The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


"What did you say?!"

The voices of several daimyo who couldn't believe it were circulating in the courtyard, and many guards turned their eyes to this side.

Looking at the thin and frail figure, he lowered his eyes. Judging from the signs that Ina had just disappeared, it was clear who was the initiator of all this.

And the nine red scabbards in the house heard the words outside the house, and they rushed out before they had time to dress up...

The Guanben clan was almost becoming their obsession! When they were in Jiuli, they were well taken care of!

"Bulu Bulu..."

At this moment, the ringing sound of Den Den Mushi rang in Shimotsuki Yasuie's arms, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

Shimotsuki Yasuie's figure froze, and his face became dazed. This Den Den Mushi was the one he sent to monitor Kaido and the pirates' movements. In case they were out in full force, they could make plans early.

Shimotsuki Yasuie's mind was also flying, thinking about the possibility of Den Den Mushi calling.

But Kaido has already been killed, why is there still a call coming...?

Could it be that the many pirates of Onigashima were desperate and came here to seek refuge or attack the six islands?

The expressions of the Nine Red Scabbards were hesitant to speak, but because of the ringing Den Den Mushi, they didn't want to interrupt.

He did not notice the presence of others in the courtyard. His eyes fell directly on Shimotsuki Yasuie, wanting to wait for him to finish the call and confirm it again...

Then, he raised his hand to pick up the phone, "Hello? This is Shimotsuki Yasuie..."

"Kang... Lord Kang, Onigashima..."

The voice sounded, but the words on the other end of the phone were intermittent, which made Shimotsuki Yasuie frown and said calmly, "Don't worry, talk slowly!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie's words seemed to have a soothing effect. The person on the other end of the Den Den Mushi stopped talking for the time being, and his breathing also stabilized.

But the next words made Shimotsuki Yasuie uneasy.

"Onigashima... exploded out of thin air! It's like... a pair of invisible giant hands crushed it!!"

"Pirates... tens of thousands of pirates... including the wreckage of Onigashima, all sank into the sea!!"

Although the voice of the Den Den Mushi was not loud, it was enough for everyone to hear clearly. Several daimyos lowered their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

The Red Scabbards were confused, and they did not accept such a large amount of information for a while...

What did they hear? Onigashima? Crushed... and tens of thousands of pirates fell into the sea and died...?

How could it be possible? It was all fake...? Could it be that the surveillance personnel were hallucinating...?

While thinking this, his eyes looked at Shimotsuki Yasuie, but after seeing his solemn expression, his eyes changed quietly, and he gradually believed the words from the Den Den Mushi.

Thinking of this, their expressions became confused. Even if they believed it, it was obviously beyond human power from the description of the words.

Then he thought of something, and looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes. For a while, he muttered something...

This... This must be God's punishment for those evil pirates! !

After the Den Den Mushi hung up, several people seemed to be still immersed in shock...


Then, the Den Den Mushi rang again, causing Shimotsuki Yasuie to frown and subconsciously raise his hand to his chest...

Not only him, but everyone present turned their eyes to Shimotsuki Yasuie, instinctively thinking that there was some important information again...

But at this moment, it was beyond their expectations.

When the Den Den Mushi was taken out, it was still in a dormant state.

Then, he looked around with a surprised look, and finally locked his eyes on Kaido's sturdy body.

The eyes of the Nine Red Scabbards were the same, accompanied by a glance around.

But they found an unexpected figure, not Kaido, but the thin woman who was regarded as a nightmare by them.

His body was stiff and he murmured in his heart: Didn't she say...she had already gone out? Why? Why is she still here...?

After Ina noticed the gazes falling on her, she frowned slightly and looked back at the few people.

The few people shivered in fear and turned their eyes away one after another. However, they could not help but be attracted by the huge figure in the corner.

And the daimyo also found the source of the Den Den Mushi ringing, which was at Kaido's waist.

Seeing this, Ina frowned and walked forward, raised her hand to take out the Den Den Mushi, but saw a very distinctive, yet very familiar face...

Familiar can't help but

Wanted Ina to tear her to pieces!

That's right, it was BIG·MOM who caused Ina to come to this time and space!

Along with Ina's emotions, the air pressure around her began to sink.

Raised her hand to pick it up, before Ina could speak, BIG·MOM's voice came.

"What? Kaido, are you a waste? It takes so long to deal with an invader...?"

The words did not give everyone time to react, and they came one after another.

"Roger has become the Pirate King, and those lackeys of the World Government are planning to unite with me to set up a trap for Roger!"

"I can also take this opportunity to avenge that sword! What about you...? Do you want to come over? I believe you are also very interested in the Great Secret Treasure!!"

BIG·MOM said seriously, and with her huge eyes, she didn't see that the other end of the Den Den Mushi had changed.

Ina curled her lips and looked at BIG·MOM reflected in the Den Den Mushi. The murderous intent in her heart could not stop rising, making everyone around her feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

She whispered softly, "Sorry, Kaido can't go over."

BIG·MOM subconsciously exclaimed, squinting her eyes and staring at the pocket Den Den Mushi in her hand, and then she realized that her appearance had changed.

Her voice became cold, "Who are you? Where is Kaido? Let him come out to see me!!"

Ina raised her hand to push her hair behind her ears. She looked very ladylike, but her words were extremely cold.

"Kaido has gone to hell. Don't worry, you will go down to accompany him soon!"

"Mmmm, mmm, what are you kidding? Do you want to die?"

After saying that, BIG·MOM squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the Den Den Mushi in her palm, trying to identify who Ina was and why she dared to say so...?

But she unexpectedly heard the sound of the Den Den Mushi being hung up.

Ina glanced around and gave orders to several daimyos.

"You, come here!"

The daimyos did not feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied at all, because they had seen Ina's godlike strength!

Then, she stepped forward, bowed slightly, and spoke respectfully.

"What do you want?"

When Ina saw the people coming forward, she nodded slightly and raised her hand to point to the various heads that were vaguely visible in the house.

"String their heads together, including Kaido's, and hang them in the most conspicuous place!"

"Then sprinkle the minced meat of the Kuri Sekimoto clan on the streets of Kuri!"

"Call the vicious dogs and eat them up!"

"Finally, spread the word and exempt any decisions made during the Orochi period. Everything should be based on the original policies of Oden's father!"

"At the same time, announce Ashi's identity and let Ashi order the abolition of taxes and labor service for one year!"

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