The new world.

Cake Island.

The environment of this island is very unique. Every building on the island is pure white cream style. If you look closely, you will be surprised to find that the main materials of the buildings are made of cake.

The sky is gloomy and there is a drizzling drizzle.

The drizzle washes away the rich cream aroma of the cakes on the island.

A corner of Cake Island.

On the land covered with fragrant grass, the members of the Charlotte family did not wear the weird clothes of the past, but wore simple black clothes.

Their eyes were drooping, and the black figures stood in the drizzle, looking very depressed.

Two gray-white tombstones stood in front of them:

"Charlotte Perospero's Tomb"

"Charlotte Daifuku's Tomb"

In front of the tombstones were placed various sweets and flowers as a memorial.

Snap, snap, snap...

Muffled footsteps came from behind the crowd, mixed with crisp sounds, which were the sounds of spiked horse boots stepping on the ground.

Everyone was stunned and made way for a passage.

A tall figure walked slowly in the drizzle.

It was a young man about 20 years old, with a murderous aura and a pair of eyes like a cold and hard blade, extremely cold.

He had short red hair, long legs, and a clear outline of the muscles exposed on his upper body, full of unparalleled explosive power.

There are pink tattoos on his left arm, left upper body and left back, and a skull tattoo on his left arm. The overall clothing style is full of strong black metal style. He wears black jeans and leather boots with spurs on the back.

A large white scarf covers the lower half of his face, and the black windbreaker behind him rises and falls gently in the cold breeze.

The surface of his riding boots and windbreaker is still stuck with coagulated flesh and blood. As he walks along, the air is filled with a pungent smell of blood.

"It's Katakuri..."

"Why is he back? Didn't he say he was suppressing the resistance forces in Edlanco?"

"It seems that he has already completed the suppression. The 13,000 rebels who tried to resist my mother's rule... were all slaughtered by him in one day..."

"What... is going on? Didn't they say that the situation was at a stalemate?"

"I don't know, but it seems that Katakuri heard the news of Perospero's death and started killing people directly."

"Such a strong smell of blood..."


The members of the BIG MOM Pirates looked at Charlotte Katakuri, who was walking steadily, with doubtful expressions, and whispered to each other with different expressions.

At the funeral, some people sneered, some ridiculed, some worried, some were sad, and some were grief-stricken...

Even though the members of the Charlotte family all have BIG MOM's blood flowing in their bodies and are brothers connected by blood, not every member of the Charlotte family will be sad for the death of Perospero and Daifuku because of their different biological fathers.

For some marginal family members, their death is actually a good thing.

This means that the position of the Minister of the Management of All Nations has become vacant, and the vacancy also means that they may gain power and status.

For the treacherous relationship between her children, BIG MOM herself does not care, and even lets it go.

For her, even her own blood is just a tool and weapon for her rule.

Completely ignoring the different looks of the people around her, Charlotte Katakuri came to the two tombstones, knelt on one knee, and carefully placed the bloody flowers in her hand on the ground.

"Have you found out who did it?"

He said coldly with an expressionless face.

No one answered.

Katakuri's eyes turned cold.

Boom! !

A majestic momentum suddenly burst out from his body, sweeping out like a substance.

Conqueror's Haki!

The members of the Big Mom Pirates present were shocked, and some of those who were not so determined even knelt on the ground with a bang, their faces pale and gasping for breath.

"I said... have you found out who did it?"

Katakuri said word by word.

Every word was chilling, like a cold nail, piercing people's hearts.

"No, I don't know..."

"It was Mom... who notified us to recover the body..."

"Only Mom knows..."

"But we... don't dare to ask..."

Someone said in a trembling voice.

Katakuri frowned and put away his aura.

The strong wind suddenly stopped, and all the strange phenomena around him disappeared.

He slowly stood up, and his eyes swept across the faces of everyone present one by one.

"For three days, all entertainment activities on all islands within the Ten Thousand Nations will be suspended to mourn for Perospero and Daifuku."

"In addition, I don't want to see any of you coveting their positions and jurisdictions. Everything must be decided by Mom."

"Do you understand?"

After saying that, Katakuri turned around and left without even looking at the faces of others.

With a bloody smell on his body, he quickly came to the gate of the Cake Castle.

Raising his hand to stop the guards from calling, Katakuri looked at the Cake Castle expressionlessly, and suddenly knelt heavily on one knee with a "bang", bowed his head and said:

"Mom, I want to know who killed them."

A moment of silence.

Katakuri gritted his teeth and suddenly hit his head hard on the ground.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the ground, and blood dripped from Katakuri's forehead, which frightened the guards on the side.

"Mom, please tell me!"

His response was still silence.

The long silence was deafening.

Katakuri finally couldn't hold back his anger.

He and Perospero had always had a good relationship, and the two of them jointly maintained the unstable rule of the Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

And Daifuku was his brother, a blood relative of the same father and mother!

The death of the two was undoubtedly a fatal blow to Katakuri, who attached great importance to family and blood ties!

His eyes were filled with dense bloodshot, and his hands in black leather gloves clenched tightly.

The surrounding environment suddenly underwent an extremely strange change!

The earth, walls, buildings, sculptures, street lights... all dead things seemed to come alive in an instant, turning into twisted sticky balls that kept stretching, like countless long snakes dancing wildly.

The guards had never seen such a weird scene before, and they were horrified and stepped back subconsciously.

"Mom, please tell me!!"

Katakuri raised his hand with red eyes, and the moment the domineering aura burst out, the sticky balls surged up like a tide.

But at this moment,

"Mah mah mah... You are worthy of being my most trusted son, you actually successfully awakened the devil fruit!!"

The hoarse female voice came out from the depths of the castle, with undisguised admiration in her tone.

But the next sentence changed the subject, and the tone suddenly became stern.

"But your performance... do you want to attack me?"

A domineering aura far stronger than Katakuri's crushed out, and the guards fainted directly under the pressure of the air wave, and cracks appeared on the walls of the castle.

Katakuri's pupils trembled.

The overwhelming pressure made him kneel on one knee with a bang, and everything in front of him seemed to become blurred, like a mirror shattered.

But he still gritted his teeth and forced his body to support his back straight!


Katakuri's eyes were bloodshot.

"I just want to avenge Daifuku and others!"

"The dignity of the Charlotte family cannot be violated by outsiders!!"

The domineering aura suddenly disappeared.

Katakuri only felt his body suddenly loosen up, kneeling there gasping for breath, sweating profusely.


The heavy castle door slowly opened.

Big Mom sat on a throne, her long legs in pink high leather boots crossed, one hand lazily supporting her cheek, looking at Katakuri kneeling there with a smile.

"No, Rogers Darren is not an outsider."

Charlotte Lingling's red lips slightly lifted, smiling charmingly.

"He will be my twenty-seventh husband... In other words, he will be your father."

Katakuri was stunned.

Then his eyeballs bulged, and hideous bloodshot filled them.

His fists were clenched very tightly.





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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