“Oh, yes!”

To this, Tsuru just shook his head and smiled.

Because, she understood that what Lin Yan said was just polite words.

“Needless to say so much, Tsuru will tell me the purpose of your visit!”

Lin Yan looked at Peach Rabbit with a playful gaze.

He could see a hint of fighting intent on the woman’s face, as if he had seen his own prey.

But in the end, who will become prey and who will become a hunter is still unknown.

“Hmm… You know the news of that thing, right? ”

Tsuru pondered for a moment and asked.

“You know, although I’m not interested, that thing can’t fall into your hands either.”

Lin Yan naturally knew what the crane was talking about.

In the water capital, what can arouse their ideas is nothing more than the design drawings of Hades.

“Lin Yan, you should understand that the world government is bound to get that thing, so it’s better if you don’t interfere in this matter.”

Tsuru said in a deep voice.

“May I understand that you are threatening me?”

Lin Yan asked with a smile.

“You can also understand that neither I nor Sengoku want that thing to fall into your hands

Not to mention those old guys, they will definitely not sit idly by. ”

Tsuru shook his head and said.

“Haha… Crane, your wisdom is beyond doubt, but the justice you uphold is as foolish as ever

A few old guys whose bodies are already half-cut off, what do you think they can do for me? ”

Lin Yan sneered.

There are many people who know the existence of the five old stars in this sea, but the combat effectiveness of the five old stars is still an unknown.

But after living for so long, the strength has at least reached the level of a general, this is beyond doubt.

“Hey… Lin Yan, the world government can stand for eight hundred years, and the Draco people can rule this world for eight hundred years

Their background is beyond your imagination, and your decision is somewhat unwise. ”

Tsuru said with a sigh.

“No, it is you who are unwise, you claim to uphold justice, but in fact the world government has long been rotten

Even the so-called top combat power has become the nanny of the Draco. ”

Lin Yan said slowly.

“Different positions, it’s useless to say more, this is the devil fruit you want, let those little guys of CP9 go!”

The crane shook his head and threw the two demon fruits to Lin Yan.

“CP9? Those little guys are a little ignorant and have already been killed by me. ”

Lin Yan naturally replied, but he didn’t mean to return the devil fruit at all.

“Alas! I had expected it, but since I had already arrived, I couldn’t run for nothing, at least I had to get something. ”

Tsuru shook his head and said, without showing any expression of surprise on his face.

“Oh? So what are you going to do? ”

Lin Yan asked with interest.

“Nicole Robin, the son of the devil whom the government has rewarded for nearly twenty years, since I met her today

As a vice admiral in the navy headquarters, I also have that obligation to arrest her. ”

Tsuru’s voice fell.

Robin’s face suddenly changed, his heartbeat began to beat faster, and his whole body tensed.

“It makes a little sense, but now Robin is my person, if I let her be arrested by you in front of me, wouldn’t I be very faceless?”

Lin Yan shook his head and said.

“I already guessed, but she is too harmful to the world government, even if I know that she is your person, I will still arrest her today.”

The crane’s face froze, his body left an afterimage in place, and he stretched out his arm to quickly grab Robin.


Just when the crane’s palm was less than three centimeters away from Robin, Lin Yan instantly appeared next to Robin and firmly grabbed the crane’s arm, making it immobile.

“People who want to take me in front of me, Tsuru can’t do it even when you’re at your peak.”

Lin Yan said lightly.

Although this sounded a little arrogant, He knew in his heart that Lin Yan was just stating a fact.

“Rokushi Shaving.”

The crane’s face was solemn, he broke free from Lin Yan’s control, and his body quickly distanced himself from Lin Yan.

“You hold this for me, I’ll move my muscles, instantaneous.”

After Lin Yan threw those two demon fruits to Robin, his body instantly disappeared in place.

“Armed color domineering.”

Without any hesitation, the crane directly used his domineering power, wrapped his domineering right fist, and directly punched out.


As the fists of the two collided, the terrifying power swept away in all directions in an instant.

Some of the navies affected were directly thrown to the ground.

“Such a powerful force, it is worthy of being a man called a fierce rival by the Marshal of the Warring States and Kapu’s predecessors

Even without using his domineering power, he was able to compete with the crane senior. ”

The peach rabbit watching the battle from the sidelines, her beautiful pupils are full of color.

“Crane, your strength has regressed a lot, but I advise you to save some effort, your washing ability has no effect on me.”

Lin Yan said with a relaxed expression.

“Hmph! It’s not comparable to you monsters, it’s normal for your state to decline when you’re older. ”

Tsuru replied, but the movements in his hands did not slow down.

Bang bang bang….

As the fists of the two continued to collide, one after another humming sounds, and the aftermath of the fury, swept madly on the pier of the water capital.

“After warming up, let’s show you some interesting things!”

Lin Yan said lightly, golden thunder and lightning constantly shining in his palm, and an aura of destruction pervaded.

“It’s not good, Peach Rabbit, you take the others away from this area.”

The crane roared with a solemn face, but the peach rabbit had not responded to her, and she was greeted by a golden thunder and lightning carrying the aura of destruction.

“Sixty-three Thunder Roaring Cannon.”


The power of thunder erupted with the crane as the center, and the terrifying destructive power, like a dam that collapsed, frantically wanted to tilt in all directions.


The originally calm sea also boiled at this moment.

Huge waves of more than ten or twenty zhang kept crashing on the shore, making one explosion after another.

“Ice age.”

Just as the navy’s warship was about to be overturned by the huge wave, a slightly lazy voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the choppy sea freezes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a cup of tea, it turned into a white expanse for tens of nautical miles.

“This ability, is it him?”

Robin looked at this familiar picture, as if he had thought of something terrifying, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

“Ahem! Kuzan, you really are, if you don’t come out again, my old bone will be explained here today. ”

Tsuru said a little helplessly.

“Ahhh… Sorry sorry, I got lost for a while. ”

When the words fell, a man wearing a white suit and more than two meters tall walked out of the ice with an expression that had not woken up.

Seeing the incomparably familiar man, Nicole Robin’s pupils suddenly dilated and she muttered.

“One of the top combat forces of the world government, Admiral Qingji of the Navy headquarters.”


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