The breeze blew up the fallen leaves.

The return of Gion caught Darren off guard.

He looked at the fruit basket that had fallen to the ground. The various fresh fruits in it had broken through the beautiful plastic wrapping paper and scattered all over the ground, and he was as sad as the heart of a young girl.

"I really deserve to die..."

Darren laughed at himself helplessly, and felt that his head hurt even more.

"Mr. Darren... are you okay?"

Tian Yueshi saw that Ronda had an ugly expression on his face, pinching his temples. After a long silence, he finally couldn't help but ask.

"I'm fine, Ashi."

Darren shook his head.

Tianyue Toki was silent again, and suddenly walked to the door to pick up the scattered fruits on the ground, wiped the dust off them, put them back in the fruit basket, and then walked to Darren's side and asked curiously:

"That girl named Gion...seems to have a crush on you."

Darren subconsciously wanted to nod and admit it, but he immediately came to his senses and slammed on the brakes.

He looked up and saw Kouyue Toki standing in front of him with a fruit basket in his hand, biting his lips and looking at him quietly.

The slightly aggrieved look in his eyes and the slightly bulging face made Darren not know how to respond to this sentence at all!


Damn it! !

Darren has never been so crazy in his life, and he feels bad all over.

He thinks he is not a good person, and he doesn't care about the nickname of "the biggest scum in the navy".

But there is a difference between scum and beast!

Scum also has style!

"Ahem... Ah Shi, actually, my relationship with Gion is not what you think..."

Darren shamelessly tried to explain, but was choked back by Tian Yueshi's words.

"So Mr. Darren doesn't like Miss Gion?"


He opened his mouth, but facing Tian Yueshi's quiet and serious eyes, he couldn't say a word of denial.

He doesn't like to deceive women.

But Tian Yueshi's next words made Darren stunned.

"Then you should pursue her!"

Tian Yueshi smiled.

The smile was beautiful and moving at the moment of blooming, like an elegant white swan dancing on the water.

"What... what!?"

Darren's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

After these few days of getting along, the relationship between Ah Shi and himself has made great progress and has long surpassed the scope of ordinary friends.

Although there has been no substantial breakthrough in intimacy, the two have a good understanding of each other. Often, they can understand each other's thoughts with just a glance.

Living together in the family compound, Tian Yueshi is like a gentle and virtuous wife, taking on the responsibility of household chores, decorating this originally deserted home with a breath of life.

There are many cute plush toys in the living room, paper paintings are pasted on the gray glass windows, and pots and pans are gradually complete.

Darren is also happy to enjoy this, and sometimes he will do housework with A Shi.

In addition, the two old men, Zefa and Zhan Guo, come over from time to time, looking at their happy little life with an aunt's smile, and giving Darren a warning look from time to time, "If you dare to let A Shi down, I will give you a good look"...

Unconsciously, Tian Yueshi has taken on the role of "wife".

It's as if she was born to be prepared for this.

"But Ah Shi, if I pursue Gion... won't you be unhappy?"

Darren actually stuttered.

Even though he has always been romantic and unrestrained, he was a little confused when faced with Tian Yueshi's "crazy" idea.

At this moment, it seemed as if countless formulas and theorems kept flashing in Darren's mind like pictures, and the CPU was running at full speed.

What does she mean?

Testing me?

Or is she really not angry?

But how can she not be angry!

She is also a woman!

Or does Ah Shi not like me at all, so she doesn't care?

No, no, no, this is impossible, I still have some charm.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be unable to sleep in Beihai.

Not to mention the obvious acceleration of Ah Shi's heartbeat and red ears when he looked at me closely.


Tian Yueshi had a bright and peaceful smile on his face.

She tilted her head, her eyes full of innocence.

"Mr. Darren, didn't you tell me about these things before?"

"I know your personality, Mr. Darren. Since I have chosen you, I must choose to accept all of you, whether good or bad."

"My father said that heroes are not particular about trivial matters. The strong should enjoy more privileges than the weak. This is the real fairness of the world."

"And a man like Mr. Darren who is bold and ambitious can be admired by multiple girls at the same time. It is the luck of those girls..."

What, what! ! ! ? ? ?

Looking at the self-righteous expression on Tian Yueshi's face, he was dumbfounded.

Good guy, really good guy.

So what Ah Shi meant was... he supports himself to have more than one woman at the same time! ?

She is not angry, and she supports him to do this! ?

This... this... this...

There is such a good thing! ?

Darren's brain crashed at this moment.

After all, scum is scum, but he also has a bottom line.

Even though I have been here for so many years, I still retain some of the moral standards I had before I traveled through time.

He is a playboy, but that is after all a consensual affair.

I am happy when you are happy.

But now the situation seems to be different...

Are the people of Wano Country really different from ordinary people in terms of their thinking?

Forget about the dross like Bushido, but the "fine tradition" of Tianyue Shi... is really an excellent "tradition"!

Darren's eyes twitched for nearly a minute, and he finally said:

"... I can see that your father is a very wise man."

"Well, what he said makes sense."

Darren himself couldn't believe it when he said it.

Tianyue Shi smiled sweetly:

"Yes, I also think that what father said is very right..."

As she said that, she put down the fruit basket, walked into the house, took out a clean military uniform, and handed it to Darren with both hands.

"Mr. Darren, go out too. Aren't you going to the training camp today? By the way, apologize to Miss Gion."

Darren put on his military uniform in a daze under the help of Tianyueshi, and then walked out of the family compound.

"Come on! Remember to come back for dinner tonight, Mr. Darren."

Tianyueshi stood at the door and waved goodbye to him with a smile.

Darren waved stiffly, and his body subconsciously walked towards the direction of the training camp.

He still hasn't fully reacted.


Watching the figure of the commodore disappear at the end of the street, Tianyueshi let go of his hand.

She closed the wooden door, walked through the courtyard with falling leaves, and walked into the house with a fruit basket.

After washing all the fruits in the kitchen, she walked silently to the living room and took out a beautifully carved fruit plate.

Kneeling on the tatami, she patiently placed the washed fruits one by one on the fruit plate.

She seemed to be in a good mood.

The corner of her mouth still had the innocent and sweet smile from before, and she was humming the soft and sad tune of her hometown.

Her white arms supported her cheeks, and the hem of her pink kimono was dragged on the spotless ground. With the newly bought Japanese screen next to her as the background, she looked like a peerless beauty in a Ukiyo-e painting.

"The fruit is very fresh. Miss Gion is such a kind girl. I hope Mr. Darren won't make her sad."

She praised to herself, picked up a pear, and took a bite.

The rich juice bloomed between her lips and teeth.

She smiled gently and generously.

Her eyes were slightly red.

"So sweet."





Please thank you for everything.

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