With an order from Neptune to come.

All kinds of delicious dishes that Lin Yan and others had never seen before were served one after another, of course, among them were the unique desserts of Fishman Island.

To the extent that BIGMOM is obsessed, the desserts of Fishman Island can be regarded as second to none in the entire pirate world.

Under the hospitality of Neptune and the three princes, Lin Yan and his party pushed the cup and changed the cup, and drank freely.

Under this atmosphere, even Ulchi’s expression like a 10,000-year-old iceberg eased.

“King, it is rumored that the beauty of the mermaid princess will even be jealous of the creator, why not let the mermaid princess come out to open our eyes?”

Lin Yan pretended to be puzzled and asked.

As a standard traverser, Lin Yan of course knew that the mermaid princess White Star was targeted because she rejected the pursuit of a pirate named Vander Deacon IX.

Over the years, Van der Dyken IX has been using the ability of the target fruit to threaten the White Star Princess into marrying him, or to kill the White Star.


Speaking of White Star, Neptune showed a pampered and distressed look in his eyes.

“King, is there something unspeakable about this?”

Lin Yan asked.

“Mr. Lin Yan, let me tell you the truth, the little girl was targeted by a pirate with the ability of the Devil Fruit, all these years…”

Neptune did not hide it, and directly told the White Star and Van der Deiken IX about it.

“So that’s the case, King Neptune I want to see Princess White Star, what do you think?”

Lin Yan said with a look of sudden realization.

“Mr. Lin Yan, what do you mean?”

Neptune showed an expression of surprise, how could he not understand the meaning of Lin Yan’s words?

“King Neptune has treated us so warmly, if I don’t say something, wouldn’t it be ridiculed to pass it out?

Van der Dyken IX is a testimony to our friendship, what do you think, King? ”

Lin Yan said with a smile.

“Of course, Fishman Island is honored to have Mr. Lin Yan’s friendship, for our friendship, toast.”

Neptune laughed, picked up his glass and drank it directly.


After drinking and eating, Lin Yan and his group, led by Neptune , came to the door of the White Star Hard Shell Tower dormitory and the shelter where they were chased and killed.

Look at the many Vander Deacon throwing weapons at the gate.

Lin Yan and the others frowned unconsciously.

“Ulch, go and get that garbage out and cut off his limbs and bring it back for the king to dispose of.”

Lin Yan opened his mouth and ordered.

“Obey, Captain.”

Urch replied and turned to leave directly.

“Mr. Lin Yan, isn’t it too risky to let Mr. Ulchi go alone, after all, that guy is also a Devil Fruit powerhouse no matter what.”

Neptune said with some concern.

“Don’t worry, King Neptune that Ulch’s power is more than enough to deal with a trash garbage than you think, hurry up and open the door.”

I can’t wait to meet the most beautiful creatures in the world. ”

Lin Yan smiled and waved his hand.

“This… All right! ”

Although Neptune really wanted to persuade Lin Yan again, he saw that the other members of the Death Pirate Group did not have any worried look on their faces, and immediately shut up.

With a creak, the heavy door of the hard-shell tower slowly opened.

“Bai Xing, Father has come to see you.”

Neptune was afraid to scare White Star, and Reality walked in and shouted very gently before turning on the lights in the room.

When the light turned on and the white star sitting on the bed appeared in the eyes of everyone, except for you and the others, who had already seen the strangeness.

Including Lin Yan, his heartbeat slowed down by a beat.

The seabream style hair ornament has long wavy and flowing pink hair, shiny blue eyes, beautiful appearance, and spectacular upper wei.

Coupled with the dark and light pink fish tail, it is worthy of being a mermaid princess who stands at the top of the world with beauty.

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that such a beautiful thing existed in the world.

The most deadly thing is that her pitiful appearance, even Robin and Carifa, who are also women, have an extremely strong desire to protect in their hearts.

Not to mention Lin Yan, a real man.

“Father, brother, why are you here?”

In Bai Xing’s blue eyes, when he saw Neptune and the others, he suddenly showed excited eyes.

But when he saw Lin Yan and the others, he immediately became vigilant.

“Father, brother, who are they?”

Seeing Bai Xing showing this kind of look, Neptune knew that Bai Xing had misunderstood, and quickly opened his mouth to introduce the identity of Lin Yan and the others.

“It’s really worthy of having a look that even the creator is jealous of, and it’s really beautiful and thrilling!”

Lin Yan did not take Bai Xing’s performance to heart, but sighed.

After half a ring, after Neptune patiently introduced, Bai Xing finally stopped being afraid of Lin Yan and the others, but looked at the human in front of him with a very curious gaze.

She hadn’t been out of the room for more than a decade since she was targeted by Vander Decon.

In a sense, Lin Yan and the others were the only humans she had seen in the past ten years.

“I’m sorry, Princess White Star, we are a little abrupt, I hope it didn’t scare the beautiful you.”

Lin Yan said gently.

“No, no, Lord Lin Yan is Bai Xing is too sensitive, Bai Xing doesn’t know that you are the guests of Lord Father, I’m sorry.”

Bai Xing was flattered and waved his hand again and again.

For so many years, Lin Yan was the first human to talk to her so politely, and coupled with Lin Yan’s more polite performance, it made Bai Xing’s good feelings greatly increased for a while.

“Haha, Princess White Star, you are so cute.”

Lin Yan said with a good laugh.

Men, when they see beautiful things, their mood will involuntarily improve.

After getting acquainted, Lin Yan’s communication with Bai Xing became much smoother, at least Bai Xing was not as restrained as at the beginning.

Looking at the white star who hid his mouth from time to time, Neptune also sighed a little for a while.

Since the death of Princess Otohime, coupled with the fact that White Star was targeted by Vander Deacon IX, even Neptune did not know how long he had not seen his daughter so happy.

“Hahaha, Princess White Star, for your sake, I can help you fulfill a wish, I don’t know what your wish is?”

Lin Yan asked with a smile.

“Lord Lin Yan, is it okay to wish anything? But wouldn’t it be a little bad, this is just the first meeting between Bai Xing and Lord Lin Yan…”

Hearing Lin Yan’s words, Bai Xing’s eyes lit up first, and then as he spoke, he dimmed down.

“Bai Xing’s relationship between us, there is no need to entangle this kind of thing, don’t you treat me as a friend?”

Lin Yan pretended to be a little unhappy and said.

“Friends? Lord Lin Yan, have we become friends? ”

Bai Xing asked happily.

“Of course, so don’t be polite with me, Bai Xing, if you have any wishes, just say it, as long as it is within my ability, I can satisfy you, and I can’t refuse!”

Lin Yan said gently.

“That… Then Lord Lin Yan, I want to visit the underwater forest, is that okay? ”

Bai Xing was entangled for a moment, and finally looked at Lin Yan with a gaze full of hope.

“Of course.”


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