The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Beihai, Batia Island.

A private mansion.

"This way, Colonel Darren is waiting for you in the reception room."

The flying squirrel looked at the CP0 members who came to the door in front of him and raised his hand to make a "please" gesture.

The mansion is very large, covering an area of ​​more than 2,000 square meters. It has all the facilities and buildings such as rockery, gardens, fountains and even training grounds.

The flying squirrel led the CP0 members through the lush garden, and the palms of his hands wrapped in leather gloves unknowingly oozed cold sweat.

CP0 came to the door in person and asked to meet Darren by name... Could it be that the government noticed something?

The flying squirrel forced himself to calm down, subconsciously quickened his pace, and soon arrived at the door of the reception room.

"Colonel Darren."

The flying squirrel raised his hand to salute.

In the reception room, Darren, who was sitting with his legs crossed and smoking a cigar, stood up from his seat with a smile on his face and walked over enthusiastically.

"Dear guest, I am sorry for not welcoming you."

The mask with strange patterns covered CP0's expression, and a cold voice came from under the mask.

"Colonel Darren, I come on behalf of one of the highest powers in the world government... Saint Damocles."

"Oh?" Darren raised his eyebrows, motioned CP0 to sit down, walked to the bar and poured two glasses of whiskey, while adding a few ice cubes to the glass.

He had heard of this person.

This newly promoted Five Elders came from a weak Celestial Dragon family, but with his own strong strength and wisdom, he won most of the votes in the Celestial Dragon Conference in the Holy Land and became the highest power in the world government in one fell swoop.

I have to say, it is indeed a moving legend.

It is this name that sounds a bit taboo.

According to the legend, the Sword of Damocles represents a powerful force, which is very unsafe and can be easily taken away.

Or simply put, it is the fear of the coming of the end of the world.

"I wonder what Saint Damocles has ordered?"

Darren handed CP0 a glass of whiskey, sat down by himself, took a sip of the wine, and said casually.

CP0 did not drink it, but put down the glass and looked at the flying squirrel expressionlessly.

The flying squirrel saluted again, turned around and walked out of the reception room, closing the door.

CP0 then took out a military Den Den Mushi with the highest confidentiality level from his arms, placed it on the smooth table, and dialed a signal.

"Bulu Bulu..."

The military Den Den Mushi made a series of calls.

Seeing this scene, Darren narrowed his eyes.

Is it so confidential that he has to talk directly to the Five Elders?

If he was not 100% sure that he had left no evidence or traces, he would have begun to doubt whether the government was going to take action against him.

Soon the Den Den Mushi communication was connected.

Swish --

A picture was projected from the Den Den Mushi.

In the small western-style building filled with elegant style but not losing its majesty, five old figures were standing or sitting, looking at the navy captain with a strange look.

Seeing this scene, Darren immediately put down his wine glass in fear, stood up from his chair, bowed slightly and said:

"Colonel of the Navy Headquarters, North Sea Admiral Rogers Darren, greets the Five Elders."

The Five Elders sneered at Darren's actions.

"Okay, stop acting here."

"We all know what kind of person you are."

"The notorious 'scum' in the navy..."


Darren smiled slightly:

"Thank you, my Lords."

Five Elders:...

Darren smiled:

"I wonder what the Five Elders are contacting their subordinates for?"

"General Zhan Guo is also on Batia Island, and his subordinates can contact him at any time..."

"...No need." Saint Damocles waved his hand to interrupt Darren, "It is not appropriate for Zhan Guo to know about this matter. "

He looked at the navy captain seriously,

"We have a different opinion on the attack on the North Sea Celestial Dragons."

Darren frowned and said tentatively:

"Your Excellency means..."

Saint Damocles sneered:

"We order you to start a secret investigation of the sailing of warships within the navy at the time of the incident... and all naval movements with flying or near-flying capabilities."

"You are the highest commander of the North Sea Navy. It should not be difficult to find out this information."

Hearing this, Darren opened his eyes wide and his face was full of

Stunned: "What are you suspecting, my lords?"

Saint Damocles said calmly:

"You know very well what we are suspecting. If you still want to continue to be your North Sea Admiral, then obey orders honestly."

Darren's face suddenly became gloomy:

"My lords, are you asking me to investigate my colleagues!?"

"I am a member of the Navy, are you asking me to investigate my comrades!?"

"My lords, are you asking me to betray my partners and betray their trust in me!?"

The Five Elders frowned:

"So you mean, you want to disobey the government's orders?"

Darren took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"No, I mean..."

He clenched his fists and said fiercely:

"The rank of colonel in this headquarters is too low."

The Five Elders were stunned at the same time, their faces full of astonishment, as if they had heard something absurd.

This kid... is he asking for power in person?

A mere naval colonel dared to ask for power from the Five Elders, the highest authority in the World Government! ?


Saint Damocles suddenly laughed, staring at Darren with admiration.

"Very good, I was right about you."

The navy is the face of the World Government and the dog in the hands of the Celestial Dragons.

For them, the more ambitious and greedy the dog is, the easier it is to control.

The Five Elders are most troubled by those stubborn people who are loyal to their personal "beliefs" and are unyielding.

"Do a good job, Darren."

"With your talent, the rank of colonel in the headquarters is indeed a bit of a waste of talent."

After saying this, Saint Damocles looked at Darren meaningfully, and then hung up the Den Den Mushi.

The screen disappeared.

CP0 put away the Den Den Mushi and stood up.

"Would you like to have a drink?"

Darren said with a smile,

"After all, we will be colleagues working for the adults in the future."

CP0 hesitated for a moment, took a sip of the wine glass, and then disappeared silently, like a ghost.

When CP0 disappeared, the smile on Darren's face gradually disappeared.

A purple-blue arc suddenly jumped up between his fingers, and the invisible magnetic field fluctuations spread out instantly.

Well, there is no life magnetic field feature of that CP0.

After confirming that CP0 had left, Darren knocked on the table lightly.

The flying squirrel outside the door strode in.

"What happened?"

Darren lit a cigar and said calmly:

"The World Government began to suspect that the attack on the Celestial Dragons was caused by the Navy."

"Just now, the Five Elders came to talk to me personally, and the one who raised the suspicion should be the new Five Elders... Saint Damocles."

The flying squirrel's pupils shrank.

Saint Damocles, the highest authority of the world government known for his "wisdom".

At the coronation ceremony of the Five Elders not long ago, the emcee read out the meaning of the name given by his father in public:

"It means the supreme sword of judgment, hanging on the top of the world, making everyone submit, symbolizing the ultimate divine power of all rights and interests!"

"Did they really find something--"

Darren smiled and shook his head to interrupt:

"Don't be nervous, they are just suspicious."

"They asked me to start a secret investigation against all the navy."

"This is troublesome... Damn it!"

The flying squirrel cursed subconsciously, and felt something was wrong as soon as he said it.


He stared at Darren, who was smiling in front of him, with disbelief on his face.

"You said... they asked you to investigate!?"

Darren exhaled a dragon-like smoke from his mouth, with a smile on his face.

"Yes, they asked 'me' to investigate."

He bit the word "me" hard.

"It's indeed a wise decision."

Darren blinked.

"After all, a notorious, bad, bullying, and power-worshiping navy "scum" would never attack the Celestial Dragons, right?"

The flying squirrel's face flushed red when he heard this, and his expression was extremely weird.

What is this?

Directly ruled out the correct answer?





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