The money was so much that it was worth a lot of money.

"Several, hundreds of billions!"

The flying squirrel sat up suddenly, staring at Darren with his jaw almost dropping to the ground, stammering:

"Darren... are you kidding?"

He carefully held the magnetic pointer in his hand, as if he was holding a rare treasure.

Darren said unhappily:

"Am I the kind of person who likes to make such jokes? It's just a few billion Baileys of gold... Why are you so excited?"

Having said that, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Where did you get the gold?"

The flying squirrel looked unbelievable, and then suddenly froze, as if he had thought of something, and his face suddenly changed.

"Darren, you...did you go to rob the gold from the sky?"

When he said this, his expression changed and his voice was very low.

"No, no, don't worry, the source of this money is completely legitimate."

Darren shook his head,

"Well, but you reminded me that when I don't have enough money in the future, the gold from the sky seems to be a good idea..."

He stroked the blue stubble on his chin.

Flying Squirrel:...

Several black lines floated on his forehead, and he was crazy in his heart:

No, you are still thinking about it seriously! ?

"Well, this is indeed a good idea, you are worthy of being my adjutant."

Darren suddenly patted the flying squirrel's shoulder with satisfaction and said with a smile on his face.

Flying Squirrel:...

It's not me, I don't have it, you are talking nonsense.

Seeing the always serious flying squirrel with a confused expression, Darren couldn't help laughing and explained:

"Don't worry, this money comes from a legendary place."

"The legend of the Golden Country... Have you heard of it?"

The flying squirrel nodded:

"Well, the Golden Country Sandora is said to exist in the sky above 10,000 meters, but that's just an illusory legend... Wait! Have you found the legendary Golden Country!?"

He suddenly looked at Darren with wide eyes.

"Where do you think your Thunder Fruit came from?"

Darren blew out a smoke ring and said lightly.

The flying squirrel suddenly realized it.

"It turns out that the Golden Country Sandora actually exists... No wonder..."

He now understands it.

No wonder Darren found the Thunder Fruit that disappeared for more than a hundred years;

No wonder he suddenly had such a huge fortune...

If he found the legendary Golden Country, then all this can be understood.

It is precisely because the Thunder Fruit exists in the sky island at an altitude of 10,000 meters that there has been no trace of it in this sea for more than a hundred years.

"Anyway, when the time comes, you can take a group of trustworthy people and drive a few warships to this island, keep it as secret as possible to avoid leaking the news, and bring back all the gold."

Darren said slowly.

The flying squirrel raised his eyebrows and said hesitantly:

"You don't think anyone in the North Sea dares to rob the gold of our North Sea Fleet?"

Darren shook his head and pinched his temples with a headache.

"That's not the case. I'm not worried about pirates or mafia forces..."

"What worries me is that if the headquarters knows that we have such a large sum of money, I guess that guy Zhan Guo will show up at the door of the 321st branch the next day."

"I guess he will be like a poor guy every day. Even when he goes to the toilet, he has to squat at the door with a smile on his face. He won't be able to take a shit in peace."

Flying Squirrel: ...

He thought for a while, his mouth twitched slightly, and after a moment, he slowly said:

"You're right."

Although Darren's words were exaggerated, they were not without reason.

If the headquarters knew that the North Sea Fleet had such a huge sum of money, they would definitely not let it go.

It's unlikely to rob it by force, after all, Darren's strength and status are here.

But with Zhan Guo's means, there is always a way to dig out a large part.

Besides, once the headquarters opens their mouth, they can't really withstand the pressure and "not give a penny."

That would be equivalent to a bad relationship with the headquarters.

"Anyway, once you have the money, you should act as soon as possible, expand the military organization, and expand the number of warships of the North Sea Fleet to at least 20 within a year."

Darren narrowed his eyes and said:

"Also, if I remember correctly, Borsalino should have deployed some of the latest technological weapons developed to the North Sea, right?"

Flying Squirrel nodded:

"Yes, the laser weapons of the Science Department have been installed on some of the North Sea Fleet

On the warship..."

Speaking of this, his eyes gradually lit up with a fiery light.

"The power of this laser weapon is unprecedented... After preliminary tests, this weapon is enough to easily blow up a ship with a hundred people."

It was because of the support of the laser cannon that the flying squirrel dared to blockade Rubeck Island unscrupulously, ready to raze the Don Quixote family to the ground at any time.

All fear comes from the lack of firepower.

"It's more troublesome that this laser weapon consumes a lot of energy, and the charging method is very complicated. We haven't mastered the specific method and energy source yet..."

Darren frowned and said:

"In other words, although this thing is very powerful, the core technology is still firmly controlled by the scientific and technological forces led by Borsalino?"

The flying squirrel nodded:

"Yes, so for the time being, the main attack weapon used by our North Sea Fleet is still the traditional heavy artillery, supplemented by some technological weapons of Germa 66. "

"... and in order to hide the true size of the fleet, the purchase quantity we submitted to the Ministry of Science was only five warships."

"Well... I understand."

The real mature use of laser weapons in the original plot was to be mounted on the Pacifist, but the specific charging method was not shown.

Darren thought for a moment and suddenly said:

"Take off a laser cannon from the warship and give it to Vinsmoke Judge to modify the charging structure of the laser weapon."

"Are you sure that guy can do it?"

The flying squirrel asked hesitantly:

"At least for now, the power of Germa 66's technological weapons is far less than that of the laser cannon of the Ministry of Science. "

Darren nodded:

"Vinsmoke Judge used to work with Vegapunk, and the technology mastered by the Navy Science and Technology Department is just the scraps of Vegapunk's most advanced scientific research technology..."

"With Vinsmoke Judge's level, it shouldn't be difficult to crack and modify the energy supply structure of the laser cannon."

"The reason why Germa 66's technological weapons are poor is that Vinsmoke Judge's research and development focus is not on weapons, but more on human genetic modification. "

When Darren saw the newly born Vinsmoke Reiju last time, he saw the traces of bloodline factor transformation.

Of course, in terms of cracking and transforming laser cannon weapons... in terms of technology, the fat guy Quinn is actually a more suitable candidate.

After all, Darren saw him release the laser cannon trick in the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates.

But the fat guy in overalls is not his subordinate.

"No problem, just transform the laser weapon charging structure... What energy do you want to use to power it?"

The flying squirrel asked again.

Darren didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smile.

The flying squirrel thought for a while, and his face quickly turned black.

"...#¥...@¥%@¥! ! ! !"





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