Lin Yan nodded, did not refuse Rialgo’s enthusiasm, and spoke.

“Since Rialgo wants to go and play, go and have fun, but you don’t need to fight for life and death, just feel the strength of the strong people in this world.”

“Yes, my lord, subordinates understand.”

Rialgo replied, and like a cannonball, jumped onto the deck of a naval battleship.

“Ace, take a good look, with your current strength, compared with those real strong people, there is still a certain distance, let alone want to defeat me, back to Whitebeard, I see you are dreaming.”

Lin Yan said sarcastically.

“Captain, I see.”

Ace nodded and did not open his mouth to refute.

Lin Yan didn’t bother to say anything, after all, Ace’s body flowed the bloodline of One Piece Roger, and his parents were all members of the D clan.

Therefore, his talent is absolutely top in this world.

It’s just that Ace is a natural optimist, which also leads to him not feeling any oppression and crisis, and his talent is not reflected at all.

Could it really be that Luffy or Saab must die in front of him in order to inspire him to become stronger?


While Lin Yan was thinking about it, Fuji Hu and Rialgo had already formed a confrontation.

Although the two have not yet officially clashed, they are engaged in an imposing duel at this time.

To Fujihu’s surprise, Rialgo actually gave him a sense of oppression, although it was not very strong, but it was enough to show that Rialgo’s strength was not below him.

At this moment, Fuji Hu’s face was solemn to the extreme,

What kind of pirate group is this, and so many strong people have gathered.

“Blind, I can feel that you are very strong, but compared to your strange strength, your physical strength is a little inadequate.”

Rialgo grinned.

“Hehe, the old man is originally a blind man, what do you want such a strong body for.”

Fuji Hu said calmly.

“The body is the root of all strength, but now it seems that the body has become your shortcoming, since this is the case, I am not welcome.”

After Riyargo finished speaking, he directly pulled out the chopping knife on his waist.

“Slaughter them, angry beast!”


The violent spiritual pressure, like a volcanic eruption, erupted from Rialgo’s body, and under the impact of the violent force, the naval warship shook wildly.

At the same time, Rialgo’s body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

When the spiritual pressure disappeared and Rialgo reappeared in people’s eyes, he could no longer be described as a human.


A real monster, a huge body, and twelve feet, all of which highlight the fact that Rialgo is a monster.

“Huh? This is…”

Although the spiritual pressure disappeared, Fuji Hu did not relax in the slightest, but became more and more vigilant.

A sense of oppression.

Yes, that’s right, that power disappears, replaced by an almost suffocating sense of oppression.

“Hahaha, the power that has been lost for a long time, it is rare to encounter a respectable opponent this time, let me use this power to tear you to pieces directly!”

After the transformation, Rialgo’s emotions became violent.

“Gravity Command.”

The vine tiger did not hesitate, the blade was directly slashed at Rialgo, and the terrifying gravity directly bombarded the huge body.


To everyone’s surprise, in the face of this terrifying gravity, Rialgo was not affected at all, as if these gravitations did not exist.

“Hahaha, gravity? This power is a little too much for me to see. ”

With a violent look flashing in his eyes, Rialgo directly punched Fuji Tiger.

“Gravity Sword Art.”

Fuji Hu’s face remained unchanged, and the gravity knife swung out an even more terrifying gravity, pressing on Rialgo’s body like Tarzan.


In the face of terrifying gravity, not only Rialgo’s body is shaking, but even the entire naval battleship is shaking wildly.


With a loud bang, the deck made an overwhelmed sound, and dense cracks, centered on Rialgo, took on a spiderweb-like shape, spreading rapidly.

“No, the battleship simply can’t withstand my battle with this monster, and if it continues, I’m afraid it won’t be long before this battleship will be destroyed.”

Realizing this situation, Fuji Tiger couldn’t help frowning slightly.

But Riyargo did not have the scruples of the vine tiger, and directly replaced the terrifying gravity, stepped forward with his huge body, and extremely savagely wanted the vine tiger to collide.

“Gravity bounces.”

Fuji Hu jumped back and swung out purple gravity circles one after another, blocking in front of him.



Rialgo was like a wild beast, hitting the gravity circle, but it was directly bounced by the BUG-like rebound force, and the hind legs were bounced.

It is precisely this situation that makes there are more and more cracks on the battleship, and there is even a faint tendency that is almost unbearable.

“False bomb.”

One by one, the spirit pressure bombs condensed by the spirit pressure, like bullets, spewed out from Rialgo’s mouth and attacked the vine tiger at a speed that broke through the speed of sound.

“Gravity Knife Tiger.”

The furious gravity directly swallowed the spirit pressure bomb, and bombarded Rialgo’s body unabated.


Rialgo’s body was directly blasted away like a cannonball, and finally fell into the sea.

“The Grim Reaper Pirate Group is really strong, this time the old man underestimated the enemy, and the next time I must put the place of the ambush on land, otherwise on the sea, I don’t have the slightest chance of victory.”

Fuji Hu silently calculated in his heart.

He also understood that it was impossible for him to capture anyone from the Death God Pirate Group this time.

If they continue to fight, then wait for their end, that is, they will be buried in this sea.

“How? General Fujitora, don’t you continue to play? My men haven’t enjoyed it yet! ”

As Lin Yan’s playful voice appeared, the originally calm sea rolled again.

“Lin Yan, this time the old man underestimated you, I didn’t expect that your Death Pirate Group was already strong to this extent, but the next time we meet, you won’t have such good luck.”

Fuji Hu said calmly.

“Hahaha, Fujitora, don’t you like to gamble? So how about we take a bet? ”

Lin Yan laughed.

“Huh? How to bet? ”

Fuji Hu was also interested when he heard this.

He doesn’t just like ‘gambling’, and it can be said that he has a soft spot for it.

This can be seen from the Dressrosa chapter in the original work.

“It’s very simple, I bet that your navy can’t capture me before I take the initiative to go to Mary Joa, if you bet, it’s a bottle of fine bar!”

Lin Yan said extremely arrogantly.

“Lin Yan, you are very arrogant, but you also have the qualifications to be arrogant, and the old man gambles with you.”

Fuji Hu said in a deep voice.

For Fuji Hu’s words, Lin Yan was noncommittal, anyway, this is not the first time someone has said this about him, and he has always been so arrogant, there is no need to question this.

“General Fuji Tiger, let’s wait and see!”


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