Marin Fandor Naval Headquarters, among the Marshal’s offices.

Marshal Sengoku, Chief of Staff of the Navy Tsuru, Admiral Yellow Ape, and Akainu, four people gathered here.

Judging from the expressions in their conversation, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Uru Ranulu ….

But this good atmosphere was broken by the sudden sound of the phone bug.

“Marshal of the Warring States, the big thing is not good, when the Rozwald Saint family participated in the auction in the Chambord Islands, they were kidnapped by the Grim Reaper Pirate Group.”

Sengoku had just picked up the phone, and before he could speak, the phone worm made an extremely panicked sound.


Hearing this, not only the Warring States, but even the others fell into a brief consternation.

“Marshal of the Warring States, Phantom Sword Lin Yan, captain of the Grim Reaper Pirates, said that he wanted us to take out ten devil fruits to redeem the Rozwald Holy Family

If he can’t get it, he will put the Rozwald holy family to death on the spot through the way of live broadcast from the world. ”

On the other end of the phone worm, the panicked voice rang again.

“I know, you are responsible for monitoring them, be sure to report their every move to me at any time, I will deal with this matter immediately.”

After speaking, Sengoku hung up the phone directly.


The originally harmonious atmosphere in the marshal’s office became extremely quiet.

“Damn Lin Yan, what the hell does he want to do?

First the capital of water, now he has just arrived in the Chambordi Islands, and he directly kidnapped the Draco. ”

Even the stable Warring States could not suppress the anger in his heart at this time.

“Oops, Marshal of the Warring States, the old man suddenly remembered that the clothes at home were confiscated, and the old man left first.”

Seeing that the situation was not possible, the yellow ape wanted to grease the soles of his feet and quickly walked towards the door of the office.

“Borusalino, you give me a stop.”

Sengoku roared, and his gaze towards the yellow ape was full of unkindness.


The yellow ape knew that he wanted to grease the soles of his feet, and he was completely hopeless.

“Waste, a group of waste to stay in Mary Joa to eat and wait for death, but to come out to do wrong, let Lin Yan kill them, grass!”

Sengoku, who fell into a rage, continued to spit fragrant fragrance in his mouth.

Sengoku is not distressed about the ten devil fruits, but is worried that his plans will be affected!

“Sengoku, calm down, the priority is to deal with Draco’s affairs first!”

He also said helplessly at this time.

“Deal? You have also fought with Lin Yan, and you should also understand how strong that guy’s strength really is

The only way is to take ten devil fruits to redeem those wastes as he said. ”

At this moment, Sengoku felt that his lungs were about to explode.

Ten, enough ten devil fruits!

This is the Devil Fruit known as the secret treasure of the sea, is it so easy to salvage?

Even with the eight hundred years of the World Government’s heritage, in addition to rewarding those navies who made meritorious achievements, their inventory at this time was only less than thirty.

A third of it was gone.

“No, if we compromise so easily, wouldn’t we tell those pirates in disguise that as long as they kidnap Draco, they can threaten our navy?”

Akainu said without hesitation.

What about Draco?

If sacrificing a few pieces of waste can save the face of governments around the world, so what?

“Sakaski, what else can you do?”

Sengoku asked in a deep voice.

The crane and the yellow ape also set their sights on the red dog at this time.

“No… I didn’t. ”

Chi Inu shook his head very honestly.

“What else to say without that? Can we not save the Draco people?

If I did, I’m afraid my phone would be blasted by those five old guys. ”

Sengoku said with some displeasure.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I don’t think Lin Yan is as strong as you say, even if I and Borusalino are the two of them, can’t they still arrest him?

As for Draco’s words, hehe…”

In the end, a trace of evil flashed in the red dog’s eyes.


All those present were human spirits, and although the red dog did not finish speaking, they still understood.

“Don’t, don’t, Akainu, I know your determination to justice, and I know that your proposal is very feasible

But if you do, do you know the consequences? ”

Tsuru said quickly.

“Senior Tsuru, what do you mean?”

Akainu asked.

“The status of the Draco is likely to fall off the altar, whether it is the world government or the five old stars, they do not want to see this happen.”

Tsuru explained.

Sengoku also nodded in agreement on the side.

“But if the ransom is offered so easily, it will be a great shame for the world government, and I Sakarski absolutely cannot accept it.”

Akainu said coldly.

Sengoku and Tsuru glanced at each other, and they both saw each other’s helplessness.

For them, Sakaski’s justice, although a little cold-blooded, still does not need to be questioned.

But the only drawback is that the character of the red dog is too stubborn and rigid.

“Hmm… So, Sakaski, you and the yellow ape go to the Chambord Islands together to maintain the dignity of the world government

If it really doesn’t work, we’ll take the Devil Fruit to redeem those few wastes. ”

Sengoku said helplessly.

“There are no two words in my dictionary, and I took off Lin Yan’s head with my own hands to prove to the world that evil can never defeat justice.”

The red dog said coldly, then turned to leave.

But at this time, the yellow ape only wants to scold his mother in his heart, you can go if you want, why do you have to pull Lao Tzu?

“Marshal of the Warring States, isn’t the old man going?”

The yellow ape asked with a bitter face.

“What do you say?”

Sengoku stared at the yellow ape with an unkind face.

This bastard, all at this time, even thought of paddling and playing with the edges, it seems that he managed it too loosely.

“The old man knows.”

The yellow ape pulled his head and left listlessly.

“Lin Yan, Lin Yan, can’t you bastard be a little settled, honestly follow my plan, enter the new world to fight the four emperors?”

Warring States can now be described as the one who hates Lin Yan and calls it Tooth Itch!

“Things have already happened, it is useless to say more, and now we have to find a way to solve it to ensure that the plan can go ahead.”

Tsuru said helplessly.

“Forget it, I’d better say hello to those old guys!”

Sengoku sat on the sofa with a dejected face, took out a unique phone from and began to dial.

Tsuru shook his head and got up directly to leave.

The red dog’s temper is too smelly, and she is a little uneasy about the red dog, in case the red dog angers Lin Yan and kills the Rozwald Holy family, then things will get out of control.

So just in case, she better go over in person.


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