The sound of the saxophone gradually reached its climax.

The music with a wide range of tones was like the raging waves on the sea, bumping and surging.

In the cabin,

The Tianlong people danced wantonly, whipping mercilessly with the iron whip in their hands.

He looked crazy and excited, with a twisted and morbid smile on his face.

The footsteps followed the rhythm of the music, and the sound of whipping was intertwined with the melodious and exciting saxophone music, echoing each other.

Snap! !

Snap! !

Snap! !

The sound of the long whip hitting the tender flesh rang out, and the woman gritted her teeth tightly, with dense bloodstains all over her body.

Burning pain came from the wound on her body, but she didn't dare to wail, just gritted her teeth and kept a flattering smile on her pretty face.

"No, it's not right! Your eyes are wrong!!"

Sildes Saint suddenly roared angrily, and his hand with gem rings swung the whip again, with more and more force.

"You should look at me with unruly eyes! You should hate me! You should hate me!!"

"Think about it, I killed your father, I killed your mother, remember it for me!!"

Snap! !

The sharp whip broke through the air and fell, leaving a bloody wound on the woman's chest.

The woman groaned, her body covered with blood, lying on the ground wetly, gasping for breath, but her eyes became more humble and submissive.

She knew very well that if she showed a hateful look, it would only further stimulate the morbid and twisted desires of the Tianlong people.

Instead, he would lose interest in a moment if he just obeyed and surrendered blindly.

"Damn it!! Damn it!"

Sildes Saint strode forward and slapped the woman in the face with his fat hand.

The woman's body flew back two meters, her face was visibly swollen, a blood mark flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her long black hair was scattered messily.

"It's so boring!"

The Tianlongren cursed breathlessly, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

He directly pulled out the golden pistol inserted in his waist, opened the safety with a click, and directly pressed it against the woman's bloody forehead.

Originally, he thought that if she could please him, he would spare her life.

Now it seems unnecessary.

Sure enough, the noble gods don't need to have any mercy on these lowly and dirty ants.

Anyway, he has found the next exquisite toy, right?

Thinking of this, Sildes Saint grinned cruelly again.

"I'm sorry, my beloved wife."

He looked down at his seventeenth wife, his finger gently on the trigger of the pistol.


However, at this moment,

Sildes Saint suddenly saw the woman's pupils suddenly shrink.

Her originally empty expression gradually showed color, and her eyes were staring straight behind her.

"Hmm?" Sildes Saint frowned.

He smelled a strange smell.

He was very familiar with this smell.

It was the smell of blood.

A very strong smell of blood.

At this moment, a creaking friction sound suddenly sounded behind him.

Sildes Saint turned around and looked at the cabin door with some surprise.

The cabin door was being slowly pushed open.

And the position of the door gap on the ground, the bright red blood was flowing in from the outside.

As the cabin door was completely opened,

The strong wind wrapped in flying snow rushed in from the outside.

A tall figure covered in blood stood there, his short black hair was covered with snowflakes, and a wide white cape fluttered behind him, stirring up the smell of blood.

Sildes Saint suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's you!!"

He stared at Darren standing at the door of the cabin, and his eyes caught a glimpse of the tragic scene on the deck outside the cabin.

Corpses in black suits were hanging in the air.

The 12 CP members responsible for the escort had completely lost their lives, and their bodies were directly pierced by rusty steel, lying in a mess.

Like broken clothes hanging in the wind and snow.

Blood dripped from their bodies, dyeing the entire deck red.

Sildes Saint's pupils suddenly shrank into fine needles.

This guy... He actually killed my men! ?

Could it be...

Instantly, a bottomless chill suddenly surged from the soles of the Celestial Dragon's feet, running along his spine.

It rushed to his head, making his scalp tingle.

"North Sea Admiral, the highest commander of the North Sea Navy, Colonel Darren of the Navy Headquarters, greets Sirdes Saint."

Darren, standing at the door, narrowed his eyes, bowed slightly, and smiled.

Bang! !

The golden pistol spewed out flames.

The bullet hit Darren's forehead squarely, and it made a sound of metal clashing. It flew out with a clang, and sparks flew.

"It seems that the master's shooting is quite good."

Darren smiled and took a step.


When Sirdes Saint saw that the shooting was ineffective, his mind was shocked and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Darren, what do you want to do!?"

"What do I want to do... This is really a good question..."

Darren smiled, paused for a second pretending to think, and blinked at Sirdes Saint.

"What do you think, Lord Shields Saint?"

Shields Saint was stunned, and then said angrily:

"No matter what you want to do, you have offended me, you must die!!!"

Looking at the naval colonel who was getting closer and closer to him, he pulled the trigger frantically.

Bang bang bang bang! !

The bullets continued to hit the naval colonel's body, but they bounced back one after another, leaving several craters on the floor and walls of the cabin.

After firing several shots, Shields Saint looked at the man in front of him with a look of astonishment.


Darren slapped him in the face directly, and the glass cover he was wearing was shattered at the same time. Countless glass shards pierced the face of the Tianlong man, and blood flowed out.

Under Darren's terrifying power, Shields Saint's pig-like face was distorted, and the whole person rotated in the air and flew backwards for several meters, hitting the cabin directly.

With a bang, the wooden board of the cabin shattered.

Sildes Saint howled miserably, his bloodshot eyes staring at Darren with hatred, pointing at the latter:

"You lowly ..."


Two steel bars suddenly sprang out from the bottom of the cabin, wrapped around the Celestial Dragon's hands like tree roots, and pierced through his fat hands, nailing Sildes Saint to the cabin wall.

"Ah ...

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