The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed, but he was still in a hurry.

After hearing the noise behind her, Ina's expression froze for a moment, and her busy steps also stopped with her actions.

Looking back at Guangyue, who sat up in shock and looked surprised, she felt a little caught.

At this time, Ina, with blood on her hands, was carrying the crystal clear head of Heitan Muchan.

Compared with the various top artworks not far away, it was enough to explain everything.

Suddenly, Kozuki Toki's already pale face became even paler, "Ugh..."

Accompanied by a retching sound, his body trembled, his expression became dazed, as if he was about to faint again...

Kozuki Toki struggled to lower his chest, gasping for air, trying to get rid of the nausea at this moment, and dared not look at Ina again.

Not only that, as if it was a chain reaction, the retching sound awakened the unconscious Nine Red Scabbards again, and they all raised their heads and retched again.

Black Ina's forehead was covered with black lines. Kozuki Toki's reaction was fine...? But you... are you looking for death? !

Black Ina frowned, but didn't care too much. She stepped forward and waved her hand with a stiff face, and the space barrier turned into starlight and scattered.

With a difficult look on her face, she raised her stiff arm and wanted to put it on Kozuki Toki's head, her eyes raised, and she recalled Ina's usual tone.

Kozuki Toki blinked blankly, frowning, and the memories in his mind surged like a tide.

His face turned pale again, and after a moment, he raised his eyes and looked at Ina who had not spoken yet.

He looked into the blood-red eyes and tentatively said, "You... are not Ina?"

After this, Hei·Ina looked surprised, and no longer thought about the tone of Ina's speech, his eyes flickered.

He curled his lips, "I am not her, but I am also her... But how did you see it?"

After the eye contact and conversation just now, Kozuki Toki realized that Hei·Ina would not hurt himself, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ina would not look at me with such eyes, nor would she be so hesitant as you."

"The most important thing is that you give me a different feeling!"

"Hmm~ Why is it different."

Following Kozuki Toki's words, Hei·Ina took over the words, and his eyes lit up.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that someone can sense his existence.

Kozuki Toki lowered his eyes, pondered for a moment, and thought about how to describe this in his heart.

"It's just... you give me a more charming and violent feeling, and I can sense your danger across the space..."

"And Ina, on the contrary, is more introverted, to put it bluntly..."

Before he said it, Kozuki Toki seemed to think of Ina's embarrassing incident.

For a moment, he forgot what he had just experienced and laughed softly, which dissipated a lot of the haze here.

"Forget it, I'd better not say it, so that Ina won't deal with me again later..."

"You feel like you are in opposition. If I really want to describe it, it's like the Tai Chi diagram circulated in history, one yin and one yang, but inseparable!"

Hei Ina lowered her eyes, the smile on her lips became even more intense, leaned down, aimed her little mouth at Kozuki Toki's earlobe, and exhaled hot air softly.

"You are very good, I like you very much~ We can discuss it when we have time~"

The hot air exhaled seemed to have a spiritual consciousness, swirling on Kozuki Toki's earlobe.

Suddenly, Kozuki Toki's body stiffened, his eyes widened, and his face flushed instantly.

His eyes gradually blurred, looking at the black Ina with Ina's body and appearance, he imagined several action movies in his mind...

He looked dazed, and unconsciously murmured, "I... I do~"

At this time, the consciousness of the Nine Red Scabbards was a little sober, and when they saw Kozuki Toki in this state, they were stunned for a moment...

From their perspective, Ina and Kozuki Toki were undoubtedly kissing each other at this time!

Didn't dare to criticize Ina in his heart, he could only help Oden wear this unique hat in his heart.

But Ina, who had been observing for a long time in her heart, did not agree with this behavior and shouted angrily, "You have to count!"

After hearing Ina's angry voice, Hei Ina chuckled and curled her lips helplessly.

"Okay, she won't let me do this, Xiaoshi~ Goodbye~"

Before Kozuki Toki could respond, Ina's body had already exchanged control.

Ina looked at the blood on her hand, her face turned pale for a moment, she closed her eyes lightly, and a flame ignited on her hand.

All the blood

Dispel, even the fingertips and the gaps between the fingers are not spared.

It didn't take long for the hands to be clean, and he smiled and raised his hand to touch the little head of Kozuki Toki.

His fingertips passed through the black hair, tied her hair into a bun, and smelled the fragrance in it. The emotions in his heart were all dissipated with the actions of Hei Ina.

"It's okay, the evil has suffered the price it deserves!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and condensed the space energy in his body. Gradually, a dark yellow token took shape in his palm!

The other hand brushed Kozuki Toki's palm, and a drop of bright red blood gathered from it.

Waiting for a moment in the air, the fingertips lightly tapped, and the two drops of blood all intertwined and silently invaded the token.

Quietly, Kozuki Toki and Ina formed a certain connection under the witness of space, and they could sense each other's situation in a moment!

Ina lowered her eyes and looked at the token in her hand, raised her hand and handed it to Kozuki Toki.

"Take it. If you have any problems in the future, you can contact me through the token."

"If you encounter any danger, break the token with your mind. It will release a protective shield that is enough to block any attack!"

"I will come right away."

When Guangyue Shi heard this, he took the token, and his eyes were shining with stars, staring at the token in his palm.

Feeling the unique breath of Ina in the token, the uneasiness in his heart quietly dissipated, as if he had learned it by himself, and put the token on his chest.

The token quietly entered the body, and there was a faint dark yellow light that enveloped Guangyue Shi!

At this moment, the space barrier that enveloped the room rippled, making Ina's eyes suddenly cold.

Squinting his eyes, dispersing the barrier, and walking to the door, before he could speak, a sword energy was already heading straight for Ina!

Seeing this, Ina did not dodge or avoid, and at the moment of extreme danger, everyone in the room exclaimed.

When the sword energy touched Ina, it seemed as if it had met its natural enemy, and it quietly dissipated without causing any ripples!

Four burly, scarred men broke through the door and rushed in. After looking around at the artworks around them, their expressions suddenly turned pale.

Their faces were blank, and they didn't know how to describe their feelings at this moment. They had just prepared themselves. This battle was either life or death!

Unexpectedly, before they started, the enemy... just like this...?

When their eyes swept over Ina and Kozuki, they didn't recognize them, and finally their eyes fell on the kneeling Red Scabbard Nine Heroes, as if waiting for their explanation.

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