Alabasta Rainland.

Because it is Crocodile's home, Rainland is considered a first-tier city in the entire Alabasta, and it is the most prosperous one. Many wealthy people in Alabasta choose to settle in this gold-consuming city.

However, such a prosperous city has ushered in the biggest chaos in history today........

On the street leading to the casino, Ace Charizard and Luffy were running wildly. Ace would occasionally spray flames behind him, and his target was Smoker, who was chasing them.

"Monsters, don't run......"

Smoker awkwardly recited the previously agreed-upon lines.

At this moment, Luffy turned to look at Smoker, with expectation flickering in his eyes.

Smoker also knew that since things had come to this, he had no choice but to die.

Smoker pointed at the two troublemakers and shouted,"I am the righteous Masked Marine Smoker. Today I will destroy these two monsters that are destroying the peace of the sea....."


Hearing Smoker's words, Charizard Ace spewed out several more flames from his mouth. This time the target was not Smoker, but several houses around Smoker.

Now Ace and Luffy appear as villains, so naturally they have to do some things that only villains would do.

The whole house was blown up in an instant, but Ace used his Observation Haki to confirm that no one was in these houses before he attacked.

Next, Luffy, as a monster, fought a battle called special effects against the masked navy wearing masks.

This kind of battle, which was like a child playing house, made Smoker's feet so embarrassed that they almost dug out three bedrooms and a living room.

As for why it turned out like this? That's because Smoker was just playing a role-playing game with Luffy.......

Before, after deciding on the plan, Luffy, who had been in deep thought, said that he had an idea, and then through Chopper's translation, Luffy expressed his idea.

Before, when Ike was bored, he also took Luffy and the others to watch TV, and the content of the TV was Kamen Rider.

Just at the first sight, Luffy fell in love with the super handsome Kamen Rider, and then in those days, Luffy, Chopper and the others COS Kamen Rider in various ways.

This time, Luffy has the opportunity to play the role-playing game of Kamen Rider in front of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people, and Luffy naturally doesn't want to miss it.

After learning about Luffy's idea, Chopper and Usopp were also very excited, but after learning that it was Smoker who played the Kamen Rider instead of them, they lost interest.

Although arresting Luffy is indeed acting, Smoker, as a hard-core navy, would never agree to let him play the role of Kamen Rider to play with Luffy.....

After Smoker refused, Luffy's two brothers stood up. Since their younger brother wanted to play, how could they let Smoker disturb his interest?......

Just like that, Smoker became Kamen Rider, Luffy and Ace became monsters, and they started to show what a real special effects drama fight is like on the street.

Many members of Baroque Works also saw the movement here and said, that's it? Can a little monster enter? And a navy mask, do you think that wearing a mask will not make it clear that this guy is Smoker?

"hehe....It turns out that Colonel Smoker is such a weakling! I can beat him with just one punch!"

"Hahaha....I can do it too!"......

Listening to the laughter of the people around him, Smoker was even more speechless, so he wanted to speed up the exercise, deliberately let Luffy punch him away, and then deliberately let the two go and continue to move towards the casino.....Many members of Baroque Works tried to stop them, but Charizard Ace forced them back with just a few spit of fire........

Ten minutes later, the three chased all the way to the casino.

Because of the noise made by the three, no one was left in the casino. Even the original staff left the casino because of Ace's fire spraying everywhere.


A roar sounded in the casino, and then a hot column of fire spewed out from the mouth of Charizard Ace, aiming directly at Smoker.

Seeing this, Smoker leaned back and transformed his body into elements, pretending to be defeated.

Although Smoker dodged, the whole casino suffered. Luffy, who had extraordinary strength, wanted to continue to fight Smoker in a battle between monsters and masked navy.

Smoker was speechless about the slow movement. He was shouting in his heart,"Why haven't the bastards from Baroque Works arrived yet!"

Their movements were originally to attract attention, so that another group of people could investigate Crocodile's evidence.

Just as Smoker was praying, a group of Baroque Works people finally rushed into the casino.

More than a hundred Baroque Works millionaires armed with various weapons surrounded the three people, led by Baroque Works' senior agents, Mr. 4 and Mr. Christmas.

Mr. Christmas already knew that his boss was Crocodile, one of the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea, so he could be no less capable than the navy.

And she had just heard that the battle between the monsters and the navy was like a child's play, and she and her partner Mr. 4 could easily handle it!

""Colonel Smoker, this is the territory of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, are you crossing the line?"

Smoker smiled when she heard the words of the short-legged woman, and then pointed at Charizard Ace and Super Luffy and said,"I came here to hunt down these two monsters. The Navy will compensate you for the damage you have done!"

Smoker's words made Christmas speechless.

The reason was simple. She already knew that she was a subordinate of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which meant that her identity had changed from a bounty hunter to a pirate.

Although the Seven Warlords of the Sea are officially recognized pirates,....Who has ever seen a pirate's house being smashed and then asked the navy to pay compensation?

Besides, Smoker also had a reason to smash this place....Those are the two monsters......

"Colonel Smoker, leave these two monsters to us! No need to bother with your worries!"

After hearing what Christmas said, Smoker finally understood what relief meant!

"good....They're in your hands!"

Smoker left the dilapidated casino and planned to go find Sabo and his friends for a fight.

After Smoker left the casino, Christmas breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone, listen up, take down these two monsters!"

Mr. Christmas gave orders directly to the more than one hundred million elders behind him.

After hearing the order, the million elders, led by Mr. 4 and Christmas, rushed towards Charizard Ace and Super Strength Luffy.

These million elders all wanted to be promoted, and coupled with the fact that Luffy and Smoker's fighting power was really weak, they all rushed towards Ace and Luffy excitedly.

And....Neither Charizard nor the Monster Power are big. They are not even as big as the sea cats in the waters of Alabasta! Can this be called a monster?......

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