The sea sparkled, and the light surged with the waves. A little girl about five or six years old was waiting for her "old, weak, sick" grandfather to pick her up. I don't know how long she waited. The sunset rose silently. The girl stared blankly at the empty sea, not knowing what kind of life was waiting for her...

Vaguely, a ship appeared in the distance, and there was a little light in the girl's eyes...

Soon, the ship arrived in front of her. It was a naval warship with a very iconic feature on it, a dog head, which made Ina think of the word dog-headed military advisor.

That's right, Ina did travel from a certain planet, and she also brought a golden finger called the sign-in system. Unlike the usual sign-in system, Ina's golden finger is to sign in once every five years!

Of course, the rewards once every five years are also extremely generous. Ina, who was five years old, had already signed in randomly.

"Born a sword body!"

For sword weapons, moves, and even artistic conception, she can see through their flaws and understand them at a glance.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Ina can focus on kendo, she will reach the top of kendo when she is twenty years old!

At the same time, it is not difficult to see from the dog-headed ship that the person coming is the hero Garp, who is also Ina's grandfather.

In terms of time, she is two minutes younger than Luffy. Whenever Ina thinks of this, she feels a little uncomfortable.

Long likes Ina so much that he has lived with Ina since he was a child... But Long is going to the Grand Line this time. The journey is long and dangerous, and he doesn't know when he will come back, so he plans to temporarily give Ina to her grandfather for adoption.

In order to avoid suspicion, Ina was left at the coast at noon. At this time, Ina's belly had already protested against it!

An old man came down from the dog-head warship. The old man was strong and wore a dog-head hat. He walked vigorously and walked directly past Ina. He walked to the street lamp and laughed. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he slapped the street lamp and said with a big laugh: "She is worthy of being my granddaughter. She is tall and straight..."

Everyone wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads at the same time. It was his adjutant Bogart who came forward to remind him: "Vice Admiral Karp, this... is your granddaughter..."

After speaking, he stepped aside. At this time, Karp squinted his eyes and noticed the little one who just reached his knees. He didn't mean to be embarrassed at all. He turned around and squatted in front of him, and covered Ina's head with his big hand , laughed again: "Hahaha, you are worthy of being my granddaughter, you are so down-to-earth!"

Garp gently rubbed and rubbed away the black lines that had already spread on Ina's head. At the same time, a heroic laugh came from the bottom of the sea, "Gulala..., Garp, what a coincidence!"

A huge whale ship jumped out of the sea from the bottom of the sea. At the same time, the shiny bubbles illuminated by the dim moonlight burst with a "pop", and all kinds of people or animals appeared on it. The one standing in the front was extremely tall, and a pair of white crescent beards were extremely conspicuous...

Seeing this, Ina thought to herself: Whitebeard...what are you doing here to find grandpa?

But there was no expression on her face, and she watched the situation develop quietly.

Garp laughed, clenched his fists, and the black light flashed. He stepped hard with his feet and disappeared instantly. At the same time, the naginata that Whitebeard took from nowhere was exactly the Kusukumo Kiri, one of the Twelve Great Swords!

With a flash of white light in his hand, he swung his naginata directly!


This blow made everything lose its color, leaving only one white and one black fighting between heaven and earth. Ina stared at the center of the battlefield, unable to move her eyes away for a moment...

The two laughed loudly, retracted their fists and elbows slightly, and exerted force again, "Boom", the roar sounded again, and the space seemed to be still!

When they opened their eyes again, they both flew backwards at the same time. The difference was that Garp's retreat distance was obviously farther than Whitebeard's... The difference in strength was already visible...

Garp's expression did not change. He waved his cape, turned around and said, "Let's go!"

Bogart hesitated to speak, but never opened his mouth. After glancing at Ina, he disappeared on the shore in Ina's unbelievable eyes...

Ina stared at Garp with wide eyes and a dark face. Just as she was about to speak, Whitebeard's eyes moved over. After seeing Ina, he asked in a daze, "Kid, what are you doing here!"

Ina couldn't ignore it. At the same time, she was not sure whether Whitebeard was as broad-minded as in the animation, and she didn't dare to tell the truth.

A very childish but slightly crying voice sounded, "My grandpa said a month ago that my parents would come to pick me up..."

At the same time, he lowered his head and wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand...

Whitebeard felt a little pity for the beautiful little girl in front of him, and at the same time, he felt the same way about the girl's life experience. Whitebeard's tone unconsciously dropped a few degrees and said, "Where is your grandpa?"

"Grandpa... Grandpa a month ago..."

The voice stopped here, and the whistling wind on the shore mixed with Ina's sobbing swept everything around, and the air suddenly became quiet...

Seeing this, Whitebeard looked at the little ghost in front of him with pear blossoms and rain, and looked back at his own children, who seemed to be missing a sister, and then a heroic laugh rang out.

"Little boy, do you want to be my daughter?"

The Whitebeard Pirates were immediately excited when they heard the voice. They wanted to shout, but they were afraid of scaring the cute little girl in front of them, and their faces were a little red...

At this time, Ina was heartbroken. She didn't want to get involved with the people in the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, her identity was there.

But if she refused directly, it would not be in line with the character she had just established...

"Uncle, can I decide in a few days? I want to wait for my parents, is that okay...?" Ina looked embarrassed, and her voice was a little hesitant, but she couldn't bear to refuse.

After hearing this, Whitebeard thought for a moment, and still told the cruel truth...

"Little boy, I'll wait for you to make this decision, but I still have to tell you that your parents should not come..."

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the people in the pirate group understood his meaning, and got off the ship with some luggage.

It looks like they are going to stay here for a long time... Ina was stunned when she saw this. If she continued like this, she might be exposed. After all, there was no trace of her having lived on this island...

Ina lowered her head when she heard this, and her eyes were not visible. Ina's voice was a little resolute, "Okay, I'll go with you..."

But her tears fell to the ground unconsciously. Everyone was speechless. Whitebeard squatted down and took her into his arms.

Ina cried in his arms. After an unknown period of time, Ina's voice gradually became softer...

Whitebeard let go of his hand and looked at the girl in his arms. The girl's tearful eyes made him feel pity.

Then he opened his palm and motioned Ina to sit on it. Ina hesitated a little, but still sat obediently in Whitebeard's palm...

Whitebeard looked down at Ina in his palm, and raised his mouth slightly. He looked particularly kind against the crescent beard. He asked: "Little boy, you will be my daughter in the future. What's your name!"

Ina said with tears in her eyes, "Ina..."

She didn't say her last name, but Whitebeard didn't care about it. Instead, he said: "Ina, you will have another name in the future, Edward Ina! Carry this name and ride freely on the sea!!"

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was stunned when he heard this. This name! I'm afraid she is the real princess of this sea! !

Whitebeard lifted Ina high up and laughed: "Gulala! Sons! Let's have a welcome party for Ina tonight!!"

Everyone cheered when they heard this! !

Ina's eyes were red, and she was immersed in this warm atmosphere for a moment...

As for Garp at this time...

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