The day before yesterday, the first day of the festival was a long day.

Evening that day.

321 Branch Base Chief's Residence.

After completing the training, Darren simply washed his body and walked out of the steamy shower room.

Looking at the scarred body in the mirror, which was as explosive as a cheetah, he was a little absent-minded for a while.

Physical strength: 58.418

Strength: 53.890

Speed: 57.548

Fruit: 71.345

After the final anti-strike training, he also had a lot of wounds on his body, but they were basically scabby, and it was estimated that they would be completely healed after a good sleep.

This is reflected in the data of physical perception, that is, the physical strength has been successfully improved by 0.312, reaching 58.418, and it is one step closer to the 60-point mark.

"Indeed, the progress is getting slower and slower. It seems that we have to find time to transport several heavy artillery from the warships to the training ground later."

Darren frowned as he looked at the dense and hideous scars on his body.

With his physical defense getting stronger and stronger, ordinary swords and gunshots are basically ineffective against him.

The slashing of the saber and the bullets of the flintlock can only leave a shallow red mark on the surface of the skin.

In today's training, most of his injuries were actually mainly caused by the bombardment of the flying squirrel.

In order to continue to improve his physical recovery and resistance to attacks, Darren knew that he had to increase the "intensity".

This is the benefit of the "perception" talent.

With the precise feedback of the data, he can master the intensity of "training" well.

In order to avoid incurable injuries, and even less fatal injuries, the training intensity is controlled within a reasonable range.

Compared with the beginning, the improvement of his physical fitness data has become slower and slower, but it is still improving.

Although Darren has been promoted to the Governor of the North Sea and controls the naval power of the entire North Sea.

But power is one thing, and Darren knows better than anyone that personal strength is the basis for survival in this sea.

What he has to do now is to manage the North Sea as solidly as possible before passing the "examination" and going to the headquarters officer training camp, and make the entire North Sea Navy his "territory" as much as possible.

More power means being able to better seize training resources.

On this basis, improve personal strength as much as possible.

Before mastering domineering, the improvement of strength, speed and physique is the best way to improve strength.

Darren believes that he is not a monster with outstanding talents like Sakaski, so he practices harder than anyone else.

According to Darren's judgment, the strength of an adult giant is about 60 points.

When his physique reaches 60 points, even in normal state, his physical strength will reach the strength of the six-style "iron block".

And he is getting closer and closer to this goal.

Yes, Darren is on a monster road.

There is no shortcoming, all-round strength!

The kind of strength that makes people despair!!

He believes that with the help of "perception talent", he will one day be able to reach Kaido's terrifying, inhuman physical strength.

"Knock knock knock..."

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

Darren casually put on a bathrobe and walked over to open the door.

"Captain Darren."

It was the flying squirrel outside the door.

"The ice you asked for is here."

Darren nodded and smiled:

"Thank you for your help."

The flying squirrel then gestured to the two navy soldiers behind him, and soon they walked into the mansion carrying boxes of ice.


The cold ice cubes were poured into the bathtub. The two navy officers looked at Darren with admiration and left respectfully.

"What's the situation of those two guys now?"

Darren took off his bathrobe, walked into the bathtub with floating ice cubes without changing his expression, and immersed his whole body in the zero-degree ice water. He asked casually.

Ice bath is his habit.

After high-intensity training, ice bath can promote blood circulation in the body, help recovery, eliminate inflammation, and relieve soreness.

The flying squirrel looked at the full tank of ice water and always felt goose bumps on his skin.

Hearing Darren's question, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"They are probably stimulated by you and are now training in the school field."

Darren was startled, and then laughed dumbly:

"It seems that the geniuses of this headquarters have their pride."

But on second thought,

The reactions of Kaji and the others were also normal.

There is also a contempt chain within the naval system.

The elite of the Navy Headquarters look down on the branches stationed in the Grand Line, and the branches of the Grand Line look down on the naval bases in the four seas.

This is also normal.

After all, whether it is strength, military discipline or equipment, the navy of the headquarters has an overwhelming advantage.

And the navy of the four seas is even more neglected in management and military discipline because of its high autonomy and remoteness.

Kaji and Gion grew up in the headquarters since childhood. They are well-born and well-loved, and their own talents are even more excellent. How could they have thought that they would be easily slaughtered by Darren when they came to a place like the North Sea?

Look, I was suddenly aroused by my own competitive spirit.

"But Darren, are you sure that their arrival will not affect anything?"

When there are no other people, Flying Squirrel, as Darren's left and right arms, usually calls him by his name directly.

Darren half-closed his eyes,

"My actions here can't be hidden from the headquarters. This so-called "inspection" is just a superficial effort."

"The shrewd old man Sengoku sent Gion and Kake here, in fact, to a large extent, he wanted me to lead them."

"The third officer training camp is about to start. Although they have already been selected, they have to pretend to be gilded and accumulate resumes and merits."

"If the headquarters wants to move against me, I'm afraid it won't be these two young men who come, but I have to accept the "baptism" of Vice Admiral Tsuru."

The flying squirrel was silent for a while,

"I always feel that your situation is too dangerous. I guess the headquarters will find out something soon."

Darren smiled and shook his head.

"The North Sea is too small, the headquarters looks down on it."

"And even if the headquarters finds out something, what can we do?"

"If they want to find out, let them find out, and let them see the situation in the North Sea clearly."

Darren paused and changed the subject:

"I heard that Vinsmoke Judge has been making a lot of trouble recently?"

The flying squirrel replied:

"Yes, he is showing off his power everywhere, expanding his army, leading his army to fight east and west, and threatening to behead the kings of four countries including the Kingdom of Yadis in order to "dominate the North Sea again."

Darren sneered:

"That guy seems to have obtained a lot of advanced weapons technology, and he is probably floating."

Vinsmoke Judge once cooperated with Vegapunk, who was known as the "genius scientist who is 500 years ahead of the world."

In the original plot,

After Vegapunk was taken away by the World Government, he fled back to the North Sea with some of Vegapunk's technology.

After returning to the Germa Kingdom, Vinsmoke Judge used science and technology to revive Germa 66, and later led Germa 66 to trigger the "Kill the Four Kingdoms of the North Sea" event, beheading the heads of the four lords of the North Sea, and drawing a huge painting of this event as a commemoration.

"Send someone to send him a message. The North Sea cannot be left to Germa 66. Although the review of the headquarters is just a pretense, if Vinsmoke Judge really turns the North Sea upside down under my rule, it will not work."

He tapped the edge of the bathtub with his fingers.

"The overlord of the North Sea is not Germa 66."

The flying squirrel nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and hesitated.

"Anything else?"

Darren glanced at him.

The flying squirrel weighed his words and said slowly:

"Recently, a new group of forces has come to the North Sea. They are very powerful and extremely cruel."

"They have defeated several well-known mafia families such as the Galen family and taken over their businesses."

"I sent someone to check the background of this gang and found that it was a little unusual."

He took a deep breath and his face was solemn:

"The leader of this gang is a kid who is less than 10 years old."

"His name is..."

The flying squirrel exhaled slowly,

"——Don Quixote Doflamingo."





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