After a long time, the food was very delicious.

An hour later.

It was dinner time.

Rozen and Machima sat opposite each other.

The table was full of dishes.

Never underestimate the big eaters in the pirate world. In this world, the amount of food eaten is almost proportional to the strength. Some people with outstanding physiques can even directly turn the food they swallow into energy to heal their injuries and restore their physical strength.

Rozen's natural body is naturally a superb talent standing at the top of the pyramid, so in order to maintain his physical fitness, his appetite has naturally reached an astonishing level.

Although he has always maintained a decent eating posture, the weight of each bite is huge.

Machima: "...What an amazing appetite. How can Mr. Luo Zhen's body hold so much food?"

Machima asked a cute and innocent question.

Luo Zhen said teasingly: "Ms. Machima will have to adapt.

There are some special people in this world whose appetite is proportional to their strength. If you want to become stronger, you must learn to eat, otherwise how can you have enough physical strength to exercise?

So, as Miss Machima becomes stronger over time, maybe she will..."

Machima: "No, no need."

Luo Zhen smiled secretly.

Even the demon of domination will care about his figure. Machima's unintentional contrast makes people feel cute.

Luo Zhen started to find a topic.

"It's really convenient. Through the memory of that guy, he can catch all the mice in one fell swoop by using his ability through the vision of animals."

After truly seeing the use of Machima's ability, Luo Zhen felt that it was convenient and fast.

And selected nine clever dogs from them, making up an integer with the previous one.

Luo Zhen supported his chin with one hand and smiled: "It seems that Miss Machima has laid a foreshadowing. Can you tell me something?"

Machima took the last bite of steak, put down the cutlery, picked up the red wine glass on the table, and shook it gently. The wine reflected her eyes and cheeks full of mysterious and magical charm, like a dream.

"The dog at the beginning was employed by a family called Ferronio in the dark world.

It is a mafia family in the West Sea. The family business covers a wide range, but the most profitable one is the slave trade."

Luo Zhen sneered.

"Really? This is a disgusting business."

Machima: "So, let some of those stray dogs live. Lurk in that family, maybe we can use them later?"

Luo Zhen snorted coldly: "There is nothing useless. Those people can be used as substitutes for Miss Machima.

I don't want to control such a mafia family, but I hope to destroy it.

It would be better if they didn't appear in front of me, but those unknown guys in this organization are targeting us.

The life of that disgusting family has entered the countdown, and we will destroy them when we go to the West Sea in the future."

Ma Qima narrowed his eyes slightly: "Mr. Luo Zhen is really a righteous man, can't tolerate any sand in his eyes?

Perhaps the existence of those mafia is a necessary evil?"

Luo Zhen: "Don't judge me like this, Miss Machima.

I, Luo Zhen, am not a righteous partner, nor a saint.

I have my own morality, and I will only protect what I care about and value.

I hate people who don't know what they are talking about, and those guys came to me with malice, which has already angered me.

And when I know that there are also a group of bad guys behind them, this anger will extend."

Luo Zhen drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp.

"So it's not for the execution of justice.

It's just that it simply angered me."

Machima put her index finger on her chin, looking innocent, and then raised her finger to give an evaluation.

"So domineering."

"Yes, I am such a domineering and unreasonable person."

Luo Zhen smiled heartily.

Machima smiled and said, "If this is what Mr. Luo Zhen wants, there is no need to wait until later. The previous dog has considerable qualities. It can easily kill the family leader by suicide alone."

Luo Zhen: "Then do it. This will save many people invisibly. It is a good thing."

The dog that the two of them passed on from mouth to mouth was naturally the Ubien at the beginning.

With his strength that is no less than that of a criminal with a bounty of over 100 million, coupled with the cooperation with the Ferronio family, he can easily

Get close to the leader of that family and put an end to that evil.

Then all you have to do next is focus on going to the East China Sea.

That plundering king seems to have some reputation, and it must be worth some system points to defeat him.

Luo Zhen wants to take Machima to take a good look at this world. His plan is to go to the east, south, west and north in this order. Moreover, there are some strong people in the four oceans during this period who are fighting for supremacy. It is not only the Grand Line that is exciting, so it is just right to use them to brush up points.

The new world is full of ups and downs, and Machima also needs to develop, so everything goes smoothly.

Luo Zhen: "Before going to the East China Sea, let's go to the Seven Waters City first."

Machima: "Seven Waters City? Is it the world's largest shipbuilding city?"

Luo Zhen smiled and said, "Yes, go there. Maybe we can find a shipbuilder who suits our eyes and let him build us an amazing ship."

Speaking of shipbuilding, Luo Zhen thought of one person.

That is the legendary shipbuilder Tom, the master of Franky and Escuba in the original book.

I don't know if he is in the Seven Waters City during this period.

How can I not want to have my own ship when I come to this world?

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen is full of expectations.

On the other side.

A sea area very close to Mermaid Island in the New World.

Lingling looked through the intelligence she had obtained, with a playful smile on her face: "Is that guy from the Warring States guarding the Sabaody Archipelago?

Humph, after knowing our movements, maybe that guy is waiting there self-righteously."

A short and fat middle-aged man beside him asked while eating dessert: "Lingling, what should we do?"

Lingling glanced sideways: "Long Bread, you stay and command this main ship, I will fly directly over with Zeus!"

Long Bread sighed helplessly. Hearing that Lingling was desperate to find another man, he was anxious and angry.

But Lingling is an extraordinary woman. You can't look at her with the eyes of a normal person. Besides, the two of them have already ended. Even if he is unwilling, he has no right to say anything.

Lingling didn't care whether Long Baomai agreed or not. She stepped on Zeus and flew into the air.

Long Baomai directly ordered the main ship to fire at the naval observation ship that was following them to cover Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling looked directly at the first half of the Grand Line. The fire in her heart that wanted to see Luo Zhen burned more and more, and her speed increased rapidly!

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