After the death of Shanks, Luffy was obsessed with Ina, and he annoyed her every day.

Fortunately, Makino lent a hand to Ina with a grateful look...

Although Ina performed bravely, Makino and Slap still treated her as a child.

Maybe Ina's appearance was too confusing...

It is worth mentioning that Ina successfully ate the food she made during this period.

But the taste was hard to describe, and then she followed Makino to learn. She couldn't go out to sea every day and wronged herself...

Half asleep and half awake, Slap called Ina and Luffy.

"Luffy, Ina, Garp is back!"

Ina rubbed her sleepy eyes, slowly got up and put on her clothes...

She looked at Luffy, this kid has been rebellious since he was a child, and turned over to continue sleeping.

His nose bubble grew bigger and smaller with his breathing, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. I don't know what kind of dream he had...

Seeing this, Ina grinned evilly, and the bad water in her stomach sizzled out again...

It was still dark, and there was a touch of blue in the dark sky.

It made her feel an inexplicable sense of terror, and the sea breeze carried the fishy smell into Ina's nose...

The dog-headed warship slowly appeared on the sea surface with the early sun, and it became larger and larger in Ina's field of vision. Ina's mouth corners unconsciously hooked up...

Ina's mind was immersed, and the scene in front of her seemed like a year ago.

She was full of emotion. This year's experience was richer than the six years of the Revolutionary Army.

Garp also saw his good granddaughter and chuckled.

There was a bit of warmth in this smile, something Bogart had never seen before...

He jumped high, with a loud sonic boom, and flew directly over Slap's shocked eyes...

He landed gently, with a soft look on his face, and did not attack her for a long time!

Instead, he hugged Ina in his arms, and expressed his longing for her in a warm embrace...

His stubbled face rubbed against Ina's delicate little face...

Ina looked disgusted, but the corners of her mouth did draw a slight arc very honestly...

Ina felt a little warm in her heart, which was different from the feeling that Makino gave Ina.

Ina felt more at ease than ever when she was with Garp. Thinking of this, Ina could not help but be lost in thought...

When did it start...

Maybe it was the tears in the Whitebeard Pirates...

Maybe it was the emotion when Ina saw half of the high-end combat power of the navy...

More likely it was the unintentional persuasion on the warship...

Scenes flowed in front of Ina's eyes, making her close her eyes...


After a while, Garp let go and looked down at Ina's changes in the past year.

The little face grew a little, and her height reached her waist...

She was very relieved and lamented the passing of time...

Garp stood up lightly, then looked around, unconsciously a little dazed,

Just now he only had Ina in his eyes, and did not see Luffy's figure...

He turned his eyes to Slap and asked, "Where is Luffy..."

Slap broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this, and the scene of Luffy being beaten half-crippled by Garp appeared in front of him inexplicably.

He shook his head slightly and said, "Luffy..."

Slap wanted to hide it from Luffy, but a very straightforward voice sounded.

"Grandpa, Luffy doesn't want to come to pick you up, he wants to be the Pirate King!"

The voice was very sweet, as if it was said inadvertently...

At this time, Ina's heart: a purple little Ina who was rising up was smiling darkly...

Garp didn't seem to hear it clearly the first time, or maybe he didn't believe it!

Then Ina repeated it again, Garp lowered his head, as if the sky had fallen, and his two small mustaches trembled.

His eyebrows raised, and the fire in his eyes seemed to spread...


Garp never thought that he would go out and his dear grandson would be rebellious by others, and his heart seemed to be bleeding.

A smile flashed in Ina's eyes, as if she had seen Luffy's end!

At this moment, Luffy shivered unconsciously in the warm bed...

As if he had anticipated the disaster, or perhaps it was an instinctive avoidance of danger...


His nose bubble burst with a crisp sound, and he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and instinctively crawled under the bed...

The memory slowly emerged in his mind...

About half an hour ago, what Slap told him...

Suddenly, his hair stood up, his eyes widened, and cold sweat ran down his forehead...


Garp's roar resounded in this small village, and it would not be...

Few people woke up in shock!

Then, Garp's observation Haki was fully activated, covering the entire village in an instant!

He flashed and disappeared from the spot, and the next moment, he appeared directly in front of Luffy's bed...

Luffy's face was extremely stiff, and he slowly turned his head, as if the moving parts were rusted...

Staring at the big feet in front of him in disbelief, Garp pushed and moved Luffy's small bed away!

Luffy's stiff face formed a sharp contrast with Garp's smiling face...

Although Garp was smiling, the smile did not reach his eyes, and he looked a little scary...

Ina slowly appeared from behind him, leaning against the door, but the smile on her face unconsciously spread out.

Staring at the scene in front of him with interest, waiting for his chance to appear...

But Luffy didn't know what caused Garp's anger,

He just thought that he didn't go to take over the trouble caused by Garp...

"Grandpa, I fell asleep, I..."

Ina appeared at the right time and said something in Luffy's unbelievable eyes.

"Grandpa, stop hitting me, Luffy didn't mean it, maybe he forgot about you..."

Then, as if she found out that she had said something terrible, she quickly covered her mouth and took a breath...

Garp's anger spread again after hearing this, and Ina added fuel to the fire again...

"No... No, maybe I don't have you in my eyes..."

Ina frowned slightly and patted her mouth lightly, as if she was regretting what she said...


Luffy's wailing started from the early morning until the evening, and never stopped!

This made Ina sigh at Luffy's vitality, and she felt a little regretful in her heart...

Luffy was lying on the ground with his eyes bleary. At this time, he already understood why he was beaten.

But his words did not change at all. Although his voice was weak, it was still firm!

"I want to be... the man... of the... sea... king!!"

Smelling the sadness, seeing the tears!

Ina couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Luffy is worthy of it, with a big dream and a firm belief! !

Then Garp also gave Ina a lecture. As for how you say to educate? Do you think Garp will give a verbal lecture...?

Of course, compared to Luffy, Ina was just sprinkled with water...

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