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"So, don't tell me 'I'm sorry' or 'I'm sorry'... You navy guys keep talking about justice... cough cough cough..."

The man coughed violently, black blood coming out of his mouth, and his face gradually turned from pale to purple-black.

He panted heavily and sneered as he was dying:

"...Delayed justice is nothing like bullshit justice!"

The Warring States and other navies were silent.

I don't know when it started to rain in the sky.

The raindrops were pattering, washing away the bloodstains on the ruins, but they could not wash away the unspeakable emotions in everyone's hearts.

"You're right, our navy's justice... is indeed bullshit."

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

Zhan Guo and the others were stunned for a moment when they saw Darren slowly squatting down and looking at the man calmly.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took one out.

"Want to smoke one?"

The man was startled slightly and nodded with difficulty.

Darren put the cigarette in his mouth and took out a lighter to light it for him.

The man took a long drag on the cigarette, then coughed again as if he was choking.

"Things have already happened. I know there is no point in saying 'I'm sorry' to you. Justice that is delayed is not justice, but it is unfortunate. I am not very fond of 'justice' either."

Darren also lit a cigarette for himself, smiled and said:

"I only believe in revenge."

"So, if you know something, you can tell me... Even a little clue can help us find the murderer earlier, kill him, and then provide for your family..."

He glanced at the man in front of him whose pupils had gradually lost their light, and whose vitality was like a candle in the wind.

"Also...take revenge for you."

The man was silent.

He looked at the commodore in front of him, and suddenly realized that this navy's temperament was completely different from the others.

There was a fierce and unscrupulous look in his eyes.

Is he a madman?

The man suddenly laughed.

"Three days ago, a fleet passed by our town for supplies. It is said that the fleet found a priceless treasure and wanted to sell it to the big shots in the underground world."

"The golden lion will be here in two days."

"He slaughtered crazily on the island, tortured and killed, and asked about the traces of the fleet... and then this is what you see now."


Upon hearing the man's words, everyone including Darren frowned and fell into deep thought.

With the strength and prestige of the Golden Lion, he simply looked down upon ordinary treasures.

Whether it's wealth, supplies, arms, or territory of influence...as long as what he's targeting doesn't require that much trouble, he can just plunder it.

He lacked nothing at all.

"Do you know what he was thinking about?"

Sengoku asked anxiously.

The man looked at him with disdain and shook his head with great difficulty.

Darren said slowly at this time:

"If it is something that the golden lion is eyeing, it must be some treasure that can help him dominate the sea."

Sengoku nodded in agreement.

"Then do you know where that fleet went?"

He looked at the man and wanted to continue asking, but was stunned as soon as the words came out of his mouth.


Crows flew overhead.

The cold rain hit my face, pattering down on the ground, and then rebounded, splattering my military boots and trousers with dirt.

The man's pupils had become completely dilated and his body was stiff.

The cigarette was extinguished on his white, chapped lips.

He is dead.

The clue is broken.

In the ruins of the town, all navies silently performed their respective tasks.

In addition to trying to find other survivors, they also wanted to check if there were any other clues that could help them find the whereabouts of the Golden Lion or that caravan.

Cold rain fell continuously.

Darren wore a large hooded coat, covering half of his face, and walked in a corner of the ruins with a cigarette in his mouth.

He stopped and looked at a building that was cut in half in front of him. He walked forward and reached out to touch the sword marks on it that almost cut the earth.

Since practicing boxing with Garp, Darren has gradually realized that Garp's boxing is a powerful move that emerges from a high degree of concentration of mental and physical skills.

This involves will, or the level of "potential".


Garp's boxing gave him an irresistible, violent and magnificent momentum, but the exaggerated sword marks in front of him, the remaining breath on them, gave Darren a rebellious, cruel and violent temper.

One can imagine how perverse and arrogant the character of the person who swung this sword is.

Treat life as a joke, do whatever it takes to achieve the goal, and laugh at the life and death of others and even oneself... Gradually, a heroic image emerged in Darren's mind.

"Bulu Bulu... Bulu Bulu..."

Suddenly, the call of the Den Den Mushi sounded from his arms.

Darren was stunned, took out the encrypted Den Den Mushi, and after seeing the signal on it, he couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He glanced around and made sure that there was no one around before connecting to the Den Den Mushi communication.

A rebellious, low, sinister laugh came from the Den Den Mushi:

"咈咈咈咈咈... Dear Godfather, I have good news to tell you."

The Den Den Mushi vividly imitated Doflamingo's expression.

"The thing you have always wanted and asked me to find has finally appeared."

A gleam of light flashed in Darren's deep eyes.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes narrowed deeper, like two dangerous gaps.

Doflamingo laughed strangely:

"That thing has now fallen into the hands of the dark emperor of the New World, "Loan Shark King" Lu Field. It is said that he will hold an auction on a neutral island in the New World one day, and the highest bidder will win."

"Many forces have heard the news and moved... including some incredible guys."

Darren slowly exhaled and said in a deep voice:

"I know."

"Let me guess, among these incredible guys, Golden Lion Shiki should also be included."

Doflamingo was stunned, and then laughed:

"Hehehehehehe... Since the Godfather has made some arrangements, I won't join in the fun here."

"Well, trouble, Dov."

Darren didn't say anything and hung up the Den Den Mushi signal directly.

The Don Quixote family's strength in the North Sea is still good, but it is not enough in the New World, so he didn't plan to let Doflamingo intervene.

It's just that the news brought by Dover...

Everything makes sense now.

Darren turned around, put away the Den Den Mushi, and strode towards Sengoku.

"General Sengoku, I know what the Golden Lion is looking for."

Sengoku, who was busy, was stunned.

"What is it!?"

Darren looked up and looked at the dark sky in the distance.

"The ability of 'World Destroyer' Bondi Waldo... Momo Fruit."

As soon as these words came out, Sengoku's face suddenly changed drastically.





Ask for everything, thank you.

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