades flew towards Sabo. This was Crocodile's signature skill [Desert Sword].

Sabo didn't expect that Crocodile would attack before he finished speaking. It was simply unethical. Then he pulled out the water pipe on his back at an extremely fast speed and directly shattered the flying Desert Sword.

Seeing Sabo's weapon, Crocodile showed a disdainful expression.

"Are you so poor in the Revolutionary Army? You are the rising star of the Revolutionary Army. You are allowed to use this kind of weapon!"

While speaking, Crocodile's lower body turned into sand, and his upper body flew towards Sabo, swinging his left hand hook fiercely.

Although the Revolutionary Army was poor, it was not a problem to get some high-end weapons, but Sabo didn't know why, he had a special liking for the water pipe in his hand.

"hehe....Our revolutionary army is indeed very poor! What? Does Crocodile want to provide some financial support?"

The water pipe covered with Armament Haki collided with Crocodile's golden hook, raising a cloud of dust.

Crocodile saw this and waved his free right hand again, controlling the surrounding sand and dust to form countless small desert swords.

At this distance, it is basically impossible to avoid the desert swords.

Sabo also discovered this, and he also knew that it was not wise to fight Crocodile, a user of the natural Sand-Sand Fruit ability, in the desert.

Sabo exerted force suddenly, forcing Crocodile in front of him to retreat, and then raised his right hand high, with his index and middle fingers together, his ring finger and little finger together, and with the thumb, Sabo's right hand formed a dragon claw posture.

Armament Haki covered the dragon claw, and finally slammed it to the ground.

"Dragon's Breath...."

This attack directly raised a large wave of sand, instantly scattering countless desert swords around.

After seeing Sabo's operation, Crocodile sneered with disdain.

"It actually created sand waves in front of me...You are so naive!"

While speaking, Crocodile also slapped one hand on the sand on the ground. He began to control the sand in the desert to become soft, hoping to create quicksand to swallow Sabo who was standing on the sand.

Sabo noticed the changes in the sand under his feet, and before he was swallowed by the sand, he stepped on the moon step and left the spot.

Sabo in mid-air no longer defended blindly this time. This time he rushed directly towards Crocodile. He used the Dragon Claw again and clawed at Crocodile.

Feeling the domineering on Sabo's hand, Crocodile covered the domineering on the golden hook and went up.

In the original work, when fighting Luffy, Crocodile did not use domineering at all. The reason was simple, because there was no need.

To deal with Luffy, the rubber man who can't use domineering, any attack method of Crocodile will be more beneficial than domineering.

Whether it is dehydrating Luffy into a dried human, or using the golden hook weapon, or even the final poison.

If the damage of a punch to Luffy with domineering is 1, then other means can even reach 10, so....There is no need to use Haki against Luffy.

But it is different against Sabo. Sabo is a master of Haki. It is unrealistic to use playful means to deal with Sabo.......

Sabo's dragon claw grabbed Crocodile's golden hook, and there was a"click" sound...."

The sound of"Crocodile's Armament Haki" continued to sound, and Crocodile's golden hook covered with Armament Haki began to crack, and it was about to be completely crushed by the Dragon's Claw.....Crocodile knew that in terms of domineering strength, he was not as good as the young Sabo in front of him.

As a last resort, he took off the prosthetic golden hook on his left hand, and then his body turned into sand, wanting to launch a sneak attack.

As long as his hand could touch Sabo, he could instantly absorb the water in Sabo's body. Although he could not absorb it into a human body, he could also reduce the opponent's physical strength.

Sabo also guessed Crocodile's idea, but he had no intention of continuing to fight with Crocodile. This was a desert, and it was basically impossible to defeat Crocodile. If he wanted to escape, he just needed to blend his body into the desert.

Since it was a battle without results, Sabo naturally would not waste time and energy to continue to entangle with Crocodile here.

Anyway, the purpose of meeting Crocodile this time has been achieved.

Sabo already knew that Crocodile's real purpose was not the country of Alabasta, but there was a deeper purpose.

Now that he knew it, the next step was to stay here and continue investigating.

Thinking of this, Sabo stepped on the moon step again and came to the air. Just when he was about to leave, he saw a familiar figure with his peripheral vision.

"That is.....Nico Robin?"

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