The three days passed quickly.

"General Sengoku, everything is ready."

"In three hours, the target Bondi Valdo will land on an island in the northern waters of Lubek Island. The island is an uninhabited area. I suggest launching an operation on the island."

In the cabin of the warship, Sengoku listened to the low voice of the military Den Den Mushi in front of him, and his eyebrows gradually frowned.

"Darren, can you confirm the authenticity of the information?"

"In the past three days, Bondi Waldo's whereabouts have been erratic, and even the government can't find any trace of the Ward Pirates... If the information is wrong, once our navy's actions are exposed, all our efforts for this encirclement will be in vain."

While speaking, Sengoku couldn't help but glare at Borsalino who was picking his nails next to him.

"General Sengoku, please rest assured that there will be no mistakes."

"The source of the intelligence information is reliable. As far as I know, Bondi Waldo has purchased a large amount of smuggled arms through the underground world channels in the North Sea, and the specific transaction location is the target island."

Darren's steady and powerful voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

Hearing Darren's confident words, a smile slowly appeared on Sengoku's face.

"Very good, I really didn't make a mistake."

He pondered for a moment,

"What suggestions do you have about the operation to encircle and suppress Bondi Waldo?"

Darren pretended to hesitate and said:

"General Sengoku, I am just a colonel in the headquarters. I am afraid it is not appropriate for me to make military suggestions for the military operation to encircle and suppress a pirate of this level like Bondi Waldo?"

Sengoku laughed and scolded unhappily:

"Don't pretend to be in front of me, kid!"

"If you have any ideas, just say them quickly. After the operation is successful, you will have a share of the credit!"

"Besides, I have submitted your promotion application. As long as it passes the procedural inquiry and review, it will be approved. A brigadier general of the headquarters... is already qualified to participate in this level of military operations."

Sengoku is not a fool.

As a recognized "wise general" in the navy, his political skills and military strategies are definitely among the best in this sea.

Because of the Celestial Dragon Shields Saint incident, the Ward Pirates became more cautious and more difficult.

Including the intelligence network of the Navy and the World Government CP Department, Bondi Waldo's whereabouts could not be found.

He even used a lot of personal connections to communicate with the politicians of the major kingdoms in the North Sea, trying to find clues about Bondi Waldo, but in the end, he returned empty-handed.

However, under such circumstances,

Darren, the North Sea Admiral, directly provided information with specific time and location in less than two days.

This incident itself is enough to explain many problems.

Thinking of this, an extremely absurd idea suddenly came to Sengoku's mind.

Could it be...

"Darren!! Did you arrange this arms deal!?"

Sengoku's expression suddenly became stern, and he asked in a deep voice.

Den Den Mushi was silent for a second, and the voice of Admiral Beihai came out slowly with a smile:

"General Sengoku's vision and wisdom are really amazing, and nothing can be hidden from you."

"Yes, I arranged this business."

"Bondi Waldo has been frantically recruiting soldiers and buying arms in the past few days, and has built a huge cannon of astonishing scale, trying to destroy the troops led by you, General Sengoku."

Bang! !

Sengoku slammed his fist heavily on the desk in front of him, his face was so gloomy that it seemed like water was about to drip out.

"Damn Bondi Waldo!!"

"Is he trying to blow up Marinford!?"

As a navy admiral who has fought with Bondi Waldo many times, Sengoku knows the terrifying power of the former's Momo Fruit better than anyone else.

If he really gets a large-scale heavy artillery, let alone the naval forces he leads, I am afraid that with Bondi Waldo's crazy, violent, and arrogant character, he probably dares to bomb the Marine Headquarters Marinford to the ground with one shot!

However, since I know this information in advance, I have enough time to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Zhan Guo's heart was slightly relieved at that moment:

"You didn't give him that heavy artillery, right? Darren... Well, I still believe in you, kid, you shouldn't do such a stupid thing..."

"No, General Sengoku... I built him a cannon of unprecedented scale."

Darren suddenly said.


One second later,

"——What did you say!?"

Sengoku jumped up from his seat, and his roar almost shook the cabin cover off.

The sound was so loud that Borsalino couldn't help scratching his ears helplessly.

"Are you crazy?"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and looked at the calm look of Darren simulated by Den Den Mushi, and two lines of smoke came out of his nostrils.

"General Sengoku, don't worry, I have a reason for doing this."

Darren's voice came out indifferently.

"Bondi Waldo looks crazy, but he is actually a very difficult guy to deal with."

"Although he has the ambition to destroy the world, he is definitely not a reckless and arrogant fool."

"If there is not enough benefit, it will be difficult to lure him out and kill him in one fell swoop."

"If he doesn't have this heavy artillery in his hand, he will not rashly go to war with our navy, especially when he is already injured."

"This time we trapped him in the North Sea, which is the best opportunity and must not be missed."

"Otherwise, once he has the opportunity to escape to the Grand Line or even the New World, it will be several times or even dozens of times more difficult for us to conquer him in the future."

Listening to Darren's well-reasoned analysis, Zhan Guo's eyebrows were still tightly knitted. He raised his hand and pinched his temple and said:

"But Darren boy, your approach is too risky."

"No, General Zhan Guo, please believe me."

The voice of the North Sea Admiral has a convincing demeanor.

"Since I dare to hand over that heavy artillery to Bondi Waldo, I naturally have the confidence to deal with him."

"As for what you just said, about this mission... I have an immature idea."

Darren paused for a second and said word by word:

"I hope that this operation will be handed over to me to command."

"I will lead the North Sea Fleet... to participate in the battle!!"





Yang Kang's recovery was too difficult, and he was short of breath and chest tightness. The update was delayed. Sorry.

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