The fall of Kaido has caused a certain impact on many people.

But this is undoubtedly a thunderbolt for BIGMOM, who wants to make children with Kaido!

From the time she saw Kaido’s first appearance on the Rocks ship, she began to pay Kaido’s attention, fantasizing about coming out with Kaido’s invincible son.

But…… Now, with the fall of Kaido, BIGMOM’s illusions are directly shattered.

“Aaaaa Lin Yan, I’m going to kill you. ”

BIGMOM’s harsh voice resounded throughout the Kingdom of Torrant.

Unfortunately, no matter how angry she is, Lan Ran is always the place to suppress her.

At this time, Lan Ran was also a little surprised in his heart, in his opinion, BIGMOM’s combat skills were very rough, just relying on brute force to bombard him.

However, BIGMOM’s defense is terrifying and unexpected.

“Hehe, this world is more interesting than I thought, a person’s body, there are two different souls.”

Lan Ran said lightly.

“Huh? Who the hell are you, thinking that such a powerful existence as you is, how can you possibly serve Lin Yan. ”


“It doesn’t matter who I am, now I’m curious about who is dominating your body?”

Lan Ran asked with interest.

He had lived in the plane of death for so many years, but he really had never heard of the coexistence of two souls in one body.

Or maybe it shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

“Lan Ran, no need to ask her, this is the ability of the soul fruit, another soul in her body is called Carmelite human trafficker, she should have given up her original body in order to get out of the control of the world government.”


Lan Ran only showed such an expression when he heard this, but he also began to be a little interested in BIGMOM’s abilities.

Hearing this, the yellow ape felt that it was nothing, but the brows of the Warring States were furrowed.

For Carmelite, Warring States is no stranger at all, because her nickname is ‘Mountain Guy’, as Lin Yan said, she is a human trafficker.

But she was no ordinary human trafficker, this guy was also one of the kings of the underground world at that time.

During the period when the Warring States were still generals, cases of missing children around the world continued to occur, which could be described as a mess for their navy.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the original criminal not only did not have anything at all, but relied on the fruit ability to become one of the emperors of this sea.

“Lin Yan, what you just said is true?”

The Warring States still couldn’t believe that Carmelite alone was able to lay out such a big game of chess.

“Hehe, Warring States, is it true, don’t you know by yourself if you ask those old guys of the five old stars? I don’t believe that, with their abilities, they would not notice it at all. ”

Lin Yan shook his head and said.

When the Warring States heard this, they immediately stopped talking.

Because he knew very well in his heart that even if he asked, the five old stars would not tell him.

“Warring States, leave, your justice may be right, but it won’t work in this world, unless you kill those old guys of the five old stars and make your own decisions, otherwise, hehe…”

Lin Yan said meaningfully.

As for the hehe in the back, what exactly does it mean, this needs to be understood by the Warring States themselves.

The Warring States still did not reply, but told Lin Yan with actions what his choice was.

“Alas! Sengoku, why bother? ”

Lin Yan did not continue to talk nonsense, and directly greeted him.

“Big Buddha Shock.”

“Crescent Sky Chong.”


When the crescent-shaped sword pressed and hit the shockwave that emitted a white halo in the palm of the golden Buddha.

In a flash……

The terrifying aftermath, like ripples in the center of the lake, quickly spread out towards the surroundings.


Lin Yan and the Warring States had not yet launched a second round of confrontation, and a dazzling arrow and its terrifying speed struck Lin Yan.

“Yellow Ape, aren’t you going to paddle the water?”

Lin Yan said, the spirit pressure wrapped in his fist, and he smashed the light arrow with one punch.

“Yo yo, it’s really worthy of being a man who can kill Kaido, it’s really powerful like a monster, it’s so terrifying!”

The yellow ape said in a frivolous tone, but at this time, his face was already full of solemnity.

When Lin Yan had just come out of Advance City, the yellow ape was the first general to confront him, and it was from that time that the yellow ape began to be jealous of Lin Yan.

As Lin Yan’s strength became stronger and stronger, until he killed a Four Emperors today, the yellow ape did not want to provoke Lin Yan in his heart.

But now, it’s no longer his choice.

“Warring States, it’s really difficult for you, in order to deal with me, you actually put up such a big battle.”

After Lin Yan said a word, he set his eyes on the sea.

“Lin Yan, if we are not prepared at all, how dare we participate in this incident?”

Sengoku said in a deep voice.

Soon, several huge naval warships appeared in everyone’s sight.

Led by two generals, Fuji Tiger and Green Bull, in addition, there are vice admirals such as Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, and Fire Mountain, leading nearly 10,000 naval soldiers to quickly sail towards the ruined Cake Island.

Not only that, Lin Yan also saw CP0 members who either shrouded their bodies under their clothes or wore suits.

What surprised Lin Yan the most was that the blonde woman wearing a short skirt, a flower hat, and an outstanding temperament, did not expect that the world government even used Stussy, the queen of Happy Street, this time, don’t look at this woman’s young and beautiful, but definitely a real old monster.

In this world, no one may know Stussy’s true age, but one thing is for sure, her strength is definitely not below the general.

“Gee, this lineup, it seems that the old guys of the five old stars can’t wait to start the world war.”

When Lin Yan saw so many strong people coming, not only was he not the slightest nervous, but he had an inexplicable sense of excitement.

He had already anticipated what kind of turmoil would be caused in this world after this incident.

No…… This is no longer turbulent can be described, the two four emperors fell, the world government elite out, if finally defeated in his Lin Yan’s hands, this is definitely a terrifying tsunami, a tsunami that swept the world.

Just as Lin Yan was thinking about things, the naval battleship stopped a few nautical miles away from Cake Island, and those main personnel who participated in the battle used their abilities and a few breaths of time to land on the body of the Warring States.

Sengoku glanced at the people behind him, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

“Lin Yan, this time the old man gambled his life, and he will also end your steps in this sea area.”


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