The food was very delicious.


Warm lights, a gorgeous room, and a sumptuous meal.

Not long ago, I was still experiencing the ugliness of human nature outside, and the pain in my body was still reminding me that all this was not a dream.

Yulia relied on her amazing perseverance to maintain her decent eating posture. Her violet gemstone eyes looked left and right, like a small animal still under environmental stress, which was very cute in the eyes of those who cared.

Luo Zhen crossed his hands under his chin and stared at the little girl sitting opposite him with a kind face.

"Is that so... daughter of a fallen noble. It's not easy for you. You were forced to experience the darkness of human nature at the age of twelve. You could have enjoyed your childhood without worries, but you ended up like this because of the war.

Heh... fate is such a fucking thing. Whenever you think it is favoring you, or even in your control, it will turn its face and tease and whip you in the most torturous way.

Destroy everything you have, and then tear open the ugliest side of the world to you, force you into a corner, ridicule you, and destroy you."

Luo Zhen said earnestly, but then showed a hearty smile.

"But all this has changed.

Maybe your parents are blessing you in heaven.

Not only did you escape from danger, but you also met us."

The man's tone was not small, as if he had everything in his hands. If it were someone else, Yulia might not take it seriously, just thinking it was an adult's self-praise.

But the man in front of him was different.

Whether it is her appearance or her temperament, she exudes the demeanor of a "big shot".

And the ability of the woman who was with me not long ago...

She doesn't look like an ordinary human being, does she?

Then the man who is with her must not be an ordinary person either.

A warm touch came from her head.

Machima stroked Yulia's little head, with a slightly happy smile on her face.

"In order to make it easier to act with Mr. Luo Zhen, Biscuit also needs a reliable caretaker.

I saw it... Little Yulia has a good eye, and she will definitely grow into an outstanding person in the future."

She spoke gently, but to the sensitive Yulia, it had another meaning. What's the matter with this tone that seems to be comforted as a pet?

This woman is really dangerous...

Yulia tilted her little head, her eyes were slightly alert to Machima, and her mouth chewed food, like a little hamster, so cute and not intimidating at all.

Machima smiled and looked at Luo Zhen: "Mr. Luo Zhen, what do you think? Can you keep little Yulia?"


Yulia felt a little angry for no reason when she heard the word.

Being treated as a pet, what's the difference between that and the evil adult who treated her like that in the rainy alley before?

Yulia began to think about how to get out.

Luo Zhen smiled and nodded: "I have no objection."

Machima's mouth corners rose, and when she was about to say something to celebrate, the girl next to her stood up directly.

Yulia's little face was full of determination. Facing the hospitality of Luo Zhen and Machima, she bowed suddenly, knocked her little head heavily on the table, and knocked some tableware flying.


Luo Zhen and Machima were speechless for a while.

After a while, Yulia's nose was red, tears were rolling in her eyes, and she said stubbornly despite the pain: "I am very grateful for your rescue and hospitality... But I have to go!

I am not from the same world as you, and I don't want to be treated as a pet or a slave. I have my dignity!

If possible, please allow me to do something for you to repay your kindness! No matter what it is, please!"

The girl finished her stubborn and passionate voice, bowed heavily again, and knocked her head again.


Luo Zhen murmured, his expression thoughtful, and then a smile appeared on his face, which gradually expanded and turned into a rebellious laugh.

"No, before you said this, if you left timidly or left calmly and indifferently, I would not stop you.

But after hearing what you said, I can't let you leave like this."

Yulia raised her head stubbornly, her face had become like a little cat, it was obviously painful, but she endured it, what a fool.

"Huh? Why...?"

Yulia asked in such a trembling voice.

Luo Zhen leaned forward, a little

She said without joking, "Because your eyes are just like what Miss Machima said... Really good! People with such eyes, in my opinion... are simply rare treasures! Talents!

Not long ago, she was just a pampered aristocratic girl. After suffering from social beatings for several months and experiencing the warmth and coldness of human nature, she still has such a backbone and her own morality...!

Very good, I am optimistic about you!"


Luo Zhen's enthusiastic attitude and praiseful tone made Yulia's long-lost heart surge with warmth.

How long has it been since I felt this way?

It seemed that not long ago, when I was starving, an old woman put a piece of bread in my hand, and her kind eyes were just like that time.

Damn... I obviously don't want to be a big shot of the evil adults anymore, why can't I stop crying?


Tears flowed from her eyes, across her still chubby face, crying like the Sky-Strong Doll in the cartoon, cute and pitiful.


The little Shiba Inu Biscuit squatting next to Machima barked at this time.

Machima bent down and picked her up, gently stroking the dog's head, coaxing: "Okay, okay, Biscuit, Yulia is a brave girl, she will cheer up."

Luo Zhen smiled slightly, and then said gently in the girl's sobs: "Stay, Yulia. From now on, you will never be cold and hungry again, and no one will be able to bully you again.

You have a new family now."

Yulia wiped her tears. Until now, she still couldn't believe it. How did things progress to this point?

And now she wanted to trust the man who spoke.

He had a convincing charm.

"Can I really stay...? Treat this place as my new home?"

Yulia asked in a trembling voice, not wanting to escape like this, but only hoping, and even praying in her heart.

Luo Zhen: "Sure and sure!"

The man's tone was unquestionable, and his words were infectious, as if every word was worth a thousand gold, making the stone in the girl's heart fall to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Yulia was grateful, with a childlike smile on her face.

Even if she didn't want to be a partner of justice, since the suffering in front of her could be eliminated with just a little effort, why should she be indifferent?

What's more, this girl has potential. Talent cultivation should start from childhood. Not only is Luo Zhen looking forward to the partners in the other dimension, but the high-quality seeds in this world are also not impossible to pick.

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