The rusty huge anchor slowly rose out of the water under the drag of the chain, creating ripples on the sea.

At sunset, the setting sun cast a long shadow on the warship.

After a fierce fight with Zefa, Zhan Guo finally won Darren's "custody".

He placed Darren in the cabin of his ship, and asked the accompanying military doctor to treat his injuries. Then he turned to Garp, who was sitting on the dog-head warship and eating donuts, and shouted:

"Hey, Garp, are you sure you don't want to go back to the headquarters?"

Garp waved his hand carelessly and grinned:

"No, I just received the latest news. The target of Darren and Sakaski's mission... the kid named Douglas Barrett has joined the Roger Pirates. I have to go there."

"Can't let Roger continue to grow and become stronger..."

Hearing Garp's words, Zhan Guo was slightly startled.

He forgot about this.

Douglas Barrett was captured by Kaido together with Darren, but he didn't find any trace of him when he looked back.

I have to ask Darren, that stinky boy, what happened to Barrett.

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Zhan Guo didn't continue to persuade.

After all, as a comrade for many years, he knows Garp's character better than anyone else, and no one can stop him from making a decision.

And Roger's strength... In the navy, only Garp can suppress him.

He is still a little bit behind, but the domineering old man Kong is no problem.

But the old man is old, and for safety reasons, he is generally not allowed to go to the front line of the mission.

Watching the unique dog-head warship gradually go away, dragging a long wave mark in the afterglow of the sunset, Zhan Guo exhaled a breath of turbid air a little tiredly.

"Let's go back to the headquarters."

Zhan Guo casually gave an order to his personal soldiers, turned around and rolled his eyes, and said unhappily:

"Zefa, don't you have your own ship? Why do you always come to my warship?"

Zefa crossed his arms, stared at Zhan Guo with a vigilant look, and sneered:

"I won't be fooled by you, you just want to get rid of me so that you can cultivate feelings with Darren."

Zhan Guo's head was full of black lines, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"That's because there is a military doctor accompanying my warship!! And the cabin is more spacious and comfortable!! "

Zefa curled his lips and said sarcastically:

"Okay, I know that your warship is equipped with rich configurations as a navy admiral, why are you showing off here."

Zhan Guo:...

You were also a navy admiral!! You quit, so the level of the warship was lowered, who can you blame! ?

Blue veins popped out on his forehead.

One by one, they either don't care about anything or just retire... In the end, all the troubles are thrown to me!

If nothing goes wrong, they are "wise generals", if something goes wrong, they are "retarded"...

Zhan Guo felt really tired.

Really, let's destroy it.

He didn't bother to pay attention to Zefa, who was gradually assimilated because he often played with Garp recently. He turned around angrily and walked into the cabin.

Zefa also quickly followed him when he saw this.

"Doctor, how is Darren?"

In the cabin, Zhan Guo looked at the young navy who was sleeping with an IV drip, and then looked at the kimono girl who was sitting next to him. Finally, his eyes fell on the accompanying military doctor and asked.

"Commodore Darren's physical fitness is something I have never seen in decades of medical practice."

The middle-aged doctor wearing rimless glasses sighed.

"Almost every ten minutes, Commodore Darren's injuries will improve significantly... This is incredible."

He looked at Darren as if he was looking at a priceless rare work of art.

"General Sengoku can rest assured. At this rate, Commodore Darren will recover in less than a day or two."

Sengoku and Zefa breathed a sigh of relief.

First, he was imprisoned and tortured by Kaido for such a long time, and then he dragged his seriously injured body to escape the siege of the Beast Pirates...

After finally escaping, he fought with "the world's strongest man" Whitebeard and almost killed his sworn brother...

In just less than ten days, Darren, this brat, experienced more dangerous, exciting, and ups and downs than most people in the world in their entire lives.

Although they are very confident in Darren's strength, facing so many top powerhouses in succession, Sengoku and Zefa don't say it, but they are worried that he will

What kind of irreparable trauma has been left behind.

"What's wrong with him now?"

Zefa frowned as he looked at Darren's thin, shriveled face like a skeleton.

Zhan Guo also looked worried.

The military doctor said slowly:

"This is a sign of excessive physical and mental overdraft."

He pushed the nose pads of his glasses with his fingers and said carefully:

"I have already given him a nutrient injection. I think there will be no problem after a few days of good conditioning."

...Excessive physical and mental overdraft?

Zhan Guo and Zefa couldn't help but look at each other, with doubts flashing in their eyes.

"That's unlikely, doctor, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Zefa frowned and said:

"I know Darren's physical strength better than anyone else."

"He dragged a warship with his bare hands, carried a ton of weight and ran 10 kilometers without breathing hard... That physical strength and energy are simply beyond human measurement, how could he be exhausted?"

Zhan Guo also agreed with him.

Let's not talk about training.

When he was in the North Sea, he also personally witnessed Darren's terrifyingly vigorous energy.

The reception of the world's nobles, the continuous social activities, the drinking at various parties day and night...but Darren was like nothing happened, smoking and drinking all the time.

As for the exhaustion of energy, Zhan Guo was the first one who didn't believe it.

"Is it because of the previous battle or the torture in prison that caused hidden injuries in his body?"

He couldn't help asking.


The military doctor pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"General Darren's condition is generally not caused by fighting."

"What caused it?" Zefa asked.

The doctor hesitated for a moment and stammered:

"...Excessive indulgence."

Zhan Guo:...


They seemed to realize something, and turned their heads in unison to look at the gentle and charming kimono girl sitting beside the bed.

Tian Yueshi looked at the strange eyes of the three old men and was stunned at first.

She immediately seemed to understand something, stood up suddenly with a blushing face, and hurriedly explained:

"It's not me!"

"I didn't..."

"No, Mr. Darren and I didn't..."

...The voice gradually became as low as a mosquito.

But I was anxious in my heart: This can't be explained clearly at all...

Looking at Tian Yueshi's rebuttal.

The military doctor raised his glasses in an unfathomable way, without saying anything, but the expression on his face was extremely firm.

Zefa's mouth twitched.

He glanced at the beautiful Tian Yueshi, then at the haggard Darren, and after a long time he finally said:

"Ahem... young man, be restrained."

Tian Yueshi's face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck, as if she was about to cry.

...This is a pure and good girl, but she was ruined by Darren, a stinky boy!

Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo felt helpless and held his forehead with his hand.

He forced a kind smile on his face, walked over and comforted:

"It's okay, I will let Darren treat you well, come back to the headquarters with us first, okay?"

"That's right!!"

Zeff next to him also patted his chest indignantly, gritting his teeth and said:

"If Darren, the bastard, dares to let you down, I will be the first to not forgive him!!"

It's useless to defend himself, and the powerful old man in front of him said so, Tian Yueshi could only nod with a red face and said "hmm" softly.


Seeing Tian Yueshi's well-behaved and lovely appearance, the "fatherly love" hidden in the hearts of Zhan Guo and Zefa burst out all of a sudden.

One of them is an old bachelor, and one of their relatives has passed away... In addition to the sense of mission as a navy, they naturally have a fatherly desire to protect a delicate little girl like Tian Yueshi.

And we have to admit that Darren, this bastard, although he is very good, is a gangster and a scum!

In this way, they felt great sympathy for Tian Yueshi.

Thinking of Darren's past "romantic history", Zhan Guo and Zefa even had red eyes, and they wanted to grab Darren and beat him up! !


After Zhan Guo "pacified" Tian Yueshi's emotions, he suddenly remembered something and turned his head to the navy soldiers on duty in the cabin and said coldly:

"Everything you hear here, keep it secret from me! Otherwise, I will never forgive you!! This is an order, do you hear it!"

The navy soldiers who originally looked like spectators were shocked and nodded like pounding garlic.

"Especially you, Borsalino!!"

Zhan Guo shouted in another direction.

Borsalino raised his hands and grinned:

"I know..."





I'll be grateful for everything.

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