At the same time.

On a deserted island.

A silver phantom penetrated the clouds at an extremely terrifying speed and quickly sank into the earth from the sky.

Boom! !

A dull vibration was heard in the center of the deserted island.

The vast dust instantly spread out from the landing point of the phantom, showing yellow-brown radial ripples on the ground and submerging the surrounding trees.

The cool sea breeze whistled and quickly blew away the dust.

A huge pit appeared in the crooked woods.

The top of the small metal ark was completely submerged in the ground, and the hull was almost twisted into a knot.

"You damn bastard... don't you know how to control your speed?"

Barrett rubbed his head and walked out of the smoke and dust, moving his neck, making crackling sounds, and said with an unhappy face.

"It's good enough that I didn't leave you on that island to die. Don't ask so much of your savior."

Darren walked out of the deep pit panting, carrying Senior's arm on his shoulder.

As he spoke, he carefully put down Senior, who was covered in blood, to avoid touching his wounds, and let his back lean against the trunk of a big tree.

"Where am I..."

Senior slowly woke up from his coma at this time, and opened his eyelids with difficulty, and his cracked lips opened and closed to make sounds.

"We escaped."

Darren sat down next to Senior, took out a pack of wrinkled cigarettes without any manners, and smiled at him:

"I've seen your injuries."

"Don't worry, you won't die."

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and handed it to Senior.

"I told you, when you survive, we'll sit together and have a good smoke."

Senior was stunned.

He looked at Darren's bloody face, was silent for a while, and took the cigarette from Darren.

"Hey, where did you get the cigarette? Give me one too."

Barrett, who was sitting not far away, suddenly shouted.

Darren took out a lighter, lit it for Senior and himself, and then threw it to Barrett.

"I found it from the body of one of the pirates when I broke out of the prison."

He said casually.

Barrett bit the cigarette in his mouth and sneered:

"Your style of doing things is really becoming more and more like a pirate."


The three of them sat there smoking, looking up through the mottled leaves and shadows, looking at the blue sky and white clouds above their heads. No one spoke for a while.

The warm sunshine fell, and the sea breeze blew refreshingly on their cheeks, as if it could dispel all the fatigue and pain.

They couldn't help but squint their eyes, enjoying the short leisure time after the battle.

"Hey Darren, do you think Kaido will be so angry this time?"

Barrett blew out a long stream of smoke and glanced at Darren with a smile:

"We turned the base camp upside down and destroyed all the arms production lines."

Darren shrugged, blew out a smoke ring, and smiled:

"Who knows?"

"But then again, I didn't expect that I could cooperate with you like this."

The move "Splitting the Country" was a combined attack technique that the two of them figured out during their short time in prison.

The inspiration for this move came from Barrett's murderous intention to destroy a country and Darren's understanding of the giant tribe's combined attack technique "Hegemony".

By bursting out a sufficient amount of armed color domineering in an instant, and driving it with inhuman physique and strength at the same time... With the combined efforts of the two, they actually blocked Kaido's full-strength attack wrapped with domineering color domineering.

Although Kaido's combat power during this period was far from reaching the peak level of later generations, this record is still worthy of Darren and Barrett's pride.

After all, their cooperation time was very short and their running-in was extremely limited, and this move "Splitting the Country" was still in an imperfect state.

In Darren's calculation, the real "Splitting the Country" is definitely not inferior to the "Sea Domination" move performed by Kaido and BIG·MOM.

Under ideal conditions, the true power of this move, just as its name suggests, has the terrifying power to tear a country apart with one blow.

"Hahahahaha!! Who would have thought that two "enemies of life and death" would actually cooperate to develop a powerful combat skill!?"

Barrett couldn't help laughing, and his messy golden hair flew into the air.

The still somewhat immature face was stained with dried blood, but there was a sense of domineering and heroic.

He flicked the ash with a familiar movement.

"This world is so absurd..."

Darren smiled, took a deep puff of the cigarette, and looked up at the sky.

"Yeah, it's really absurd."

Senior looked at the two guys in front of him quietly, and found that both of them gradually lowered their heads and stared at the cigarettes in their hands.

Birds flew through the forest, and the sunset glow filled the distant sky and sea.

When the last ash fell to the ground-

Senior's pupils suddenly shrank.


A strong wind blew in his face, blowing his hair flying.

He only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his hands subconsciously grabbed the giant tree behind him.

Darren and Barrett collided with each other, fists collided, and elbows leaned against each other.

Under the collision of the armed color domineering, the storm that was raised directly pressed the trees within a radius of dozens of meters to the ground.

In an instant, the almost violent domineering color domineering burst out from the bodies of both of them at the same time.

Dense lightning continued to appear and disappear in the void, and the world lost its color, leaving only gray and white.

Senior looked at this scene with disbelief on his face.

Just now they were still talking and laughing, how come these two guys started fighting in the blink of an eye! ?

However, the confrontation between the two came and went quickly.

Only a dull roar was heard,

Darren and Barrett were both shocked back, and their feet plowed long grooves on the ground.

Dust flew.

Two burnt cigarette butts slowly fell to the ground from mid-air at this time.

Darren and Barrett looked at each other expressionlessly, and then smiled at the same time.

"If you weren't a navy, we should be able to be good friends, Darren."

Barrett smiled.

Darren smiled and shook his head, lighting another cigarette.

"I thought you were the kind of person who didn't need friends."

Barrett was startled, then burst into laughter.

"Yeah, I really don't need it."

He turned around and walked straight to the abandoned metal ark, stretched out his hand and pressed on the twisted metal hull.

With the activation of the power of the fusion fruit, the metal ark quickly squirmed like a living thing, forming a small submarine.

Darren did not stop his action, and calmly watched Barrett drag the small submarine to the sea not far away and push it into the sea.

Barrett jumped up from the shore and stood on the top of the submarine.

The setting sun in the distance made his figure red, and the sea surface was sparkling with sparkling waves.

"So Darren..."

Barrett turned his head and grinned:

"Don't become too weak, otherwise it will be too easy to kill you next time we meet, and that will be boring."

Darren waved his hand and smiled:

"Go away before I regret it."


Barrett laughed again, clenched his fists, and then dived into the submarine, and soon disappeared under the sea.

Darren stood there, quietly watching the rippling sea surface, his eyes narrowed.

The next time we meet, it may be the last fight, Barrett.





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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