The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

Evening, in the base chief's office.

Darren was still naked from the waist up, with a lit cigar in his mouth, standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, overlooking the situation of the entire 321 branch from a high position.

Warships were patrolling the island on a fixed route, and the figures of the navy formations were looming on the school field, with occasional shouts and beatings.

Navy soldiers in military uniforms were carrying out daily preparations and maintenance on the gun turrets and docked warships.

The setting sun shone in from the floor-to-ceiling glass window, reflecting on the tall figure of the naval colonel, casting a long shadow.

Smoke shrouded his face, making his eyes look deeper.

"The progress of strength is indeed getting slower and slower..."

At a certain moment, Darren exhaled a puff of smoke and sighed helplessly.

He looked down at the wounds on his palms and chest.

The wounds have completely scabbed over, and it is estimated that they will be almost healed after a good sleep tomorrow.

The superhuman physique has brought him strong defense and also greatly enhanced his own recovery.

The previous "conventional" training has basically failed to improve his various data.

In short, the body has completely adapted to this intensity of external pressure and stimulation.

So after he came back from the Germa Kingdom, he decided to take Flying Squirrel, Gion and Kaji for "special training".

On the one hand, it can help them realize their talents faster and improve their strength.

On the other hand, it also puts new pressure and stimulation on himself.

Although the three of them working together were far from enough to put enough pressure on Darren, when fighting and sparring with them, the data of his body finally loosened and increased.

In any case, the talents of the three flying squirrels are among the best in the entire ocean.

Thinking of this, Darren gradually immersed himself in his mind, and through the talent of "perception", he clearly understood his physical condition and obtained his own "data panel".

Physical strength: 61.753

Strength: 57.192

Speed: 59.241

Fruit: 72.111

In addition to the ability of the devil fruit, in the past month, the values ​​of physical strength, strength and speed have increased by 0.5-0.8, but have been infinitely stagnant.

Most of this is due to the "special training" with Kaji and the other three in the past ten days.

As for the development of the devil fruit, the progress is even slower.

Knock, knock, knock...

At this time, a gentle knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting Darren's meditation.

"Come in."

He replied softly.

The door of the office was pushed open, and the flying squirrel, wearing a neat military uniform and a military cap, strode in.

Darren poured a glass of iced whiskey and handed it to the flying squirrel, smiling:

"How do you feel?"

The flying squirrel took the glass and grinned bitterly:

"Not very good, not everyone is like a madman like you, who likes to enjoy the pleasure of fighting and pain."

In the past ten days of "special training", he didn't sleep well at all... After finishing the special training every day, all the bones in his body seemed to fall apart.

Even lying in bed, his muscles hurt.

Darren shrugged and smiled:

"Pain is a good thing. It can remind you that you are alive."

"And in battle, using my own body to feel the opponent's attack can make me more clearly perceive the opponent's strength, speed, physique, and even will, so as to find flaws."

The flying squirrel rolled his eyes unhappily.

He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Darren is like this. Many times, he can obviously avoid the opponent's attack by relying on his own speed and instant burst.

But he is often unwilling to do so.

His rough and wild fighting style forms a very sharp contrast with his flexible, cunning and smooth political skills.

Between dodging and hard confrontation, he always chooses the latter.

This is the fighting style he has developed over the years, perhaps influenced by his former boss Sakaski.

Like to exchange injuries for injuries, and fight with the opponent at the most dangerous moment...

This kind of person is the most difficult opponent you never want to meet.

Like a mad, hungry wolf,

even if its internal organs are crushed,

even if its limbs are broken,

it will still be ferocious before it dies

Smiling, he bit off a piece of flesh from his opponent with his remaining sharp teeth.

Hearing the squirrel's complaints, Darren smiled disapprovingly and refilled him with another glass of wine.

"It's not a good habit to dodge in battle. It will make you cowardly, timid, and indecisive."

"Once you form the habit of dodging in battle, you will subconsciously rely on it, and it will be easy for the enemy to predict your actions."

"If you are used to leaving a way out in battle, you may have a way out, but you will also lose the chance of winning."

"Habiting to dodge is not a good thing for the growth of personal strength."

"Will, courage, determination to win, crisis between life and death... these are the biggest keys to improving combat power."

After thinking about it, Darren couldn't help but add a sentence.

"On this sea, there is only one Borsalino."

The weird face of the "monster" appeared in his mind, and even a serious and solemn flying squirrel couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He sighed and said with emotion:

"But every time you risk your life without leaving any way out, how many lives do you have to risk?"

Darren picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Who knows?"

His deep eyes drifted to the distant sea, the smoke of the cigar lingered around his flawless and cold profile, and his steady and powerful voice echoed in the empty office.

"But people only live once, I just want to live happily."

"I think life is actually very simple, either move forward or retreat."

"Retreat... naturally not a problem."

"Even when it happens for the first time, you will hypocritically comfort yourself, 'It's okay, just bear with it and it will pass, just like this, hide first, and then get back at it later...', but in fact, there will be a second time after the first time."

"Retreat again and again, evade again and again, compromise again and again... Can you still be the same person as before?"

"There are too many reasons to retreat, and only one reason to move forward, but this one is enough."

A smile gradually appeared at the corner of Darren's mouth.

"I would rather die than lose."

He clenched his fists.

"I want to win."

The flying squirrel was silent.

Listening to these meaningful words, he knew very well that Darren was not just talking about fighting.

The meaning of these words is also a portrayal of the countless choices Darren has made in the past?

One step back, step back.

This is the case when fighting.

This is the case when facing the world's leading military power, Germa 66.

This is the case when facing the supreme power, the Celestial Dragons.

The words "endure in silence"... have never been in Rogers Darren's life dictionary.





I ask for everything, and I am grateful.

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