The more you fight, the more you will die.

Vinsmoke Judge's almost crazy mutterings slowly echoed in the cold laboratory.

"Only monsters can fight monsters..."

His bloodshot eyes stared at the test tube filled with pink liquid in his hand, but his mind kept recalling the scene of the navy relying only on its own physical defense and remaining unscathed under the rain of bullets.

"Skin enhancement? No, skin and flesh alone cannot achieve this level."

"Invulnerable defense, strong body recovery, and beast-like strength..."

"Yes, yes... Only exoskeleton can do this."

While he was muttering, his eyes flashed with a strange and crazy cold light, and he dialed the Den Den Mushi signal.

"Master, are you here? Madam Sora is calling your name... Delivery is about to begin..."

The housekeeper's extremely anxious voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

Vinsmoke Judge gritted his teeth, his expression changed, and finally he made up his mind and roared:

"Let the doctor wait a little longer, I need a little time!!"

After saying that, he hung up the Den Den Mushi communication directly.

Placing the pink liquid test tube carefully on the experimental table, Vinsmoke Judge roughly swept all the instruments and other sundries on the operating table to the ground with one hand.

With a crackling sound, he took out a pen and paper and started to calculate quickly.

"Blood factor ratio... Well, the exoskeleton alone is not enough, and toxicity must be added..."

Drops of cold sweat dripped down his cheeks and chin, but he ignored it.

In one minute, the white paper was already filled with dense calculation formulas and potion mixing ratios.

"Let's start."

With his hoarse murmur, he pressed the button on the control panel.

Various instruments on the experimental table started to operate quickly, constantly injecting various potions and substances with determined proportions into the pink test tube.

Soon the liquid in the test tube continued to boil, and a large number of bubbles emerged.


Seeing the instrument indicator light on the control panel showing green, Vinsmoke Judge clenched his fists, took the test tube from the experimental table, and strode out of the laboratory and rushed towards the palace.

Passing through the long corridors and the palace garden, Vinsmoke Judge heard a painful wail the moment he entered the palace.

That was his wife's voice.


He murmured anxiously, quickened his pace and entered a bedroom decorated with luxurious and painted murals.

Large pieces of white sheets were now stained with blood, and doctors and nurses in white coats were busy.

A beautiful and gentle woman was lying on a soft bed, and the severe pain brought by childbirth made her tremble and sweat profusely.

"Master, you are finally here!!"

The doctor wearing frameless glasses stopped his movements and bowed to Vinsmoke Judge.

Vinsmoke Judge waved his hand, walked quickly to the bedside, and held his wife's hand tightly.

"Sora, I'm here."

Queen Sora of the Germa Kingdom struggled to open her eyelids, a gentle smile appeared on her face, and she whispered softly:


Seeing his wife's painful expression, Vinsmoke Judge's heart tightened.

He took a deep breath,

"Sora, I have found a way to make Germa rise again and dominate the North Sea!!"

He raised the test tube with pink liquid flowing in his hand.

"Bloodline factor!! With this technology, our children will have monster-like physical talents at birth!!"

"Our children will become the most powerful warriors in the history of Germa 66!"

"The name of the Vinsmoke family will inevitably accompany their growth and resound throughout this sea!"

He said excitedly, looking forward to his wife's joy.

But what he was greeted with was a pair of stunned and horrified eyes.

"You want to train our children into weapons!?"

Queen Sora said in disbelief, her face pale.

As the queen of Germa, she knew very well what kind of disadvantages this "technology" mastered by Vinsmoke Judge had.

Just like the clone soldiers of Germa 66, those who applied this bloodline factor technology would lose all human emotions and could not disobey the orders of the head of the family, Vinsmoke Judge.

Vinsmoke Judge was stunned when he heard this.

"No, Sora..."

The fearful look his wife gave him made him feel unprecedentedly strange, and he finally softened his heart and said:

"I will keep our child's feelings."

"--But our child will still become a weapon in your hands, right!?"

Vinsmoke Judge opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

He fell silent.

In his mind, the rebellious face of the North Sea Admiral still appeared again and again.

"This... is for the glory of Germa!"

His voice suddenly became cold, indifferent and strange.

The head of the Vinsmoke family slowly stood up, turned his back to his beloved wife who was lying on the bed behind him in disappointment and tears, clenched his fists, and hoarsely said:

"Only in this way can Germa dominate the North Sea again."

"I'm sorry, Sora."

He murmured in a very soft voice.


Amid his wife's crying, Vinsmoke Judge handed the pink test tube to the doctor, his bloodshot eyes flickering with grief, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Inject this test tube preparation to Madam, and then... start the delivery."

After saying this,

he strode out of the bedroom without looking back.


Half an hour later.

Standing outside the royal palace, Vinsmoke Judge, who was pacing impatiently and waiting silently, finally heard a beautiful baby cry.

"Congratulations, sir, Madam has successfully given birth to a girl."

The doctor in a white coat and a mask came out with a baby girl in his arms, covered in blood, and said respectfully to Vinsmoke Judge.

Vinsmoke Judge was startled.

He stared blankly at the baby girl in the doctor's arms, and subconsciously took it and held it in his arms.

Long pink hair covering the right eye, a counterclockwise circle on the left eyebrow, and purple pupils that look particularly clever.

"But sir, the young lady's skin is extremely tough and the needle can't penetrate it. I'm afraid she can't be vaccinated..."

The doctor was a little embarrassed.

Vinsmoke Judge was stunned at first, and then an indescribable ecstasy surged into his heart.


He couldn't help but burst into laughter, laughing crazily.

The experiment was successful!!!

It really succeeded!!!

Born with a superhuman body!!!

"No, no need to be vaccinated."

"My daughter is a natural monster!!"


One day.

In the North Sea Germa Kingdom, the Vinsmoke family gave birth to the first royal descendant.

King of Germa, the commander of the evil army, Vinsmoke Judge, named her... Vinsmoke Reiju.





I went to a big hospital to see a specialist. It turned out that it was not bronchitis, but pneumonia after Yang. I was drunk.

Take good care of yourself. I will keep updating as usual. If I want to update more, I can only say that I will try my best.

Best wishes.

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