The world is full of people, and the world is full of people.

"You are really a lunatic..."

Listening to Darren's shocking words, the flying squirrel couldn't help but smile bitterly and said:

"Are you sure I can listen to these words?"

Darren smiled and said:

"Why not? From the day you said you wanted to go with me, I saw that you have such potential."

"The long history and brainwashing of the World Government have divided this sea into different levels. The Celestial Dragons are high above and control everything, but with the changes of the times and the rise of heroes, this inherent concept will inevitably usher in a huge change."

He slowly leaned back on the back of the chair, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, with an elegant posture.

"Of course, this is just my guess. To confirm it further, more examples and data are needed to support it."

The flying squirrel looked at Darren's half-smiley eyes, and felt uncomfortable all over his body. The corners of his mouth twitched and said:

"Are you going to treat me as a guinea pig?"

Darren laughed:

"You are called Flying Squirrel, isn't it?"

Flying Squirrel: ...

Darren looked at the expression of the flying squirrel that looked like he had eaten shit, and laughed even more happily.

After a while, he restrained his smile and said slowly:

"Actually, it's not completely a joke. I don't feel at ease leaving the North Sea to others."

"After I leave the North Sea and go to Marinford, this sea area will be handed over to you, Flying Squirrel."

The expression on his face became serious.

"Although Doflamingo seems to have become more obedient after being beaten, he is still an ambitious guy."

"You can continue to use the card of Germa. You can provoke conflicts between the two families in a targeted manner. Our North Sea Navy is only a mediator in the middle. There is no need for too much. It is better to have fewer scenes where the dealer personally takes part, otherwise all players will have to discard their cards."

"But power and means are only one aspect after all. The most important thing is strength."

The flying squirrel nodded deeply and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, I have never been lazy in my practice."

Darren nodded when he heard it.

At this time, a rapid call of Den Den Mushi suddenly sounded.

"Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu..."

Darren and the flying squirrel were both stunned at the same time, and their eyes looked at the military Den Den Mushi on the desk.

"I am Darren."

Darren reached out to connect the signal and said in a deep voice.

"Darren, it's me."

General Sengoku's serious voice came out of the military Den Den Mushi, revealing a solemnity.

"General Sengoku, what happened?"

Darren frowned, looked at the flying squirrel, and exchanged glances.

According to the information they knew, Sengoku should be in the process of hunting down and defeating the "world destroyer" Bondi Waldo in conjunction with the CP members of the World Government.

"There was a problem with the action to defeat Bondi Waldo. Because of the increase in the bounty, Bondi Waldo has increased his vigilance. The reinforcements from the headquarters have completely blocked the only route from the North Sea to the Grand Line... But Bondi Waldo and his subordinates are hiding in the North Sea."

On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, Sengoku's eyebrows seemed to be filled in with a black pen, twisted into a ball.

"Darren, I know you have been operating in the North Sea for many years and have a certain say and influence in this sea area... This time I need to use your connections in the North Sea to find out where Bondi Waldo is hiding."

Darren raised his eyebrows when he heard what Zhan Guo said.

Since taking the blame for Shields Saint, the Navy has increased the bounty of "World Destroyer" Bondi Waldo from 200 million Baileys to 400 million Baileys.

But I didn't expect this guy to become cautious and careful because of this. This is something I couldn't have thought of.

Darren thought for a moment and said slowly:

"General Zhan Guo, using the power of the North Sea Fleet and my connections... This is not a problem."

"But what I want to know is, have you fought with Bondi Waldo again?"

"--Are you evaluating the extent of his possible counterattack?" Zhan Guo is worthy of being a "wise general" and instantly realized the intention of Darren's question.

"Yes, General Zhan Guo. If Bondi Waldo is injured, he is likely to take extreme revenge."

Darren pondered and said:

"I mean not only our navy, but also civilians."

Zhan Guo was silent

After a moment, he slowly said:

"I did fight him several times during this period... He was injured."

Darren smiled with satisfaction.

"I understand, General Sengoku... I will arrange people to search and track Bondi Waldo's whereabouts as soon as possible."

I can't miss the merit that comes to my door.

The North Sea has been completely blocked. With the navigation technology of this era, Bondi Waldo can't pass through the doldrums and enter the New World.

This also means that this is a game of catching turtles in a jar.

The legendary pirate, a strong man who is as famous as Whitebeard and Roger, Darren certainly wants to see in person how far he is from such a existence.


At the same time.

North Sea.

Lubeck Island, port.

A pirate ship with traces of war on its surface and in ruins slowly sailed into the port.

On the bow, a burly and imposing figure stood there with his hands folded on his chest.

He wore a horn helmet, had a gray-green beard, and a pair of dark green eyes flashed with a turbid and sinister look.

Bondi Waldo.

On his chest, there was a blood-stained bandage.

"What a disaster... that damn yellow monkey..."

Bondi Waldo raised his hand and pressed the blood-stained bandage on his chest. Although the wound hit by the laser beam at that position had stopped bleeding, it still hurt.

No one expected that the tall rear admiral was even more wretched than he looked. While he was fighting with Zhan Guo, he suddenly attacked.

"Waldo... are you okay with your injuries?"

At this time, an old little man came up with difficulty. He still had an IV in his arm, his face was listless, and his skin was wrinkled.

Bin Jack, the vice captain of the Wald Pirates, was also the think tank of the group, similar to the existence of Wald's brother.

"Don't worry, brother. I'm fine."

Bondi Waldo smiled innocently at his brother.

He had been dependent on his brother since he was a child, and he wanted to travel around the world and have a great adventure.

Bin Jack looked at Bondi Waldo with some worry, opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

"So brother, are you sure that the largest underground world broker in the North Sea is on this island? That guy named Doflamingo..."

Bondi Waldo raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the prosperous island and port in front of him, and said sinisterly.

Bin Jack nodded and said weakly:

"Yes, the Don Quixote family is already the largest mafia force in the North Sea... According to the intelligence we have collected, their sphere of influence is so large and their methods are so rampant... Even the North Sea Navy has to stay away from them."

"But Waldo... Are you sure you want to do this?"

"We can still turn back now."

Bondi Waldo laughed:

"Brother, our dream of traveling around the world has not yet been realized!!"

"How can the great adventure of the Ward Pirates end in this mere North Sea?"

He waved his hand violently, his momentum rising.

"Go, find that kid named Doflamingo... We will get the power to destroy the navy from him!"





Yang has had a high fever for many days and has been hospitalized. I'm sorry that the update has been affected.

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