The old man was very happy.

Yina's expression was slightly stagnant, and her eyes scanned Yu Liuying with surprise.

At the same time, Yu held tightly in his sleeve the token with the Guangyue clan emblem that he had just picked up.

Liuying's body was shining with pink starlight, and she pursed her lips, suppressing the tears that gushed out of her eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I saw the token just now..."

"I should have figured it out at the beginning. Without Grandpa's permission, who can come and go freely in the Optics House..."

"Why was my father sent away at this time?"

"Why did no one come to save me when I was close to death, or...

Speaking of this, Liuying lowered her head again, and tears finally burst out.

Ina took a deep breath, and ripples appeared in her heart. She was also a little bit unbelievable about the truth of the matter.

Who would have thought that a respected grandfather would kill his beloved granddaughter...

Ina raised her hand and touched Liuying's shoulder, whispering in her ear to comfort her.

"Don't think too much, all the past has been lost in the long river of history.

"Let the past go with the wind, take care of the present, you still have me..."

After that, she patted Liuying's back to comfort her. With Ina's words, the illusion disappeared like a dream bubble.

When Ina opened her eyes, she looked a little dazed, looking at the many pirates who surrounded her.

She ignored them, lowered her eyes and stared at Bai Luo, whose palm was still flashing red, and raised her hand to touch the sword.

She sighed, vaguely flowing between heaven and earth, and then swung it out lightly.

A colorless and invisible sword energy caused ripples in the space, mixed with a compelling pressure, and spread directly to the surroundings!

The sword energy was like the sharpest sword, passing through the unmanned land, and penetrated the entire encirclement in an instant!

This sword made time stagnate and space tremble...

Everyone stared at Ina who swung the sword, with horror condensed between their brows.

But Ina lightly covered her nose, sniffing the smell of blood in the air with disgust.

When he looked back at Kozuki, he saw that his face was slightly pale, and he curled his lips silently. Then, he glanced at several daimyos, saw the horror on their faces, and nodded imperceptibly.

When he turned around, his whole body was covered by flames, and when he looked back again, he was already in the state of an orc.

The familiar pupils were reflected by the red-gold flames rising from his palms.

The wings suddenly swung out, and the red-gold flames swung out from between the wings. In an instant, a blazing storm that supported the world was formed!

As if with spiritual consciousness, it swept in many pirates who fled in panic one by one.

For a time, the whistling and screaming were endless, and under Yu Yina's intentional control, it spread throughout the Flower City.

The old woman at the edge of the Flower City looked up at the red storm that supported the sky with a slightly dazed look...

But the next moment, she heard the screams in the air, her face suddenly turned pale, and she knelt down, no longer daring to look directly at the storm that seemed like a miracle.

It didn't take long for the red storm to sweep in the last pirate. Ina stretched her body and looked down at Bai Luo in her palm.

Half-closed her eyes, feeling the sadness in it, she sighed softly, "Don't worry, there will be no trouble this time."

After saying that, she turned around and looked back at Kozuki Toki, and in one step, she was by his side.

Raised her hand to smooth out the wrinkles on Kozuki Toki's coat, "I'll go out for a while and come back later."

Kozuki Toki looked dazed, as if he hadn't come back to his senses yet, and nodded blankly in response. After receiving the response, Ina quietly disappeared.

Several daimyos looked at each other with calm eyes, and they all understood what Ina had done.

Whether it was that sword or the red flames in the sky, they were all done for themselves and others to see!

While showing off their strength, they warned themselves to be more obedient. Otherwise, their fate would be the same as those pirates.

When they thought of this, they all turned around and looked at Kozuki. They were no longer hindered by Oden's face, but they really had more respect from the heart.

As soon as Ina disappeared, Bai Luo trembled again, lowered his eyes and looked at Bai Luo, and his body stopped.

Ina frowned, closed her eyes and listened to Bai Luo's confession...

After a while, she opened her eyes, a look of understanding appeared on her face, raised her foot and turned around, and disappeared again.

Kozuki Ancient Clan Land·Treasure House


Silent darkness...

A red

Golden flames appeared out of thin air, lighting up the space, gradually getting bigger and bigger...

Finally, it turned into a black hole as tall as a person, and then, Ina stepped out of it.

Looking at the surrounding environment, she finally locked her eyes on the top of the long sword, which was flashing with ice-blue light...

The ice-blue long sword seemed to have sensed Ina's eyes, trembled slightly, and consciously jumped down from the knife rack, bringing a burst of blue light, and came directly in front of Ina.

Ina raised her hand to catch it, but the moment of contact, Bai Luo quietly appeared in Ina's palm.

The pink light flashed one after another, communicating something with the ice-blue long sword.

After a while, the ice-blue long sword seemed to understand, and with a clear humming sound, it turned into a blue stream of light and entered Bai Luo's sword body.

There was no barrier between the two, as if they were originally one, and Bai Luo absorbed it all.

The ice-blue sword lost its brilliance forever and turned into a dull gray-white sword, as if it would break at the touch.

After the fusion was completed, Ina shook her head with a smile. She had just heard...

Bai Luo talked to the ice-blue sword like a child abducting a child...

"Come on, you and I are one. Follow me. There is a possibility that we will see Bai Luo (Sea King) again in the future..."

Although the ice-blue sword has its own spiritual consciousness, it is undoubtedly equivalent to a half-grown child and does not have real thinking consciousness.

Feeling the familiar breath flowing in Bai Luo's body, she couldn't help but believe Bai Luo's words.

From then on, the two became one, and a soul that could truly survive in the world would be born...

After the matter was done, Ina smiled and shook her head, and lightly tapped her fingertips, and black ripples rippled on the space.

Ina raised her foot and took a step, and her figure disappeared again. The next moment, she appeared in the sky above Jiuli.

He lowered his eyes to look at the smoky Jiuli, tilted his head, and finally found the clan emblem of the Guanben clan in the center of Jiuli...

Looking at the Guanben clan children who were dominating the streets, the coldness between his eyebrows became more and more real, causing snowflakes to float in the sky.

Standing in the sky, he raised his hand to summon Bai Luo, feeling the fluctuations flowing in Bai Luo's sword.

He curled his lips, then raised his hand and waved it lightly, and the snowflakes floating in the sky buried the entire Guanben clan land!

Accompanied by the spurting blood, it turned into a different kind of beautiful scenery with the white snowflakes on the ground...

It didn't stop there, the snowflakes seemed to have spiritual consciousness, looking for the blood fluctuations of the Guanben clan everywhere...

Not long after, corpses were already everywhere, and blood stained the seemingly pure and flawless snowflakes.

The residents around were originally terrified, fearing that they would be affected, but when they saw that the snowflakes only attacked the people of the Sekimoto clan, they all showed a trace of relief.

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