The more you fight, the more you will fight.


"Every punch you throw must be a punch that implements the will of victory and justice!"

"Only a punch with the confidence of winning can integrate all your messy abilities!"

Under the scorching sun.

In an abandoned port piled with various military wastes, a black figure, breathing heavily under the scorching sun, punched the huge warship in front of him, which was 20 meters high, like a beast.

The figure was naked from the waist up, revealing a body covered with various scars, with facial lines as deep as a steep cliff, and beads of sweat dripping down the black hair and chin.

His muscular body was tanned to a healthy bronze color, and his temperament was wild and unruly.

Every time he punched, the powerful force was like a tightly twisted hemp rope, bursting out a dull wave of air, causing the behemoth in front of him to tremble violently.

Not far away, Cap, wearing a floral shirt and shorts and flip-flops, was sitting under a simply built parasol, leaning comfortably on a lounge chair, holding a glass of juice in his hand, eating donuts and spurring on from time to time.

"I told you, don't use domineering!"

"I don't use domineering!!"

Darren cursed unhappily.

This old man was very bad. At first, he pretended to want to practice with him, but after a few days, he simply showed his true colors.

First, he carried a parasol and a lounge chair from somewhere, and then his butt was stuck on the beach chair and never got up again.

"Hahaha, I know you don't have domineering power, so I just want to remind you."

Kapu laughed loudly, his face as thick as a city wall.


He gritted his teeth and looked at Kapu's comfortable and relaxed look. Even though he couldn't help but feel itchy, his punching movements and speed suddenly increased!

Bang, bang, bang!

He simply vented all his anger on the warship in front of him, which was already broken on the surface.

Suddenly, wood chips and metal fragments kept flying, and the violent punches even caused the ground under his feet to vibrate significantly.

This kid is really a freak...

Kapu drank a sip of iced juice happily, squinting at Darren's explosive physique like a cheetah, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although he had already witnessed Darren's strength with his own eyes and had heard about the latter's monster-like physique, he was mentally prepared to a certain extent.

But after a few days of practice, Garp was still shocked by Darren's physical fitness.

He was invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and had a toughness comparable to or even beyond steel. Even bullets and cannons had no effect on him.

Garp even did a special experiment on this.

He called it a test of the physical limit, but in fact, Garp was just curious, so he bombarded Darren with his own method of throwing shells with his bare hands.

What was the result?

After a round of bombardment, Darren's military uniform was blown to pieces, and black smoke was coming out of his body. The ground within a radius of ten meters under his feet was blown down by one meter, but he still stood there like nothing happened!

What does this mean?

Garp looked at Darren who was punching wildly there, and two ferocious figures appeared in his mind.

——Kaido and BIG MOM.

"I didn't expect that our navy also had such a freak... Could it be that this kid is not of human blood, but of some strange race?"

Kapu stroked the stubble on his chin, curiously staring at Darren's back, and couldn't help muttering.

"How about asking that bastard Borsalino to check it out?"

He suddenly had such an idea, but soon shook his head.

"Forget it, this is not important."

He took a bite of the donut and continued to observe Darren's movements.

Well, I have already felt it initially, and the power is obviously more concentrated than before.

I have to say that this brat is still working hard.

Kapu's mouth curled up with a satisfied smile.

In fact, what really satisfied Darren was not his extraordinary physical fitness, but his will that was tougher than the "iron body".

Kapu knew very well how terrifying the intensity of the training plan he arranged was, and it was impossible for a normal person to stick to it.

But Darren's performance was completely beyond his expectations.

No matter how much sweat he sheds or how exhausted he is, he never complains about being tired.

This young man is full of

A desire to "become stronger" that ordinary people cannot understand, persistent, firm, and even crazy.

"Maybe he will learn it in the end..."

Garp's eyes flickered, and he smiled and whispered.

At this time, a young navy soldier ran over quickly and saluted Garp breathlessly:

"Report to Vice Admiral Garp, Mr. Zefa said that the time is up."

Garp rolled his eyes unhappily,

"Okay, okay."

He put down the donuts and juice and shouted to Darren:

"Darren boy, the time is up, go to Zefa."

Darren didn't say anything, and his punch speed increased again.

Like a violent storm, the punch suddenly covered a large area of ​​the warship's hull in front.


Garp suddenly raised his eyebrows, and a hint of expectation rose in his eyes.

The next second——

Darren shouted, his eyes were stern, the power was generated from his feet, and the muscles of his whole body contracted flexibly.

His body was like a precision machine, transmitting this power along the spine to his arms.

A punch was thrown!

Bang! !

A dull sound was heard.

The difference was that this punch was different from the previous one, the hull of the warship did not tremble at all.

It did not move at all.

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds,

In the sound of Darren's heavy breathing,

In the excited cheers of Garp,

In the shocked eyes of the navy soldier who came to convey the order,

The wreckage of the warship, which was already in tatters... suddenly exploded into fragments all over the sky! !

"Hahahaha!! Very good!"

Karp stood up suddenly, proudly put his hands on his hips and laughed:

"My teaching method is indeed correct. Although this punch is still far from being truly mastered, it already has that flavor!!"

Darren looked at Karp's proud look and was too lazy to complain.

He walked over tiredly, put on a large navy cloak, and said to the navy soldier who was still standing there blankly:

"Let's go."

The navy soldier swallowed his saliva with a gurgle, retracted his gaze from the land full of waste, and quickly followed.

After walking for a while, he finally couldn't suppress his curiosity and asked cautiously in a low voice:

"Commodore Darren, what was the name of that move just now?"

Darren paused.

He looked up, took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one, bit it in his mouth and lit it.

The cool wind blew past, and white smoke shrouded his face, making him look extremely mysterious.

The navy soldier held his breath and waited quietly.

Seeing Darren's serious and lonely look, he knew that the name of this move must be quite impressive.

"This move..."

Darren exhaled a long puff of smoke and said lightly:

"--It's called 'Serious Punch'."

The navy soldier seemed to be struck by lightning.

? ? ?





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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