When Marie Joa’s revolutionary army was in a bitter battle, Garp and others in the Navy’s G1 headquarters also began to take action.

Thousands of naval forces, armed with various firearms, tightly surrounded the Death. At the same time, the dark muzzles of the naval warships staying on the sea were also aimed at the Death.

The atmosphere in the entire naval headquarters has become tense.

All the navy soldiers tensed up and stared at the Death, not even daring to take a breath.

Lin Yan, Wu Erqi and others slowly walked down from the Death as if taking a leisurely stroll

“Sengoku, Garp, is this the choice you two make? Are you sure that you can stop me with this power alone?”

Lin Yan glanced around and said lightly

“Lin Yan, we also know that the strength of our headquarters alone cannot stop you, but we cannot let you continue to behave like this.”

Garp said in a deep voice with a solemn expression

“Really? The determination is good, but at the same time you are also really cruel. You want to seek death, but you let so many seedlings be buried with you. Aren’t you afraid that the inheritance of the era will end here?”

Lin Yan asked with great interest.

For this world… or for strong men like Garp and others, death is It doesn’t look very scary.

Because, from the moment they became navy, they were ready to die.

On the contrary, the times The inheritance of the powerful and the will of the strong, these two illusory things are what strong people like them pursue.

This is why Garp hoped that Luffy and Estang were so eager to The reason for going to the Navy.

It is ironic that Garp was cut off in the end, Luffy inherited Roger’s will, and Ace carried Whitebeard’s expectations. < /span>

Even his son Mengqi·D·Long, all went to join the revolutionary army, and in just twenty years, it developed to the point of rivaling the world government.

Even though he is a naval hero, Capu cannot help but feel deep sadness

“Lin Yan, you don’t have to come to squeeze me. They chose to stay. Everything is just for the faith in their hearts. Besides,……”

At the end, Garp gave a very heroic smile and shouted loudly:”The inheritance of generations, the changes of the times, and people’s dreams are unstoppable, as long as people want to pursue the answers in their hearts , all this will never stop, whether it is a navy or a pirate, everyone has their own pursuit.”

Garp’s words were like rolling thunder, It resounded throughout the entire navy headquarters.

But…all the navy members who heard these words fell silent.

Among them are old people who have joined the navy for more than five years, and newcomers who have joined the navy for less than a year. So why do they want to join the navy?

Because they have witnessed too much misfortune, and in their hearts, pirates are the representatives of misfortune.

Wherever pirates go, people are destined to live in dire straits.

Therefore, even if they knew that they were overestimating their own capabilities, they resolutely joined the navy and did their best, nothing more

“What a naval hero, what a Garp. Unfortunately, the world government is not controlled by you. Otherwise, maybe the world will become different.”

Lin Yan shook his head and said with regret.

Again, Lin Yan admired Garp and Warring States. For the justice in their hearts, these two An old man who has been fighting for decades.

But Lin Yan also knows that admiration is admiration. In this world of cannibalism, there is no right or wrong, some are just different positions. a>

Therefore, he, Lin Yan, does not think that he is wrong, and Garp and others are not wrong either. If they are really wrong, then the world is wrong, very wrong.

If fate is unfair, then someone must stand up and resist. In Lin Yan’s view, people in this world, even the big pirates on the sea, are just pitiful people.

They are all a group of poor people driven crazy by this world

“Ahahaha, I think so too. Lin Yan Sometimes I think about it, it would be great if I knew you and Roger before you became pirates. Maybe now we should have a good chat over wine!”

Garp laughed loudly.

Although his laughter was full of freedom and ease, Lin Yan could still hear the faint sadness. < /span> Everything seems to be a coincidence, but in fact it is fate Otherwise, Roger would not have handed Estor to Garp instead of his deputy Rayleigh. Even if they are enemies, after decades of pursuit and countless encounters, the relationship between Garp and Roger has long been They became close friends and foes.


“I think so too, but sometimes, we cannot choose ourselves. If I had not chosen to join the pirates, maybe I would be dead now.”

Lin Yan said calmly

“Ah hahaha, you are right. The world government has become corrupt. If this battle fails, I don’t know what to do. Lin Yan, you are more powerful than Rocks and Roger. Danger.”

Garp laughed loudly and spoke out what was in his heart without any hesitation.

Not to mention Lin Yan, even Warring States and He He The lieutenant general and others were a little surprised. After all, in their impression, Garp would not say such things in public.

But soon, they realized that Garp This is… already having a death wish!

That’s right!

Garp has been guarding the justice in his heart all his life, even if No matter how corrupt the world government is, how can he give up just because he says it?

Using his own life to bet on the justice he protects, this is Garp’s true determination

“Garp, that’s enough. You’ve done enough. It’s just that this era chose me. Those pigs from the Tianlong people have been ruling this world for too long. They have forgotten it for so long. You are a human being, and this is destined to be eliminated.”

Lin Yan shook his head and said with some regret.

Not talking about the present, just speaking of the original work, Garp may not be a qualified grandfather, but he He is definitely a qualified navy.

In order to stick to the justice in his heart, Garp has paid too much.

Looking at his son and grandson , Yisun and Yisun were all walking opposite him. You can imagine how painful this feeling is.

Garp’s strength is so powerful that even a general does not dare to say that he is right. Kapu has more than a 60% chance of winning, but don’t forget, he is also an old man in his seventies!

Putting everything aside, what old man doesn’t want to be able to talk to his son? , grandchildren and other relatives, have a peaceful meal?

This is a very easy thing for ordinary families, but over the years, Karp has never enjoyed a moment The warmth of family?

It can be said that Karp dedicated his whole life to his own justice

“Ah hahaha, it’s up to me to say it’s enough, but it’s not your turn as a pirate. Lin Yan will end all the grudges between us today. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time..”

Garp laughed and rushed directly to Lin Yan. He wanted to use his actions to tell the world that he, Garp, was worthy of the title of ‘Naval Hero’

“None of you can interfere in this battle. This is between me, Lin Yan, the phantom sword, and Meng Qi, the naval hero.·D·Garp, the battle that ended everything.”

Lin Yan shook his head and smiled. He could not refuse the request of a soldier who only insisted on the justice in his heart, so he said something to Wu Erqi and others, and then went up to them< /span>


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