The sun is shining, and the sky is shining.

"Happy holidays!!"

"Happy holidays!!"

A neutral island in the New World.

The streets are bustling at night, with lights and decorations everywhere.

People wear all kinds of festive costumes and congratulate each other at the market.

In the bathroom of an ordinary hotel.

Dorag turned on the shower, raised his head, and let the boiling hot water wash away the fatigue accumulated over the past few days.

Strands of blood slid down the water flow. After a while, Dorag reached out to turn off the valve of the hot water, walked out of the shower room, and came to the mirror.

He raised his hand and wiped the mirror covered with water vapor, and saw his scarred body and the slightly unfamiliar face.

The scars on his face have begun to scab over, and the web-like lines are deeply imprinted on his left face like tattoos, diluting his originally gentle temperament and adding a bit of wildness, coldness and domineering.

Looking at the thin face in the mirror that seemed a little unfamiliar, Dorag let out a long breath and smiled at himself in the mirror with some force.

He found that he had indeed matured a lot.

"From now on, you will have to walk the road alone, young man."

He murmured softly.

After that, Dorag put on a large bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom.

In the hotel box, a man in a cheap black suit stood there like a shadow, waiting quietly.

Seeing Dorag walk out of the bathroom, the man bowed slightly.

"Guest, you are safe now."

"This island is located in the New World. I have prepared the specific sea chart and the permanent pointers of the nearby islands for you and put them on the desk."

Drag looked at the ordinary-looking man in front of him, who was so ordinary that he could not be found in the crowd, and suddenly said:

"Do you know my true identity?"

The man replied respectfully:

"It doesn't matter. It is my mission to bring you to the New World, and now my mission is completed."

"But if you insist on knowing the answer to this question, I can answer it truthfully..."

He said in a deep voice:

"I know you are Monkey D. Dragon, the blood of the Navy'Hero' Monkey D. Garp, a "monster" in the Navy, and now a world-class criminal with a high reward of 2 billion Baileys by the World Government and the Navy."

Drag was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"Do you know what I did?"

The man replied:

"I know that you killed a Celestial Dragon."

Dora frowned,

"Then you should know that your so-called mission may cost you your life."

"Besides, aren't you afraid that I will kill you to silence you?"

The man shook his head and said:

"It is my greatest honor to work for that lord."

"As long as I can complete the order he gave me, I will sacrifice my life."

Dora looked at him deeply,

"Darren's men?"

The man did not deny it, but bowed deeply and said:

"Three years ago, Lord Darren saved the lives of my family and gave them more wealth than they could spend in their lifetime... This is what I should do."

"In addition, Mr. Dorag, Lord Darren asked me to tell you something."

Dora was stunned and asked subconsciously:


The man raised his head and smiled:

"He said...'In fact, I can understand your feelings better than anyone else. After all, there are more than one Celestial Dragon who died in the North Sea.'"

There are more than one Celestial Dragon who died in the North Sea! ?

Dora was stunned when he heard this, as if struck by lightning.

He seemed to realize something, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Could it be..."

His face suddenly became extremely complicated, with various emotions such as astonishment, shock, confusion, realization, embarrassment, etc. intertwined on his face at the same time, which looked extremely wonderful.

So that's it! !

Dora understood everything at once! !

Why can't the truth behind the "attack" of Shields Saint be found out!

Why did Darren tell him that he "understood" how he felt when he killed the Celestial Dragon!

Why did he say "You shouldn't be so impulsive"!

Why did he look at him with a helpless, disappointed look in his eyes!

...If that's the case, everything makes sense!

Thinking of how he showed off his pleasure and prestige in killing the Celestial Dragon in front of Darren, Drago

I felt my toes bend and tighten involuntarily.

Wait! !

He suddenly remembered another thing.

If Darren had killed Sildes Saint, with the wisdom of General Warring States, he would never have noticed it.

After all, General Warring States was in charge of that case at the beginning.

But if General Warring States noticed something, why did Darren not have any problem... but instead rose to prominence?

There is only one possibility.

That is, Darren did not leave any traces.

He did it too cleanly!

Dorag's thoughts quickly became clear.

"So that's it..."

A slightly helpless bitter smile gradually appeared on Dorag's face.

"I guess in the eyes of General Warring States, compared to Darren's shrewdness, I am just a fool..."

He muttered to himself.

Now Dorag also understood it.

General Warring States sent Darren to "hunt" him at the first time.

Do you regret it?

No, Dragon does not regret it.

Even if time could go back, he would kill the Celestial Dragon without hesitation.

This is his character.

He is far from being as calculated as Darren.

However, with the words of the man in front of him, Dragon suddenly felt that the depression and loneliness in his heart were swept away in an instant.

It turns out... there is another person in this world who dares to draw his sword against the "honorable and great God" like me!

This feeling is like a person groping with a lonely lamp in the long dark night, after experiencing countless hardships and enduring endless loneliness...

Suddenly found that there was another person, also walking in the dark night with a candle.

A feeling of incomparable warmth and even heat arose in his heart.


Drag whispered softly, his eyes were a little red, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"I thought we would drift apart from now on, and even go our separate ways."

"I didn't expect that we could still walk side by side."


He shook his head, thinking of the legendary North Sea Fleet and Darren's confidence in controlling everything, and said in a voice that only he could hear:

"Maybe you have gone further than me."

"... Then, Mr. Dorag, I'll leave first."

At this time, the man said softly.

He pointed to the cake on the table and smiled:

"This is my gift to you."

"Although I don't understand that song, I feel a great power from it."

"I believe your future path must be difficult and sacred. I hope this insignificant thought can add a little sporadic sweetness to your great and painful career."

He bowed deeply, his expression sincere and true.

"Happy holidays."


In the night sky outside the hotel, colorful fireworks suddenly spread out, gorgeous and beautiful.

Dorag's eyes were dazed for a moment, and then he remembered that the new year had arrived.

He smiled softly and said:

"Happy holidays to you too."

"Go home and reunite with your family."

"That's the most important thing, isn't it?"





I'm grateful for everything.

Happy holidays.

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