The next day.

Batiyya Island, city hall meeting room.

After a day of intelligence collection and investigation, the final investigation meeting on the attack on the Celestial Dragons officially began.

Everyone sat down.

The meeting room was very quiet, and you could hear a pin drop. Only the sound of Zhan Guo flipping through the intelligence documents was heard.

Everyone else remained silent and waited quietly.

A few minutes later, Zhan Guo closed the file, raised his head, and glanced at everyone.

"Tell me your opinions."

He pinched his temples and said.

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end, it was Borsalino who spoke first.

He said with a smile:

"I still hold the same view. According to the surveillance video, this incident is most likely just an accident."

"Although the probability of a sea king attack is not high, it is not impossible."

Zhan Guo rolled his eyes upon hearing this, and directly ignored the idiot's words, turning to look at the highest commander of the North Sea Navy.

"Darren, what do you think?"

Darren considered the wording and said in a deep voice:

"General Zhan Guo, I agree with Major General Borsalino's idea."

"There is a saying in my hometown... 'When you rule out all impossible situations, the remaining... no matter how unbelievable, it is the fact.'"

"In fact, there is no strong person in the North Sea who can destroy the official ship of the World Government in an instant, and we have ruled out other possible characters... In this case, the only reasonable answer is undoubtedly the attack of sea kings."

Zhan Guo frowned.

At this time, Darren suddenly looked at Gion and Kaji.

"Perhaps Major Gion and Major Kaji have other different ideas?"

Gion and Kaji were startled when they heard this. Facing Darren's calm eyes, they felt a little uneasy.

"Do you two have any different ideas?"

Zhan Guo also moved his eyes to the two of them.


Kaji opened his mouth.

But the expression of the little girl's father kneeling on the ground crying heartbreakingly and desperately collapsed appeared in his mind.

"I agree with Colonel Darren's opinion." Gion suddenly said coldly.

Her hands were clenched so tightly that her finger bones were even a little blue.

Kaji turned his head and looked at Gion in astonishment, and he couldn't react for a while.

Zhan Guo looked at the abnormal reactions of Gion and the others, and was surprised, but he soon understood and sighed secretly in his heart.

Watching the civilians they were supposed to protect being plundered and turned into "slaves" by the Celestial Dragons, but being unable to stop such atrocities, it must be a heavy blow to those who advocate justice...

Zhan Guo shook his head.

So, is the final truth really as Borsalino said?

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Borsalino, who was sitting there in a trance, and his expression suddenly became strange.

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Is it really... a sea king?


Temporary office.

"So, is this the result of your investigation, Zhan Guo?"

"... an attack by a sea king creature?"

CP0, wearing a white silk robe, sat opposite Zhan Guo, with a cold tone, and his eyes under the strange mask stared at him blankly.

"Are you sure you're not kidding? The adults won't accept such a result."

Zhan Guo felt uncomfortable under CP0's suspicious eyes and coughed lightly:

"Well, yes."

As if to emphasize his credibility, he paused and added:

"There is a saying in my hometown... 'When you eliminate all impossible situations, the remaining... no matter how unbelievable it is, it is the fact.'"

CP0 said coldly: "Zhan Guo, do you think the adults will accept this conclusion?"

Zhan Guo stopped talking immediately.

CP0 pondered for a moment and suddenly said:

"What about the father of the little girl? I think he should be interrogated. After all, he has a motive for committing the crime."

Hearing this, an inexplicable anger surged into Zhan Guo's heart, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"I don't think there is anything wrong with that man. He is just a civilian."

He has secretly visited the father of the little girl.

His face is thin and his eyes are empty. He looks as if he has lost his soul, like a walking corpse.

This is what a middle-aged man who lost his beloved daughter should look like.

What is there to doubt?

As for the motive?

Of course he has a motive!

If Sildes Saint had not been a Celestial Dragon and was heavily protected, that man would have torn Sildes Saint into pieces if he had had even a slight chance.

However, CP0 was unmoved and said coldly:

"This incident involves the world's nobles, so it is not too cautious."

"Warring States... don't forget that this is the government's order. You are the admiral of the navy and should obey unconditionally."

"——I am just following the government's order!" Warring States interrupted CP0 unceremoniously.

He supported the desk with both hands, slowly stood up from the chair, leaned forward, exuding a powerful and compelling aura, and looked down at CP0 in front of him, his voice stiff and hoarse.

"According to you, everyone on Batia Island has a motive for committing the crime. Do we have to arrest all the people on the island and torture them to extract confessions?!"

"——If necessary." CP0 said coldly.

Zhan Guo looked at CP0 in front of him and suddenly laughed, a little ridiculous.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it."

"The attack of sea king creatures... This is the conclusion I came to after investigation. As for the man who lost his daughter, he is just a pitiful person."

"Report to the Five Elders."

CP0 looked at Zhan Guo who was determined and unyielding in front of him and was silent for a while.



Holy Land Mary Joa.

World Government Headquarters, small western-style building.

Boiling tea constantly emits hot steam.

The Five Elders of the World Government, the highest authority, stood or sat, with a stern look, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive.

"My lords, this is the answer given by Zhan Guo."

CP0's hoarse voice came from the military Den Den Mushi.

"We know, you continue to wait for news."

The blond Five Elders said expressionlessly.

"Yes, sir."

The communication with Den Den Mushi was interrupted.

"How ridiculous." Damocles Saint suddenly sneered.

"In fact, this is not impossible." The blond Five Elders said suddenly.

"Of course I know there is a possibility, but the Shields Saint family will not accept this result." Damocles Saint shook his head.

The other Five Elders fell silent after hearing this.

As the Five Elders, they represent the interests of the world's noble Celestial Dragons, but they don't really care if a Celestial Dragon who eats and waits for death dies.

What they care about is to calm the anger of the Celestial Dragon family in the Holy Land.

Although Shields Saint himself is a waste, his family has a great influence in the Holy Land of Marijoa.

To find out the truth, to put it bluntly, is to give them an explanation.

"Perhaps... we should expand the scope of the investigation."

Damocris Saint suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, the other five elders frowned.

The old eyes of Saint Damocles flashed with a cold light:

"I have experienced countless wars in my life and summed up a lesson."

"...That is, there is no so-called "accident" in this world."

The other five elders raised their eyebrows,

"What do you mean?"

Saint Damocles sneered:

"Although the results of the investigation by Sengoku are ridiculous, at least he said something that makes sense... 'When you rule out all impossible situations, the remaining... no matter how unbelievable, it is the fact'."

"Since pirates and civilians have been ruled out, there is only one possibility that may have taken action in the end."

The other four were stunned.

"Could it be..."

"...Yes, I suspect, well, of course it's just a possibility..."

Saint Damocles narrowed his eyes,

"Could the person who took action be..."

He slowly uttered a word that made the other five elders change color slightly.






I'll be grateful for everything.

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