At this time, Zhiyuan also walked into the office. Seeing Darren and Jiaji sitting there smoking like good friends, she frowned, but didn't say anything in the end. "Daren, the base commander." Zhiyuan saluted Darren. Darren smiled and waved his hand: "Major Zhiyuan is polite." He glanced at Zhiyuan and Jiaji casually. It can be seen that after yesterday's "sparring", they looked at themselves with a lot of conviction. After all, this sea speaks with strength. "So I wonder what your schedule is today?"

Darren gently exhaled a dragon-like smoke and asked with a smile.

Gion and Kaji looked at each other, and the former said with a serious face:

"Colonel Darren, after observation, we found that there are certain problems with the income and expenditure of your branch."

"Oh?" Darren's deep eyes flashed with interest, "Major Gion, what do you mean?"

Gion took out an intelligence document and put it on the desk, his face gradually became cold.

"Colonel Darren, according to the materials provided by the headquarters and my observations... Let's not talk about the situation of other naval branches in the North Sea for now, but the income level of the navy of Branch 321 alone is far beyond the military expenditure standard stipulated by the headquarters."

Darren flicked the ash from his cigarette and smiled:

"Isn't this a good thing? As a navy shouldering justice, we may die gloriously at any time because of the mission of suppressing pirates."

"Putting aside the so-called 'justice', the navy is an extremely dangerous profession."

"Without enough military pay and subsidies, who would be willing to give justice with such a small amount of money a month? Fight desperately?"

Gion bit his teeth:

"Colonel Darren, you know that's not what I mean!"

"What I mean is that the military expenditure of the branch comes from the allocation of the headquarters, which means that the military expenditure of the navy of each branch is certain, but under your command, the naval pay standards of the four branches have far exceeded the limit allocated by the headquarters..."

"...even five times or more than the same level of the navy of the headquarters!"

"So, Colonel Darren, what I want to ask is, where does this extra military expenditure come from?"

As soon as Darren said this, before he said anything, Kaji next to him had changed his face slightly.

Looking at the high-end cigars on the table, he suddenly realized something, turned his head, and stared at Darren.

Facing the questioning eyes of Gion and Kake, Darren just shrugged and said:

"Don't you already know the answer to this question, Colonel Gion?"

Gion gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You accepted a bribe!"


Darren seemed to have heard a funny joke, and shrugged with a smile, "No, no, no, how can it be called a bribe for the navy's business?"

"This is called a reasonable charge."

Gion looked at Darren in front of him with an unconcerned look, and couldn't help but said angrily:

"So the rumors are true, you really have a thousand connections with the North Sea Mafia, and even accepted their money!"

"Do you know that those are the hard-earned money of civilians! It's because The rampant mafia and its exploitation have led to the destruction of countless families!"

"Destroyed families?"

Darren couldn't help laughing.

"I believe you have read my performance report. Under my jurisdiction, the crime rate in the entire Beihai has been significantly reduced, and the living standards of civilians have also improved a lot."

"Major Gion, you are right. The money of the mafia does come from civilians. So, I did take money from civilians."

"But if I take money from civilians, I will do things."

"You know, in a place like Beihai, civilians are not afraid of the navy taking money, but the navy not taking money."

Gion was so angry that he trembled all over when he heard Darren's words.

Civilians are afraid of the navy not taking money? What a perverted logic! !

"Protecting civilians is the Navy's responsibility!! If you take money, the nature of it changes!! Darren, you bastard, where is your belief in justice?"

Darren smiled,

"You have your beliefs, I have my way of doing things."

"I only speak with results, and the result is that I manage the North Sea well, better than any period in history."

"The situation in the North Sea is far more complicated than you think, and many things are even more complicated.

It's what you saw in Marinford."

"Of course..."

He spread his hands,

"If you don't accept my statement, you can impeach me to the headquarters. As long as the headquarters gives an order, I am willing to accept any punishment from the headquarters."

Gion opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at this time, the flying squirrel walked in hurriedly.

"Colonel Darren..."

The flying squirrel's face was extremely solemn, as if he felt the tension in the office and was hesitant to speak.

Darren glanced at him, waved his hand and said directly:

"Tell me, what happened?"

The flying squirrel nodded and said in a deep voice:

"Germa 66's 'Killing the Four Countries' operation has begun. The evil army has assembled more than 10,000 troops and is about to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Yadis!"

"Based on the judgment of the troops and combat power of both sides, once the Kingdom of Germa launches a war, the Kingdom of Yadis is estimated to be captured within an hour. "

"Governor Tyrell of the Kingdom of Yadis has sent a request for help to our North Sea Navy, hoping that our North Sea Navy will send troops to mediate."

After the words fell, the faces of Kake and Gion suddenly changed.

Germa 66, a powerful force known as the "evil army" and "war house", is the world's only country without territory, and is also a member of the member states recognized by the World Government.

The top of the power pyramid of the Germa Kingdom is the Vinsmoke family.

As officers of the headquarters, the two of them naturally know something about the powerful military country of the North Sea.

The king of the Germa Kingdom is the current head of the Vinsmoke family, Vinsmoke Judge, nicknamed "Strange Bird".

He is a scientist who has mastered advanced military science. Technology.

The Germa 66 he led was one of the most powerful armies in the world, and had a great reputation in the North Sea.

If Vinsmoke Judge really wanted to dominate the North Sea as he claimed, the entire North Sea would probably be dragged into the flames of war!

Thinking of this, the two of them trembled in their hearts, and their eyes became a little flustered.

Having grown up in the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, they were too young after all, and had never seen a war with their own eyes, so they were a little panicked for a while.

Subconsciously, he looked at Darren.

"So... didn't the strange bird receive the letter we sent?"

Darren half-squinted his eyes, smiling.

When the flying squirrel saw Darren's expression, the familiar relationship of working together for many years made him realize instantly that Vinsmoke Judge was going to be in trouble.

"It's confirmed that it has been delivered to him. "

He said in a deep voice.

"Very good..."

Darren laughed and extinguished his cigar, his eyes gradually becoming cold.

"Then let's go."

The flying squirrel nodded, took out a military Den Den Mushi to call his subordinates at all levels, and quickly took action.

Darren casually put on a large cloak of justice,


Gion's voice came from behind, with an uneasy tone.

Darren looked back at her.

Gion hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said:

"Should we report to the headquarters first? Our navy has no right to interfere in disputes between countries... If we rashly interfere in other countries' internal affairs, we will cause political disputes if we are not careful."

What a naive girl...

Such a thought flashed through Darren's mind.

"With the strength of Germa 66, if we have to wait for the response from the headquarters, it is estimated that by then the heads of the kings of the four countries in the North Sea will have been hung on the walls of Vinsmoke Judge. "

He sneered:

"Moreover, I will not allow Germa 66 to start a large-scale war within my jurisdiction, causing casualties among innocent civilians."

Gion was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes lit up.

It seems that this guy still has some sense of responsibility...

Darren's next words almost made her spit out blood in anger.

"-Otherwise, if all the civilians die, who will I ask for money?"

Gion's chest rose and fell rapidly, staring at the tall man in front of him, and shouted angrily:

"Darren, you bastard! ! Do you protect civilians just to collect money! ? "

At this time, the sound of military trumpets gradually sounded in the distant naval port.

That was the navy of the 321st branch gathering.

Darren smiled,

"Of course not. "

Gion was startled, and felt relieved for no reason.

Darren smiled and said:

"Besides this reason, Lady Margaret is in the Kingdom of Yadis... We just slept together the night before yesterday. If I don't take action, it will be unreasonable..."

Gion: ...

Kaji: ...

They were stunned.

You sent troops just to save your lover!?





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