The two of them were very happy.

"It's the navy..."

"Is the North Sea Fleet here too?"

"Doflamingo is so proud...even the North Sea Fleet sent people to congratulate him!"

"What are you talking about! Do you think that without the acquiescence of the North Sea Fleet, the Don Quixote family can easily swallow up the entire North Sea underground forces?"

"Could it be..."

"Hehe...Although there is no obvious evidence, it is said that Doflamingo has a special relationship with the former North Sea Admiral..."

"The former North Sea Admiral...isn't that the 'King of the North Sea'!?"


Thinking of the legendary man, the invited guests couldn't help but swallow their saliva with a grunt, their eyes filled with fear and submission.

Many noble ladies and princesses who came with their husbands and fathers secretly licked their lips, and they didn't know what they were thinking of, and there was a hint of spring in their eyes.

In less than half a minute.

Under the breathless gaze of the people, the huge warship with exaggerated shape, almost made of steel, has slowly entered the port.

As the wooden boards fell and connected, a team of naval elites in neat uniforms walked down from the warship steadily.

The austere and boundless momentum gave people a strong sense of oppression.

The leader looked quite young, only about 20 years old, but the temperament he exuded was cold and calm. The mustache on his upper lip added a bit of maturity to him, and he had a saber on his waist.

The current admiral of the North Sea, the colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Flying Squirrel!

"Admiral Flying Squirrel, long time no see."

Vinsmoke Judge showed a hypocritical smile on his face and walked forward and extended his hand.

The flying squirrel held his hand and smiled:

"Mr. Judge, long time no see."

The two of them half-closed their eyes and smiled, looked at each other, and after the reporters beside them snapped a few photos, they let go of each other's hands at the same time.

It can be imagined that one of the headlines of the North Sea newspaper tomorrow will definitely be a title like "The North Sea Fleet and the Germa Kingdom have long-lasting friendship."

The flying squirrel immediately looked at Senior with an approving smile on his face:

"You are Senior? Well, Doflamingo is indeed very discerning."

Senior was stunned.

He didn't expect that the flying squirrel actually recognized him. He pursed his lips a little stiffly, bowed slightly and said:

"Hello, Admiral Flying Squirrel, my young master is already waiting for you in the reception room."

The flying squirrel smiled and said:

"Then please lead the way."

So under the leadership of Senior, the flying squirrel and Vinsmoke Judge walked towards the reception room.

The two walked side by side, and their respective people kept a certain distance behind them, clearly separated.

The guests looked at this scene with doubtful eyes, suppressed their inner uneasiness, and followed.


The expensive crystal chandelier exuded a luxurious light, and the luxurious banquet hall was filled with gentle and melodious saxophone music.

It is hard to imagine that in this banquet hall, almost all the heads and representatives of the major kingdoms and forces in the entire North Sea gathered.

Countless businesses were finalized in the casual conversations of these people. An occasional joke might determine the economic lifeline of a country, and a casual bet was the fate of countless families.

"Hello, Mr. Firth... Oh, this is your wife? Well, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Danny."

"... Well, I have important things to do here, let's talk later."

The flying squirrel finally struggled out of the "encirclement" of the guests, and his face was a little black.

He picked up a glass of red wine from the waiter's plate, raised his head and drank it in one gulp, and shook his head speechlessly.

No, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't you just want me to say hello to the Don Quixote family for you and take care of your business?

Why did you pull your wife out?

The neckline of that evening dress... is almost down to the navel!

"These people are really enough..."

The flying squirrel rubbed his temple with a headache and muttered to himself.

At this time, a voice with a sarcastic smile suddenly sounded from behind.

"Power, status, wealth... sometimes these things are really troublesome, right, Admiral Flying Squirrel?"

Flying Squirrel turned his head and saw Vinsmoke Judge coming over at some point, handing him a glass of iced whiskey.

"It seems that Mr. Judge is speaking from his heart."

Flying Squirrel smiled and took the glass.

Smok Judge shook his head, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he lowered his voice and said:

"I heard that Commodore Darren caused a lot of earth-shaking events in the New World?"

The flying squirrel glanced at him and suddenly laughed:

"It's not a big deal, just annihilated the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates."

Vinsmoke Judge's eyelids twitched.

As the commander of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Judge was naturally very clear about the strength of the Beasts Pirates.

One very important point is that one of the highest cadres of the Beasts Pirates, "Plague" Quinn, once worked with him in the same research team.

He knew very well how terrifying the strength of the fat man who liked to wear weird overalls was.

When Vinsmoke Judge heard the news at first, he was a little unconvinced. After all, in his memory, although Darren's strength was abnormal, it was not enough to annihilate the headquarters of the Beasts Pirates.

But now that he got confirmation from the flying squirrel, Vinsmoke Judge couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

He was silent for a long time before he slowly uttered:

"Commodore Darren is truly the pride of our North Sea."

The flying squirrel smiled, and felt that the time was almost right, so he took the initiative to speak:

"By the way, Mr. Judge, regarding the cooperation between our North Sea Fleet and Germa 66, Commodore Darren has a small proposal..."

Vinsmoke Judge frowned.

This guy, is he using Darren to pressure me?

He suppressed his dissatisfaction and said:

"Admiral Flying Squirrel, please speak."

The flying squirrel smiled and said:

"Regarding the new weapons and warship transformation of our North Sea Fleet..."

Half a minute later, Vinsmoke Judge nodded carefully.

"It's not a big problem."

He looked around and frowned:

"Why hasn't that kid Doflamingo come out yet? His reputation is getting bigger and bigger..."

The tone was obviously dissatisfied.

The flying squirrel smiled meaningfully:

"Maybe he was busy with something very important and was delayed..."


At the same time.

The lobby of the Don Quixote family residence.

All the powerful people in the North Sea are patiently waiting for the protagonist of the banquet... Don Quixote Doflamingo is slowly kneeling on one knee on the cold marble floor, bowing his head and kissing the back of a man's hand.

He said respectfully:

"Welcome back to the North Sea, my godfather."





My physical condition has not been very good recently, I will adjust as soon as possible.

Please help me, thank you very much.

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