The big man was so stupid that he was almost killed.

It is hard to imagine that Pica, a big, silly guy, actually has such a hilarious scream.

A huge shadow rose up behind the naval captain, completely covering him.

However, Darren was not at all confused or flustered by the sneak attack. Instead, he stepped into the ground as if he had predicted it.

When the rocks under his feet were flying, the corner of his mouth, biting the cigar, raised a mocking sneer. The naval colonel turned around and punched hard with his backhand!

For Pica, who is good at strength, of course, he had to use stronger strength... to crush him! !

Only such a rough and wild fighting method can bring you the stimulation of punching!

The next second,

Two fists of different sizes collided violently in mid-air like a meteor hitting the earth!


As if an ancient bronze bell was struck heavily, the surrounding air suddenly generated ripples of air waves.

However, this stalemate lasted only half a second-

Under the gradually horrified, distorted and panicked face of the rock giant, the huge fist, arm, shoulder, and even the body of the giant made of rock... all made crackling sounds.

Countless cracks spread from the point where Darren's fist landed, and finally covered the surface of the 20-meter-high rock giant in an instant.

The majestic power poured out from the fist of the naval colonel like the breath of a dragon.

Boom! !

The body of the rock giant suddenly fell apart, turning into rubble all over the sky and scattered like a rain curtain.

In the scattered gravel, Pica, wearing golden armor, was suspended in the air with a dazed look on his face, and he could not believe his eyes.

Darren's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared above Pica.

The black military boots were raised high, wrapped in white air waves, and headed towards Pica's head...

Falling like a battle axe! !

Bang! !

Pica's whole body sank into the earth like a meteorite, and a huge vibration and roar exploded in the center of the town.

The ground within a hundred meters collapsed half a meter, and a huge dust and water column rushed into the sky.

"Super hit whip!!"

At this moment, a hoarse roar came from a distance.

A silk thread of a hundred meters was suddenly thrown down from the sky. From a distance, it looked like a slash from the sky, which "slashed" Darren in the air directly into the ground.

The sharp thread sank into the ground, and violent vibrations continued to spread. A deep mark was cut into the ground in the middle of the street, and it collapsed towards the center.

The buildings on both sides of the street tilted and collapsed with a rumble, raising a vast cloud of dust.

A hundred meters away,

Doflamingo, covered in blood, struggled to crawl out of the ruins, staring at the center of the dust with a gasp, gritting his teeth, and blood couldn't stop oozing from the corners of his mouth.

At this time, he had completely lost the arrogance and arrogance when he first landed on Lubeck Island.

The sunglasses were full of cracks and could break at any time.

His short golden hair was mixed with dirt and blood, and looked sticky.

There was a large dent in his ribs, and his face was as pale as a dead person.

"Did you succeed?"

Doflamingo's eyes under his sunglasses were fixed on the smoke-filled position in the distance, and he didn't care about the several cadres who were lying on the ground in a mess.

The super-strike whip was the strongest move he had at the moment. Its power was so great that it could easily cut a pirate ship in half from the center.

Even if it was that monster... it couldn't be--

The moment this thought came to his mind, Doflamingo seemed to see some horrible scene, and his bloodshot pupils shrank tightly into needles.

As the thick smoke was gradually blown away by the strong wind, a tall figure that was looming slowly emerged.


Doflamingo heard a long exhalation.

The slowly exhaled cigar smoke condensed into a flag in front of the terrifying figure.

Footsteps were heard slowly.

The first person to step out of the thick smoke was a pair of black military boots,

then a straight and slender foot,

a body with sharp muscles and sharp corners,

a handsome face with a cold and unruly look,

the cigar in his mouth was still burning, flashing red light from time to time.

There was a glaring blood mark on his chest, and it was bleeding continuously.

A sharp silk thread was embedded in the flesh and blood, but it could not cut through the bones.

"Well, it's actually hurt me."

Darren looked down at the thread that was obviously much thicker

, reached out to wipe a handful of blood, and licked it at the corner of his mouth.

Doflamingo suddenly felt that all the pores on his body stood up at this moment, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably!

This guy... smiled!

He actually enjoyed the fun of fighting and getting hurt!!

"Then, enough fun."

Darren pulled out the thread stuck in his flesh and blood, twisted his neck, and looked up at Doflamingo, the blond kid... with a hideous smile.

His knees sank slightly.

Use force!


Behind him, pieces of land and ruins collapsed at the same time, raising huge fan-shaped grooves.

Darren's figure was like a cannonball shot out of the barrel, shooting out from the original place at a speed that the naked eye could not capture at all.

So fast!!

Too fast!!

Doflamingo's pupils shook violently.

He felt a flash before his eyes, and a fist had hit his abdomen heavily.


Doflamingo bent over and vomited blood, his eyeballs about to burst.


Another punch hit his chin from bottom to top.


He heard the sound of his jawbone breaking.

The figure rose up under the impact of this punch and flew into the air.

The next moment,

Darren's figure also suddenly shot up from the ground, and in a blink of an eye he came in front of Doflamingo and kicked him.

Bang! !

Doflamingo flew backwards horizontally.

Before he landed,

a knee strike hit his back heavily from behind...


So on the edge of the island in the distance,

the flying squirrel saw a scene that made his scalp numb through the telescope.

The blond kid with the "noble" Celestial Dragon blood flowing in his body,

like a ball,

was repeatedly tortured, whipped, kneed, elbowed by Darren in midair...

Blood was constantly spurting out,

looking extremely miserable.

And around the ruined streets,

the several seriously injured family cadres under Doflamingo were already pale with fear, staring at the exaggerated scene in front of them in amazement.


A full minute later,

with Darren's volley, Doflamingo, whose skin and flesh were torn and at least twenty bones were broken, fell heavily to the ground.

Darren's figure also landed steadily.

He flicked the ash of his cigar, bit the cigar again, and walked step by step towards Doflamingo, who was twitching and looked like a bloody man.

When he walked in front of Doflamingo, the latter was struggling to open his swollen eyelids.

Darren stretched out his big hand, grabbed Doflamingo's head directly, and lifted the latter up in the air.

Let his eyes be level with his own.

The setting sun pierced through the clouds after the rain, sprinkling a thin layer of blood on the world.

In the mottled ruins surrounded by thick smoke, a three-meter-tall navy captain was carrying a blond kid covered in blood and only as tall as his waist.

The dripping blood flowed from the latter's body and dripped onto the ground.

Darren stared at Doflamingo, who was close to coma, quietly, and suddenly grinned:

"So, can we talk now?"

He paused, as if he remembered something, and added:

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, which is really rude."

A puff of smoke blew out of the navy colonel's mouth.

"My name is Rogers Darren, the highest commander of the North Sea Navy. Everyone calls me the 'King of the North Sea', but I like my other nickname more..."

"——'Navy Scum'."





I'm grateful for everything.

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