The streets were still in a mess.

The civilians were running away in panic, trying to make frantic phone calls.

Darren and Dorag were still sitting there as if they were completely isolated from the chaos outside.

The thunder was getting louder and louder, and lightning and thunder were flashing in the dark night sky.

Darren looked at Dorag's scarred face calmly and suddenly asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Dorrag scratched his head and seemed a little embarrassed:

"I don't know, but I have to escape from you first, right?"

"The order you received should be to arrest me at all costs or even kill me on the spot, right?"

"But if there is a chance to escape, I want to create a brand new organization."

"An organization built and supported by harmony, freedom, equality and dreams... I need more manpower."

He looked at Darren and smiled helplessly.

"Originally, I wanted to invite you, but then I realized that you couldn't join."

"North Sea Fleet, training camp chief... your layout and planning in the navy over the years, as well as your personality, destined you to not agree to be my companion."

Darren said jokingly:

"Of course."

"Sleeping in the open air, being hunted, and living from hand to mouth... I can't get used to a life without beauties, cigars and strong liquor."

The two smiled at each other.

Everything is self-evident.

Another long while.

Darren finished smoking that cigarette.

He extinguished the cigarette butt and suddenly said:

"Dragon, this is a very difficult road."

"I know."

"No one will understand you."

"I know."

"Even those people you want to protect will be afraid and terrified of you, and you don't even know when they will shoot you in the back and hand you over to the world government."

"Well, I know."

Dragon smiled brightly.

This time it was really brilliant.

It was the kind of brilliant smile that put aside thoughts and inner ambitions, bravely facing the bleakness of life and the remoteness of ideals.

"Darren, this world needs a thorough change."

"I know they are just afraid, and this fear will continue all the way, but I can't stop the change because of the fear and weakness of the general public towards change."

Darren smiled,

"It seems that you have made all the mental preparations."

Dragon nodded.

Darren smiled with satisfaction:

"Very good, before we start, Vice Admiral Garp asked me to tell you a message."

Dragon was stunned.

"He asked me to tell you..."

Darren repeated Garp's words word by word.

"-'To survive.'"

Dragon was struck by lightning.


His eyes were visibly red, and he grabbed his face with his big hands, choking and saying:

"I'm so sorry... I've caused trouble to the old man, everyone, and you..."

Tears flowed deep between his fingers, and he bit his teeth hard.

"Damn it, I wanted to be a hero like the old man... but now I'm a fugitive wanted by the whole world."

Darren exhaled:

"Darrag, what do you think a hero is?"

Darrag was startled, looked up at Darrag, and said subconsciously:

"A hero is someone who is strong enough to protect the weak and promote justice."

Darren shook his head and said:

"No, strength is important, but a hero is actually a flag."


"Yes, the common people in this world are too weak, and the powers they face are too strong. They may want to resist, but they lack a strong enough heart... so they need a flag."

Darren smiled, his eyes burning.

"Give direction to the lost, inspire courage to the cowardly, and establish faith for the hesitant, just like a great torch illuminating the dark world, lighting the flames buried in people's hearts, and giving them the spiritual power to move forward..."

"This is the true meaning of a hero."

"Perhaps in my opinion, you are more like a hero than Vice Admiral Garp now."

"Because you did something that none of us dared to do."

He pointed at the stunned Dorag and said meaningfully:

"You killed a Celestial Dragon in full view of the public."

"You broke the myth of this world... put that high above

"God" was pulled down from the altar. "

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Dorag's face, but before the smile was fully bloomed, he suddenly fell silent again, his expression gloomy:

"It's just that I failed to protect them after all."

After the incident, he immediately fled the island.

He heard such a news:

The World Government agents who came later launched a search on the island.

The little boy flying the kite and his parents were tortured by the agents, and finally they couldn't survive.

"Regret is always the norm in the world. You can't protect everyone, but you have to keep moving forward, Dorag. "

Darren smiled.

Hearing this, Dorag unconsciously straightened his chest, his tired smile was a bit desolate and proud.


Another thunder that tore through the sky illuminated the world.

In the howling wind, ink-like colors spread across the earth.

Drip, drip...

Raindrops kept falling, and soon it poured down.

The wind and rain have arrived.

At this time, Darren suddenly whispered without thinking:

"It should be about time."

Dorag didn't hear what he said, but was immersed in the heavy rain, feeling the cold rain hitting his hair and cheeks, he murmured:

"Is even the sky crying for this world?"

"No, this is the sky seeing you off. "

Darren smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Darren was startled, and then smiled again.

He picked up the wine glass.

The two wine glasses carrying the "most domineering wine" collided heavily in mid-air, and the amber wine rippled with the luster of long journey and farewell.

Drink it all in one gulp.

Darren stood up suddenly, the confusion and loss in his eyes had disappeared, only the unyielding belief.

The black hair was flying wildly, and the lightning illuminated the figure.

From now on,

The former comrades are his enemies,

The behemoths that rule the world are his enemies,

The corrupt old system is his enemy,

The ignorant human heart is also his enemy.

The world is raining heavily, and the road ahead is difficult and heavy. He can only walk alone.

The whole world is an enemy.

But he laughed heroically.

"Come on! ! "

Darren stood up slowly, raised his hand, and tore off the hooded coat that covered his face and concealed his identity.

Revealing a black suit and a white cloak of justice.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, his cold voice seemed to overwhelm the storm, the lightning and thunder, and spread across the entire island.

"Criminal Monkey D. Dragon! I, Rogers Darren, Commodore of the Navy Headquarters... In the name of 'justice', officially announce your arrest! ! ! "

"Just surrender! ! ! "





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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