The scene changes...

"Dangdangdangdang! It's done, Bellemere's high-end limited edition fashion!"

Bellemere stared at the crooked stitches on the clothes and said with pride.

Nami pouted indignantly, "Another leftover from Nokigo!"

Bellmaire raised her hand with a smile and measured Nami's height with the clothes, "Come on, come on, isn't this just right?"

Nami pouted, "I don't want to wear it, why can I only wear what Nokigo left!"

Nokigo looked at the indignant Nami, frowned and said, "There's nothing I can do about it, you're two years younger than me!"

"It has nothing to do with age, I want to wear new clothes too!"

"But mine are also old clothes, you're my sister, so you can only wear what I left!"

Bellmaire squatted in front of the two of them, watching them bickering with a smile.

But Nami's next words made Bellmaire change her face...

"Sister, so what! We are not related by blood, and we are not real sisters!"

Bellmaire's face darkened, and he roared, "Nami!" He suddenly raised his hand and slapped her.


With a crisp sound, Nami's young body flew out involuntarily and fell to the ground.

Nokigo was also a little panicked, and hurriedly grabbed the corner of Bellemere's clothes.

Bellemere looked down at her palm, and then looked at Nami who stood up with her cheek covered.

Took a deep breath to ease the pain in her heart, "It doesn't matter if there is no blood relationship, don't say these stupid things again!"

After Nami stood up, tears flashed in her eyes, and she raised her head and stared at Bellemere who pretended to be calm.

"What...what? You are not our biological mother! In fact, it's better if we are not here!"

"This way you can eat, this way you can afford nice clothes, and you can become more free!"

At this point, Nami's accumulated emotions reached a peak and she yelled.

"I was picked up anyway. It would be better if I was picked up by a richer family!"

Nami raised her hand to wipe her tears. Although she was thinking about Bellemere, she didn't know how hurtful her words were.

Bellemere was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes and turned away...

"Is... is that so? Well, since you hate this family so much, go wherever you want!"

Nokigo frowned and tried to persuade the two to stop arguing, "Don't argue!"

Nami glared, "Let's go!" After that, Nami rushed out of the door, and Nokigo's concerned shout came from behind.

But Nami didn't react at all. The grief and anger controlled her behavior, and she ran away without looking back.

Bellemere in the house softened after seeing Nami go out, staring at her palm with lifeless eyes...

Nokigo stared at Bellemere's absent-minded appearance and spoke with a strong backbone.

"Bellmaire, the three of us...are a family! Nami must think so too, I just said it casually!"

Bellmaire closed her eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she raised her hand to rub Nokigo's head, "You are so mature, Nokigo."

"I was too childish just now, so please trouble Nokigo to find Nami! I will prepare a delicious dinner and wait for you to come back!"

Nokigo nodded fiercely and laughed, "Yeah!!"

In the noisy market, at the home of the village chief Ajian

"Hahaha, so that's it!"

Ajian, wearing a windmill hat, laughed and handed Nami a glass of water, "Come on, drink it while it's hot."

Nami looked at the ripples in the cup absent-mindedly, "Bellmaire will live happily without us!"

Ajian leaned against the table and stared at Nami in surprise.

"Why do you say that?"

Nami's eyes slanted slightly, "It's just... raising two children will be very expensive! And because of me, the villagers will hate me!"

After hearing Nami's words, Jian squinted his eyes and smiled, "Are you also at the age of being considerate of others? Hahaha!"

"But don't worry, she was also a notorious bad kid at your age!"

Nami looked up at Jian, a little surprised, "Bellmère?"

"Yes, in the eyes of the villagers now, she is also a complete bad kid. When she said she wanted to be a navy, the whole village was shocked."

"Is Bellmère a navy?"

Jian nodded, "Yes, because

Unable to forgive the pirates who killed innocent people, she left this sentence and ran out of the village. "

"She told me that when she thought she was going to die, a baby's cry woke her up again."

"Young Noki held you, who was still a baby, in her arms and walked on the battlefield full of gunfire."

"She struggled to stand up and walked forward. At this time, you laughed..."

"The laughter gradually echoed on the battlefield, and at the same time, it also ignited her hope to live."

"In this way, she held you young and the mast of the boat."

"On a stormy night, she crossed the turbulent ocean and returned here."

"You were still running a high fever at the time, and she dragged her seriously injured body to ask the doctor to save you first! "

"Is that so..." Nami murmured. Now, she seemed to be meeting Bellmère for the first time.

Ajian nodded and continued, "Just when the doctor and I persuaded her to hand you two over to the government, she held you in her arms."

"I still remember her rebuttal to us!"

"I have decided. I am an adult now. Moreover, I have served in the navy. I think I am more serious than before."

"I must train these two be talents who are not inferior to this era!"

"I want to live with these two children. It was Nami and Nokiko who gave me life..."

"You know, the connection between you is deeper than that between biological mother and daughter!"


"You are here, Nami! "

Nami sat at the table in a daze. After an unknown amount of time, Nokigo's voice woke her up.

Nokigo stepped forward and grabbed Nami's arm, grinning, "Let's go, Bellemere has prepared a delicious dinner and is waiting for us to go back!"

Nami's eyes lit up and she nodded heavily.

"It must be Nami's favorite orange marmalade omelet rice!"

"Great! !"

Nami looked back at Jian with sparkling eyes, "Thank you, village chief, I'll go back first!"

Jian waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, don't forget to apologize to Bellemere!"

But the two seemed not to hear it and ran happily towards home.

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