The golden lion Shiki! ?

The legendary pirate, a top powerhouse on par with Roger and Whitebeard, even more dangerous than the latter two in the assessment of the Navy Headquarters!

When Darren heard the name, his eyes shone, and Garp and Kuzan beside him were also slightly stunned.

"Hey, hey, Darren hasn't even graduated from the training camp yet. It's not appropriate for him to deal with Shiki, right?"

Garp maintained his usual style and spoke bluntly.

Although Darren's strength is already very strong, he is still far behind the golden lion Shiki.

Garp, who has fought with the golden lion many times, knows this better than anyone else.

Darren also fell silent.

You have to know that the Golden Lion at this time was not the crippled one that was beaten away by Luffy, but a real existence standing at the peak of the sea's combat power!

The terrifying devil fruit ability,

The unparalleled two-sword swordsmanship,

Even with his magnificent ambition of "dominating the world and roaring the sea"... Darren has no doubt that this guy has definitely awakened the Conqueror's Haki!

It can be said without hesitation that, to a certain extent, the Golden Lion at this time is even more difficult to deal with than Roger and Whitebeard, and is more feared!

After all, this guy was able to break into the Navy Headquarters alone, destroy half of Marinford, and was finally defeated by Garp and Sengoku.

Borsalino shrugged and smiled:

"This is the order of Admiral Sengoku, and the commander of this mission is Admiral Sengoku himself."

Hearing this, Darren's eyes flashed.

So that's it, you want to take me with you to contain the power of the Golden Lion's Floating Fruit?

He understood instantly.

So he stopped hesitating and asked with a smile:

"Okay, when do we set off?"

Having been in the headquarters for more than half a year, Darren has been practicing hard, and he really wants to go out to sea.

Simply working behind closed doors is far from enough. If you want to grow into a real strong man, actual combat is always an indispensable part.

And he also wants to see with his own eyes how strong that arrogant lion is.

"We will set sail tomorrow, go back and prepare."

Borsalino said this slowly, and his figure scattered into countless golden lights and disappeared on the spot.

"Well... it's a good choice to go out to sea for some experience. We've done the necessary training, and continuing to train is just a waste of time."

At this time, Garp looked at Darren and said thoughtfully:

"But Darren, don't take it lightly... that bastard Ski is different from the pirates you have encountered before."

"Roger, Whitebeard, Bondi Waldo... these pirates who dominate this era, although their strength is extremely strong, to a certain extent, these guys are not absolutely bad guys."

"Bondi Waldo wants to fight against the World Government, Whitebeard just wants to protect his family, and as for Roger, that bastard wants to take risks freely... As pirates, they have naturally done more or less bad things, but that's all."

"But that guy Ski is different..."

At this point, Garp's eyes became slightly gloomy, flashing with solemnity and fear.

"Shiki the Golden Lion is a pure pirate."

"Plunder, destruction, fraud, cunning, forbearance, greed... As long as he can achieve his goal, he will not hesitate to use any means, and he has no bottom line at all."

"In addition to the special nature of his ability of the Float-Float Fruit, every time this guy shows up and moves, it will give our navy a headache."

Darren nodded and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Vice Admiral Garp, I will pay attention."

Looking at Darren's calm reaction, Garp was stunned at first, thinking that the other party didn't take his instructions seriously.

But he reacted immediately the next second.

Plunder, destruction, fraud, cunning, forbearance, greed, unscrupulous...

Isn't this the pirate version of Darren! ?

Or, isn't Darren the navy version of the Golden Lion! ?

Well, I was worrying too much.

Garp smiled bitterly and shook his head.

With the strength of Sengoku, plus Borsalino, it is enough to contain Shiki.

In addition, Darren was so cunning and sly, so he didn't have to worry about them getting hurt.

Maybe the one who would suffer the most in the end would be Ski.

Thinking of this, Karp suddenly understood the importance of the war.

This is why the country wants to bring Darren with them on this mission.

This is to let the "scum of the navy" deal with the "scum of the pirates"...

"This is so cool!!"

At this time, Kuzan finally couldn't hold back his excitement and shouted while waving his fist.

He stared at Darren with burning eyes:

"Darren, you are going to defeat the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion!!"

He turned his head and looked at Garp with expectation.

"Mr. Garp! I want to go too!!"


Darren and Garp said in unison.

Kuzan: "..."

Darren didn't want Kuzan, a hot-blooded guy, to keep nagging him on the road.

"Kuzan, you still lack the experience of fighting with top masters. This mission is too dangerous for you."

Kapu said bluntly:

"Wait until you have learned from me and become a master, then you can go."

He looked at Kuzan with expectations.

It was not easy to find a seedling who could "understand" his teachings, so he couldn't let him go so easily.

"Hey, Darren, what are you still doing here, hurry up and leave."

Kapu turned his head and waved at Darren like chasing away flies.

Darren: ...

Hey, hey, hey, do you have to treat me differently?

A few black lines floated on his forehead.


The next day.

When the sky in the distance was a little white, Darren had already gotten up early.

The luggage had been packed and was considerately arranged by Ashi and placed in front of the door.

Looking at Ah Shi sleeping soundly, Darren couldn't help but think of the madness of last night's farewell and smiled.

"Iron blocks are still quite practical."

He stretched himself refreshed, and the sea stone shackles made a rattling sound.

After a simple breakfast, Darren picked up his luggage and walked out of his front door.

Facing the rising sun,

Darren walked slowly towards the direction of the naval port.

The home behind him was getting farther and farther away, and the peaceful life seemed to be far away from him.

At the naval port.

A large number of navy soldiers were carrying boxes of supplies onto the warship. Zhan Guo, who was directing his men, suddenly paused, turned around, looked at Darren who had arrived at the naval port and smiled:

"Are you here?"

Darren raised his hand and saluted:

"Commodore Rogers Darren of the Navy Headquarters, here!"

Zhan Guo looked at the shackles on Darren's hands in surprise and asked:

"Why are you still wearing this?"

Darren smiled:

"I'm used to wearing it, I'll take it off on the way."

Zhan Guo nodded.

Seeing that the munitions, food and other supplies had been moved, he took Darren on board the warship.

The sea breeze was cold, and the air was solemn.

"Set sail!!"





I'll thank you for everything.

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