The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Luffy looked at Ina blankly, not knowing what she was talking about.

Cripple uncle...? How could it be possible? Could he expect the cripple uncle to fight?

Although he was confused, he still listened to Ina and stopped moving.

Ina waved her hand, and a ball of rich light green light turned into light mist and rushed towards Zeff.

Gradually, Zeff's body was enveloped. Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Zeff's body became younger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the right leg, which had been lame for nearly ten years, broke free from the wooden prosthesis, and cold bone spurs gradually extended from the broken part.

It grew bigger and bigger, and turned into leg bones. Red and light red muscles flowed down the leg bones, and blood turned into an invisible film.

Soon, a big foot flashing with white light appeared in front of everyone.

Zhepu's eyes were dull, and he felt the fresh touch of the soles of his feet in disbelief.

This scene had appeared countless times in his dreams, but never as clear as it was now.


He suddenly raised his head and slapped himself. The burning pain made Zhepu wake up.

Not only Zhepu, but this crisp sound also made everyone come back to their senses. They stared at Ina with fanatical eyes, as if she was a rare treasure!

At the same time, many people had greed in their eyes.

Tears gushed out from Zhepu's eyes. He raised his head, and the slender figure was reflected in his eyes flooded with tears.

He never thought that one day, he could still stand on the ground with his feet.

He never expected that Ina, who he once regarded as a scourge, would actually become his lifelong belief!

"Okay, get familiar with her, there will be a battle later!"

Zhepu raised his hand, roughly wiped away his tears, and stared at Creek.

Feeling the surging power in his body, he laughed. Creek's words just now seemed to be echoing in his ears, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

Although his strength has regressed a lot, he was a man who had traveled in the Grand Line in the past, and his bounty was as high as 70 million Baileys.

How could Creek's 20 million Baileys be within his reach?

But Creek didn't know the crisis he was about to face.

When he saw the green energy, a greedy light appeared in his eyes, and he repeatedly provoked Ina's bottom line.

He laughed wildly, and there was a hint of lust in his expression. Indistinctly, it seemed that he saw Ina enjoying herself under his crotch.

"I never thought that besides having a pretty face, you have this ability! Be thankful that I've chosen you."

"Be sensible and serve me well tonight, so that you can suffer less."

Ina's face fell gradually. She was patient, but this patience was not to be trampled by such scum!

Her voice was calm, and no emotion could be heard. "Don't end the battle so quickly, I want to hear his wailing sound!"


Just then, Sanji regained consciousness and opened his eyes, just in time to see Zeff disappearing.

Zeff seemed to have eyes on his back and sensed Sanji's movements, "Boy, take a good look, this is a kicking skill, this is... the real barefoot Zeff!"

Before the voice fell, Zeff had already arrived in front of Creek.

Due to the bonus given by Ina, Zeff did not have any power accumulation, came in front of Creek and kicked lightly.

Suddenly, Creek's eyes widened. Although his mental reaction could keep up, his body could not keep up with Zhepu's movements.

He could only watch Zhepu's bare big foot kick his armored forearm.


The moment the two came into contact, Creek's indestructible armor seemed to have hit its natural nemesis and exploded without any pause.


A heart-wrenching scream sounded, and Creek's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He stared at Zhepu in horror.

Now he felt how terrifying Zhepu was in his prime...

This was an enemy he could not resist. He swallowed his saliva and endured the pain of his broken arm bones.

With trembling lips, he performed a face change without any disobedience.

"Boss Zhe...Zhepu, I overestimated my own abilities, please spare my life!"

Before she finished speaking, Ina frowned, and the next moment, a green light cut through the space and flashed past.

Silently penetrated the wall of the front hall and headed towards the middle

Creek, who was at the center of the ship, attacked.

With a thought, Ina made this sudden and powerful slash dissipate quietly.

She curled her lips, having guessed who the person was.

The stagnant space flowed again, and everyone in the restaurant gasped.

The horrified eyes fell on the black figure on the outer deck through the broken doors and windows.

The black figure's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he carried a big sword with a handle like a cross behind him.

It was the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye, who was chasing Creek!

After Hawkeye noticed that his sword light dissipated, he frowned unconsciously and looked at everyone in the restaurant with interest.

Finally, he set his eyes on Ina and recognized Ina's identity at a glance.

Indistinctly, he could still detect the shadow of the past from this slightly immature face.

This was the first girl who left a deep impression on him. The girl's talent for swordsmanship even made him think that she would surpass himself!

He narrowed his eyes and looked around Ina. The next moment, Hawkeye's eyes froze.

He did not notice Bai Luo's presence beside Ina, nor did he notice any sword intent flowing in Ina.

Even the most profound swordsman could not be without any trace of sword on his body, but Ina did not have any now.

In his cognition, there was only one explanation for this situation.

Back then, the girl he thought was the hope of kendo gave up halfway and changed to other paths.

Hawkeye's frowning action seemed to make everyone in the restaurant walk around the edge of life and death.

Zoro trembled. Although he had never seen Hawkeye, he recognized Hawkeye's identity with his unique image.

And from the slash just now, he felt the deterrence and shock he had never experienced before.

He swallowed his saliva and tried to take a step, but it seemed like he was weighing a thousand pounds and couldn't move even a little bit.

He stared at Hawkeye who was gradually walking forward unwillingly and bit his tongue hard.

He tried to use the pain to wake up his body and dispel the fear that came from biological instinct.

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