And those sea thieves imprisoned in an infinite hell.

At this time, they also heard the war coming from the deepest room, and their faces suddenly changed greatly.

“What’s going on? Didn’t the Navy say that the man was dead? ”

“I don’t know, but one thing I’m sure is that even if that guy doesn’t die, he should be crazy by now.”

“Hahaha… After being locked up here, the only pleasure is to see those old big people, one after another crazy. ”


Those pirates who are rising in the new era are all discussing with relish.

After all, in this boring hell, an interesting thing happens, but it is very difficult.

But what they didn’t notice was that the few old sea thieves were looking at the deepest room with solemn faces.

Compared with these pirates of the new era, they have a more comprehensive understanding of the former sea overlord Rocks Pirates.

Because, Lox is the only man who qualifies to be One Piece before Roger.

If it weren’t for the fact that Rocks hadn’t arrived on the legendary island of Druraf and not been recognized by the world, it would be no exaggeration to say that Rocks was the first generation of One Piece.

“It’s been 40 years since that war, right? Isn’t that guy dead yet? ”

This is the only doubt in the minds of all pirates of the old times.



With a loud bang, the seemingly impregnable iron gate, like paper paste, was kicked away.

Finally, it hit under the heavy wall and exploded directly.


The moment it exploded, those pirates who were slightly closer suffered.

Driven by the powerful force, countless pieces of iron turned into sharp weapons and directly submerged into their bodies, and scarlet blood suddenly shot out.

Even, before some pirates understood what was happening, their necks were pierced by iron pieces, and the expression on their faces before dying was still full of doubts.

“Huh? What happened? Why don’t you talk one by one now? ”

With the metallic sound of the chain rubbing against the ground, Lin Yan slowly appeared in everyone’s eyes.

This was the first time Lin Yan had walked out of this cell where he had been sleeping for decades.

At the same time, this is also the first time that Lin Yan has met with his fellow inmates.

“How is that possible?”

Seeing Lin Yan’s appearance, one head with sharp double horns and blue hair couldn’t help but exclaim directly.

The expression on his face was as if he had seen something incredible.

At the same time, in the entire infinite hell, all the pirates who saw Lin Yan’s appearance completely boiled after a brief loss of concentration.

Because they knew through their own intelligence, or after coming in, through other people, that there was an old sea thief in that room.

And the world government did not acquiesce to this.

But…… At this moment, Lin Yan looked too young.

Under the nourishment of the mysterious power of Bangyu every day, not only did his power become more powerful, but his appearance also stayed in the peak period of his appearance 40 years ago, without the slightest change.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for earning 66 reputation points. ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for earning 102 reputation points. ”

“Ding! Congratulations…”


In Lin Yan’s mind, the cold prompt tone of the system kept ringing, and in less than three minutes, nearly a thousand reputation points were credited.

“Hey… It seems that it is not difficult to get prestige points. ”

Lin Yan secretly said in his heart.

Then, slowly walk towards those sea pirates who have a great name on the sea.

“Bundy Waldo, I haven’t seen you for so long, you still look as embarrassed as before.”



On the first floor of the sea, the navy, who is responsible for guarding all the surveillance screens in the prison, almost didn’t pop his eyes out after seeing what happened in LV6 Infinite Hell by monitoring the phone worm.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly picked up the communication phone worm and dialed the number of the warden Magellan.

“Warden, something is bad, LV6 Infinite Hell has an accident.”

Hearing this news, Magellan was still carelessly wiping the venom dripping on his face, and his face suddenly became solemn.

“Don’t panic, you tell me what happened first.”

Hearing Magellan’s calm voice, the originally flustered navy slowly recovered and quickly told Magellan what happened in the LV6 infinite hell.

“Nani? The man, who hadn’t moved for decades, came out of the room? ”

Because of the excessive emotion, drops of purple venom, like raindrops, dripped on the ground.

“I see, you now inform Hannibal and let him take everyone to Infinite Hell

Be sure to subdue the pirates before they make a move. ”

Magellan hung up the phone directly after speaking.

As the warden of Advance City, Magellan still had some understanding of Lin Yan’s affairs.

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the sixth layer to suppress those pirates, but after thinking about it carefully, Magellan still took out a phone worm wearing a seagull hat and dialed it.

“Hey! I’m Sengoku, Magellan, what happened? ”

The Warring States of the Admiral Buddha, who is known as a wise general, has a majestic voice in its steadiness and comes through the telephone worm.

“Marshal of the Warring States, you told me to be optimistic that something happened to the room on the sixth floor.”

Magellan stabilized his mood and spoke.

“Nani? Decades have passed, what else can happen? ”

Although his voice was already steady, Magellan still heard a hint of panic from it.

Magellan did not dare to hesitate at all, and told the Warring States everything that the navy had just told him.

“I see, although according to what you said, he has no intention of escaping from prison

But that person’s identity is not ordinary, and I will let the general come over to support you just to be on the safe


Before the support arrives, Magellan, I don’t care what method you use, you must suppress the prison, and there can be no accidents. ”

After Sengoku finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After Magellan heard the words of the Warring States, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes, and after putting the phone bug away, he walked directly to LV6 Infinite Hell.


Inside the headquarters of the Navy in Marin Fandor, the office of the Admiral.

An old man with gray hair, holding a bag of fairy shells in his hand, grabbed a handful from time to time and put it in his mouth, and the expression on his face was indescribably pleasant.

There was also a man in a yellow striped suit but with a lewd expression on his face, sitting on a chair for manicures, and while sitting on a chair for manicures, he was looking at the somewhat flustered Sengoku with a puzzled gaze.

These two people, one is the naval hero Karp, and the other is the admiral Yellow Ape.

“Sengoku, this doesn’t seem like your style, what happened?”

Karp asked with a big grin.

“Decades ago, the man I joined forces with you to send in, woke up.”

Sengoku was expressionless and said in a heavy tone.

Then Karp was directly stunned, and the yellow ape was treated as a coolie and led his fleet to the city of Advance.


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