The horrible laughter spread out in the world of lightning and thunder, like the whisper of the devil at the end of the world, making people feel cold all over. Wave after wave of boundless killing intent rushed straight at them, making the patrolling navy officers in the naval port turn pale in an instant, as if they were falling into an ice cellar. "That is..." "Damn... How could it be..." "Golden Lion Shiki!" "The legendary pirate, Golden Lion Shiki!!" "How could he appear here!?" "My God..." The navy and civilians of Marinford looked up with shocked eyes, looking at the golden lion in the sky, and the shock in their hearts was beyond description, which set off a storm. The legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion dared to invade the Navy Headquarters so recklessly! ?

Is he crazy! ?

"Quick!! Go and inform Marshal Kong and Admiral Sengoku!"

A navy shouted with a trembling voice, but his voice stopped abruptly as soon as he spoke, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Marshal Kong and Admiral Sengoku... both went out to sea for a mission.

"Hahahaha!! Navy, you destroyed my fleet, this time I will sink your headquarters into the sea!!"

The golden lion in the sky bit a lit cigar in his mouth and laughed wantonly.

He just waved his big hand horizontally.

The scene that shocked everyone in Marinford appeared-

In the distant sky behind the golden lion, a touch of red light suddenly appeared in the dark sea of ​​clouds.


A low roar came from the sea of ​​clouds.

The red light continued to expand and spread, like a blazing flame, and then suddenly penetrated from the thick black clouds!

Under the eyes of the navy, the low roar became sharper and finally deafening!

Those were not balls of fire at all!

Instead, they were huge meteorites with a diameter of tens of meters! !

The madman Golden Lion actually used his devil fruit ability to float the fragments of the island into the sky and fell as meteorites! !

The fragments of the island fell madly under the action of gravity, and the bottom rubbed against the air to produce a fiery red flame, and the light emitted made the dim sky blood red.

"This... How is it possible..."

"It's not a force we can fight against..."

"A power like a god..."

"Too terrifying..."

"Are we all going to die here?"


At this moment, hundreds of thousands of sailors and civilians stood there in a daze, their hands holding their weapons trembling slightly, like sculptures that had lost their souls.

Their pupils reflected the falling meteorites, which looked like a doomsday disaster.

The most important thing is that Marshal Kong, General Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp were not present at this moment, and it was impossible for anyone to stop this guy Shiki the Golden Lion!

But at this moment, as if a faint blue current passed through the void, the sailors suddenly saw an extremely strange scene.

The muskets in their hands, the heavy artillery on the military forts and artillery platforms, and the artillery on dozens of warships stationed in the port, all moved together!

The muzzles, barrels, and holes of the guns suddenly adjusted their directions and aimed at the falling meteorites!

The world seemed to stop for a moment——

Boom! !

Countless bombardments exploded in every corner of the land of Marinford!

Thousands of heavy artillery deployed by the entire Navy Headquarters fired at the same time, pouring out flames crazily, and the exaggerated recoil even made the ground under their feet tremble.

The airtight shells were like a huge black network, hitting the dozens of burning meteorites head-on!

Continuous explosions exploded in the sky, and the dense flames illuminated the sky, and the entire horizon seemed to be burning!

Under the bombardment of thousands of heavy artillery, dozens of falling meteorites were constantly blown to pieces, turning into countless dense fragments and fire rain that sank into the earth.



Boom boom...

Buildings were hit by meteorite fragments, collapsed instantly, and soon caught fire.

People and sailors on the streets fled in panic, avoiding the rain of fire. Flames rose from everywhere, but at least there were not too many serious casualties.

"This is... the ability of Commodore Darren!"

The navy and civilians reacted quickly and cried out in surprise that they had survived the disaster.


"I really shouldn't have set up flags randomly. I didn't expect that they would actually invade Marinford..."

Darren stood in place, with electric arcs lingering between his fingers, and with the other hand he held Tian Yueshi, whose pretty face was pale, in his arms.

A fragment of a meteorite fell behind him, blasting the family compound into pieces and turning it into a burning ruin.

The hot wind rolled back from behind him, and the white wide cloak fluttered wildly in the sparks and smoke.

He raised his head and narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashing with angry cold light.

His sight collided with the unruly legendary pirate in the sky, as if sparks and lightning were splashing out.

The corner of the commodore's mouth suddenly raised a mocking sneer.

"What's wrong, Golden Lion? It's not enough that I annihilated your flying fleet. Now you are coming to me to give yourself a head?"

Hearing this, Golden Lion's breathing stagnated, and his violent eyes were filled with bloodshot.

"You ignorant brat!"

He opened his arms at the same time, and looked at Darren with a fierce look in his eyes, like a beast that was ready to eat:

"With Zhan Guo gone, no one can protect you today! Darren brat!!"

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding navy was shocked to find that the ground beneath their feet suddenly shook violently.

As if alive, a huge amount of sand and collapsed building debris poured up like seawater, and a huge amount of sand and gravel instantly gathered into three ferocious and majestic lions.

From the left, right, and back, they opened their bloody mouths and swallowed Darren, who was surrounded in the center.

Its momentum was domineering and overwhelming, and hundreds of navy officers around tried to shoot and attack, but they were unable to stop it at all.

"Lion's Might: Goshoji Scroll!!"

However, facing this attack that blocked all retreat routes, Darren's expression did not change at all. His eyes were wide open and he smiled faintly:



Three tall figures in red, yellow and blue appeared at the left, right and back of Darren at the same time.

"Big Fire Spray!"

"Light Speed ​​Kick!"

"Pheasant Mouth!"

The violently boiling magma,

The beam of scorching destruction,

The bluebird of the extreme cold storm,

... roared at the same time and hit the three arrogant and unruly lions that buried the earth!

Boom! !

A deafening roar followed, and the huge monster summoned by the Golden Lion using the power of the Devil Fruit suddenly exploded and shattered under the attack of the three powerful figures!

The laser light flickered endlessly,

the flames of magma swirled around the earth,

the white ice crystals scattered illusively.

Darren looked at the frozen expression of the golden lion and said with a half-smile:

"It seems that I have disappointed you..."





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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