The truth is, the truth is that ... "You are a natural born politician. I won't beat around the bush with you."

Kong Gu Kong bit a cigar and lit it, then said slowly:

"After these two killings of the Celestial Dragons, the government's top brass's doubts and distrust of our navy have become deeper and deeper."

Darren was about to light a cigar, but when he heard what Kong Gu Kong said, he added:

"No, it was just once."

"The specific cause of the attack on the Celestial Dragons in the North Sea has been found out... The official ship where Lord Sirdes Saint was was attacked by a large sea king creature and unfortunately died."

"I personally express my deep regret for this." Apologies and condolences."

"...Okay, okay, you said a Sea King attack is a Sea King attack."

Konggu Kong waved his hand speechlessly, took a big puff of his cigar, and then continued after several seconds:

"In short, the government's distrust has reached its highest point since I took office as the Admiral of the Navy."

"As for whether the government will send someone to investigate this incident, I'm not sure. "

"But what is certain is that the promotion plan that was basically finalized has been temporarily stopped."

"Promotion plan?" Darren was a little curious.


Kymbal Sora nodded,

"According to the original plan, I should go to the Holy Land of Marijoa to serve as the 'Commander-in-Chief of the World Government' within the next three months, and Sengoku will naturally take over my position as the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters."

"But now because of what happened with Drago, the confirmed promotion plan has been suspended."

It turned out to be like this!

Darren suddenly felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

In fact, before this, he had more or less heard a little bit of the wind - Sengoku was about to be promoted from the position of Admiral of the Headquarters to Admiral of the Navy.

He was a little confused at the time.

After all, Darren vaguely remembered that the timeline for Sengoku to be promoted to Admiral of the Navy was not that early.

You know, in the O'Hara incident after the opening of the Great Pirate Era, it was Sengoku who issued the Demon Slayer Order, and he was still the Admiral of the Headquarters at that time.

Now that I think about it, everything is right.

It is very likely that the government questioned Sengoku's leadership ability because of Dragon's "defection", which led to him being able to maintain the rank of admiral for a long time and failing to be promoted to the position of marshal.

But this is normal.

Dragon is not an ordinary rear admiral.

The blood, identity and symbolic significance he represents have, to some extent, exceeded the scope of the admiral.

And such a "hero's son" who was highly expected by the entire navy, openly killed a world noble Celestial Dragon!

This is definitely an extremely heavy blow to the navy as a whole.

"This is only temporary. It won't be long before all doubts fade away and the World Government will forget about it."

Darren said with a smile:

"After all, the government also needs our navy as their main combat force."

"Before that, I would like to congratulate Marshal Kong on his promotion in advance."

Steelbone Kong looked at Darren and suddenly laughed:

"Don't be so optimistic. This time, it's not just me and Zhan Guo who are implicated."

Darren's smile froze.

? ? ?

All I heard was Kong Gang smilingly:

"Although your battle report is beautifully written and there is nothing wrong with it, the killing of the Celestial Dragons this time happened in the North Sea anyway."

"The two consecutive killings of the Celestial Dragons happened in the North Sea... under the jurisdiction of you, the 'King of the North Sea'."

"So I regret to tell you that your originally confirmed promotion plan has also been terminated."

At this point, he emphasized with some evil humor:

"Of course, this is only temporary. It will probably not take long before all doubts disappear with time and the World Government will forget about this matter."



Ginger is still spicy with age.

It seems that the 300 million Baileys are too little.

I should have asked for more earlier.

That is the rank of Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

How many navy officers cannot cross the threshold in their lifetime!

It is also the career ceiling of many navy officers in their military career!

It was delayed just like that.

Darren originally thought that after being promoted to Rear Admiral, he could be a little proud and proud in front of Sakaski and Borsalino, and sit on an equal footing... No longer have to salute the "superiors" in a fake manner.

Now, the duck in the mouth has flown away.

Damn Dorag, if I had known, I would have kicked harder...

Do you have to do it in the North Sea?

It's not enough to wipe your ass, now you have to take the blame.

Thinking of this, Darren said helplessly:

"I am willing to accept any arrangement of the headquarters."

But having said that, he didn't feel too much.

The position of Rear Admiral of the headquarters is not a big deal to him.

"Okay, I'll give you a heads up."

Steelbone Sora nodded, glanced at the night outside the window, and said with a smile:

"Let's talk about this, hurry back, that woman from Wano Country is probably waiting anxiously."

When he said the last sentence, the old man deliberately winked at Darren, with a teasing tone.

"Okay, Marshal Sora."

Darren raised his hand and saluted.

"Well, go ahead, happy holidays, Darren boy."

Steelbone Sora waved his hand.


Navy Headquarters, Officers' Family Quarters.

Darren looked at the lanterns hanging on the porch in front of the courtyard and the warm lights emanating from the courtyard wall, and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

He thought for a while, took out a handkerchief to wipe his stained face, and took off the bandages on his body.

He patted his face, trying to make himself look less tired, and a smile rose on his face.

Although he considered himself a loser, he didn't want the gentle Ah Shi to worry about him.

He pushed open the door to the yard.

"Ah Shi, I'm back, happy holidays--"

Darren froze in place, his raised military boots frozen in midair.

In the living room inside the house,

Two beautiful figures with different temperaments sat opposite each other, with a table of delicious food in front of them, and the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"Husband, you're back."

Tian Yueshi heard the voice, turned around, and smiled like a flower.

The corner of Darren's mouth twitched.

"I, I came at the wrong time... Wait! I suddenly remembered that General Zhan Guo wanted to see me for something!"

"No, General Zhan Guo didn't look for you."

The opposite side of Tian Yueshi, with a high ponytail and a dashing temperament, Gion looked at Darren and smiled dangerously:

"You came at the right time."


This line always feels wrong.





Ask for everything, thank you.

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