The initiative is back in his hands...

Darren saw the changes in Zhan Guo's face and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he answered whatever Zhan Guo asked when he was questioned like this, he would be passive and easily reveal some flaws.

Darren didn't like being led by the nose by others.

Only by diverting Zhan Guo's attention could he get out of trouble.

Regarding the attack on the Celestial Dragons, Darren didn't expect that he could hide it from everyone from the beginning.

Especially after he exposed his devil fruit ability, he had already expected that there would be a conversation like today, it was just a matter of time.

What Darren didn't expect was that this conversation came so suddenly.

Now it seems that Zhan Guo is worthy of being a "wise general" in the navy.

He first let Zefa give him a false signal to report the mission, so that he could relax his vigilance and not be prepared, and then kill him by surprise.

I have to admit that when Zhan Guo opened his mouth just now, Darren was a little caught off guard, but he didn't show it on his face.

If it weren't for his strong psychological quality, I'm afraid someone else would have been exposed.

However, from the nature of this conversation, it can be seen that Zhan Guo definitely didn't have any evidence, and he didn't intend to pursue it, but just wanted to simply confirm it and hit himself.

Otherwise, I guess I would have been surrounded now.

Thinking of this, Darren's thoughts became clearer and clearer.

The corners of his mouth curled up into a half-smile:

"General Zhan Guo, why do you think that the World Government trusts you?"

Zhan Guo was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously retorted:

"How could they not trust me! As an admiral of the navy, I perfectly executed the orders issued by the World Government..."

"--Do you think the high and mighty master will really "trust" his watchdog from the bottom of his heart?"

Darren interrupted Zhan Guo coldly.

He was going to gamble now... bet that the relationship between the navy and the World Government was by no means so indestructible.

Treat smart people with smart methods.

Smart people like Zhan Guo are often suspicious by nature.

Once suspicion arises, trust will be torn apart.

Even if it is just a slight crack, it is enough for Darren.

Hearing this, Zhan Guo opened his mouth.

Before he could say anything, Darren sneered:

"General Zhan Guo, let me tell you the truth."

"The order conveyed to me by the World Government that day was not to continue to investigate the attack on the Celestial Dragons."

"It is that the Five Elders have begun to suspect... the attacker who killed the Celestial Dragon Sildes Saint is a member of the Navy!"

Zhan Guo's face changed slightly:

"The Five Elders suspect you?"

Darren did not speak, but just looked at Zhan Guo with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me? Now I suspect you--"

Zhan Guo suddenly froze.

In an instant, countless thoughts popped up in his mind.

If the Five Elders suspected that Darren was the one who did it, they would not have let Darren secretly investigate members of the Navy!

They asked Darren, the North Sea Admiral, to investigate, which first showed that the Five Elders believed that the latter had absolutely no suspicion of attacking Sildes Saint.

But if they did not suspect Darren, who did they suspect! ?

He seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Zhan Guo's mind once again recalled the "inference" about the Celestial Dragon attackers.

Strong strength + intersection with Celestial Dragons + possible flying ability + being in the North Sea when the incident occurred...

Isn't this the warship he led! ?

The strength definitely meets the description;

As a navy admiral, he is very familiar with the sailing routes of the World Government's official ships;

Flying ability is actually not necessary, just having a warship is enough;

And at that time, he was indeed in the North Sea to carry out the mission of conquering Bondi Waldo...

A series of thoughts, Zhan Guo was suddenly confused.

After analyzing it this way... the biggest suspect who killed the Celestial Dragons turned out to be me! ?

The more Zhan Guo thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He actually met all the above conditions!

Even in terms of "knowing the route information of the World Government's official ships", he met it more than Darren!

After all, normally speaking, with Darren's identity as the North Sea admiral at that time, it was absolutely impossible for him to

Maybe he knows the specific route of Celestial Dragon Shields Saint returning to the Holy Land!

This is also the biggest reason why Zhan Guo wanted to test and could not directly determine that Darren was the attacker.

At that time in the North Sea, the only person who knew the specific route of the World Government's official ship returning was... himself, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters!!

No wonder the World Government transferred me away from the investigation of this case...

No wonder those CP0s looked at me with eyes that seemed a little wrong...


Zhan Guo suddenly remembered the meaningful smile they gave him when he went to the Holy Land to report his mission to the Five Elders a few days ago.

What does that mean?

Are they warning themselves! ?

Or are they doubting something! ?

At this moment, Zhan Guo's brain was running wildly at the highest speed in his life, and he began to look back, think, and delve into the details of every meeting and conversation with the Five Elders in the past.

‘It’s almost time…’

Darren saw the changes in Zhan Guo’s expression, from bewilderment to thinking, entanglement, and anxiety, and his mouth curled up slightly.

When playing against a suspicious and smart person like Zhan Guo, you must not use too many sweet words, as that will only make him more suspicious of you.

The key is to give some key information, and then let him think and fill in the blanks for himself!

The most important point is that

The information given by Darren is true!

The World Government did issue an order for him to secretly investigate members of the Navy.

And it is impossible for Zhan Guo to confront the Five Elders face to face: "Are you doubting the navy, no, you are doubting me?"

'I will really thank the 'wise' Saint Damocles later...'

Darren laughed in his heart and sighed helplessly:

"General Zhan Guo, now you understand how difficult my situation was at that time?"

"On one side is the pressure exerted on me by the highest level of the World Government, and on the other side are my most trusted and beloved colleagues and comrades... well, and superiors."

The corners of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched.

What do you mean by "superiors" when you emphasize it...

"That... Darren..."

He hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously:

"You didn't say anything?"

Although Zhan Guo knew that the death of the Celestial Dragons had absolutely nothing to do with him.

But for the rulers like the Five Elders, is this important?

Even whether the Celestial Dragons are dead or not is actually not important to them.

The key is...

The World Government has become suspicious of itself!

This will most likely affect my future political career!





I ask for everything, thank you.

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