The battle strength of the emperor general level is the top battle strength in this sea. Only by truly stepping into this level can one enter the ranks of "gold medal players". This is the threshold between the truly strong and the weak. Some people cannot cross it even if they work hard for a lifetime, but there are also some monsters with talents like demons who can easily walk into this magnificent palace. The potential of the flying squirrel itself is already good enough. With the thunder fruit given by Darren, it is not impossible for him to step into this level. Hearing Darren's words, the flying squirrel rolled his eyes. This guy said it easily, but in fact, no one except himself knew how much time and energy the flying squirrel spent in developing the power of the thunder fruit in the past six months. What the flying squirrel didn't tell others was that when he saw Darren's strength becoming stronger day by day, an indescribable sense of anxiety and urgency was constantly growing in his heart.

It wasn't because of jealousy.

But he was always afraid that he couldn't keep up with Darren.

What if... Although it seems unlikely to happen... But what if... One day, Darren, who is as strong as a monster, encounters an invincible enemy, or falls into a life-or-death dilemma...

What if at that time, he needs the help of his deputy, but he is too weak to support him?

The flying squirrel didn't dare to imagine that scene at all.

As if he saw something, Darren patted the flying squirrel on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself, just let things take their own course."

"How has the fleet developed recently?"

Speaking of business, the flying squirrel immediately entered the working state, and his expression quickly became serious:

"Not bad, with the foundation you have laid, the situation in the North Sea is quite stable."

"As for the Don Quixote family, since the last time he gave Doflamingo a reminder, he has been much more obedient, and the fleet's tax revenue has shown a steady upward trend overall."

Darren nodded.

He knew the "warning" that the flying squirrel gave Doflamingo, which was why he gave the thunder fruit to the flying squirrel.

"Dover is just like this, arrogant and arrogant, sometimes I really don't know how to discipline him. Without a good way, only practical lessons can make him a little more obedient."

Darren said with emotion.

Flying Squirrel: "..."

You really put yourself in the role of "father".

"...You caused such a big incident in the New World this time. I guess the Don Quixote family will be much more peaceful for a long time."

"Tsk tsk tsk, the fleet of Golden Lion Shiki was annihilated by you just like that... You are really cruel. I heard that Golden Lion is a guy who will take revenge for any slight."

When he said the last sentence, there was a hint of worry and vigilance in the tone of Flying Squirrel.

Darren smiled disapprovingly and said:

"I don't think I will leave the headquarters in the short term. What can he do?"

"If he really dares to come to Marinford, then I am really looking forward to it."

A fierce murderous intent flashed in Darren's eyes. He raised his hand and gently stroked the knife wound on his chest that was still aching, and a sneer of defiance appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I remember clearly the knife he used to cut me."

The flying squirrel was speechless, and then smiled with relief.

Is the Golden Lion Shiki vindictive?


But the flying squirrel knew very well that the guy in front of him was not a kind person.

Darren was a madman who dared to kill the Celestial Dragons just because he was in a bad mood!

It has been a year since the shocking "Celestial Dragon Incident". During this time, the flying squirrel kept thinking about why Darren took such a huge risk to kill Shields Saint.

Was it because he felt pity for the civilian father and daughter?


But with Darren's calm personality, he would never do such an impulsive thing because of momentary pity;

Is it because of his pride and responsibility as the "King of the North Sea", and because of the rule he set that "you must do things if you receive money"?


But the flying squirrel knows that responsibility, obligation, rules, and other things are actually insignificant to Darren.

...These are not the reasons why Darren took action.

The real reason why Darren took action to kill Shields Saint

The reason for this arrogant Tianlong was actually hidden in the last words Darren said to him that day.

——"That guy's expression is so disgusting, it makes me have the urge to kill him... I still can't control it no matter what."

I don't like him, he makes me feel bad, so I want to kill him...even if he is a Celestial Dragon, it doesn't matter.

This is the “justice” that Darren practices.

——"Justice according to one's own will".

Golden Lion Shiji may be eyeing Darren, but isn't Darren already eyeing the Golden Lion?

The Flying Squirrel had never seen Darren suffer at the hands of anyone.

"By the way, how is the development progress of the fleet's laser weapons?"

Darren thought of Porusalino's words.

A smile appeared on the flying squirrel's face and he said:

"It went very well."

"Vinsmoke Gaji truly deserves to be one of the top scientists on this ocean. He has successfully constructed the energy core of the laser weapon and transformed it."

"Based on my current development progress of the Thunder Fruit, each charging of the laser weapon takes 3 minutes. After one charge, at least 50 laser cannons can be released."

"In the past six months, the size of the fleet has expanded from the original 10 warships to 20 warships, and it is still expanding steadily at a rate of two ships per month."

"As of now, our North Sea Fleet now has a total of 20 main warships. Each warship is equipped with at least 5 laser cannon weapons and 5 conventional heavy artillery. There are also 8 supply warships."

"According to your previous conception, it is estimated that in the second half of the year, the size of the North Sea Fleet will be expanded to about 25 ships, and all the weapons carried will be updated, and a large-scale maritime combat fleet will be officially formed."

Darren nodded with satisfaction.

He highly recognized Flying Squirrel's work ability, especially when it came to handling military affairs. Being more patient, he was even better than himself.

Although he has gradually withdrawn from the daily affairs of the North Sea Fleet, Darren also gave a blueprint for the development of the fleet with a modern perspective and insight.

A modern maritime fleet far beyond this era!

Replace traditional wood structures with high-quality alloys, replace natural wind power with efficient energy, and replace outdated gunpowder shells with advanced laser weapons...

After the transformation of the Germa 66, the warships of the North Sea Fleet now have some shadows of modern battleships.

The cost of manufacturing, modifying, and carrying weapons on warships is more than five times that of warships of the same level at the Navy Headquarters!

If Darren hadn't plundered the wealth of Sky Island Golden Land, he wouldn't have been able to build such a terrifying fleet even if he emptied the entire North Sea.

And this North Sea Fleet, which is armed to the teeth, will also become the most powerful force and confidence under his command in the future!





Ask for everything and be grateful.

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