The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

Ina tilted her head in confusion and looked at Nami, "Why do you think I know Aaron?"

"I noticed your helpless expression when Joseph talked about Aaron this morning."

Nami looked serious. Aaron's toughness was deeply rooted in her mind. She never expected that Ina was so helpless in the opposite way that was beyond common sense.

Ina shook her head, "No, I don't know him, but I know Jinbei."

"Also, Aaron is very weak, weaker than you can imagine, so weak that he can be killed by a slap from me."

Nami listened to Ina's words with a dull look, without any doubt. Judging from Ina's understatement, it might be too light.

She felt mixed emotions. The terrifying existence that had troubled her for eight years was nothing more than a small bug in Ina's mouth...

Suddenly, Ina's eyes were stern, and a green light lingered in her pupils. She carefully looked around Nami.

But she found that there were two souls, one pink and one purple, surrounding Nami.

"Do you have any relatives alive?"

Nami was stunned by the question, "There is still a sister in Kokoa West Village, what's wrong?"

"If you believe me, change the course tomorrow and go to Kokoa West Village first."

Nami frowned in confusion, and after a moment, she nodded in confusion...

The next day, early morning

Due to the change of route, they did not go to the fishman empire established by Aaron, but first came to the port of Kokoa West Village.

In the early morning, there was a thick fog, and a strange tranquility enveloped Kokoa West Village.

For some reason, Nami's chest tightness has become more and more severe since just now.

With trembling eyes, she looked at the empty street, and her heart was beating violently due to the strong uneasiness in her heart.

Combined with the advice given by Ina last night, she seemed to understand something.

Sanji brought out breakfast from the kitchen, glanced at Nami who was looking into the distance, and smiled.

"Ms. Nami, breakfast is the soul of the day, let's eat first!"

Nami shook her head absentmindedly, took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and jumped off the Merry, running towards home.

The people on the Merry were stunned for a moment, and they didn't expect Nami's decision to be so sudden.

For a moment, they didn't care about eating, and hurried to keep up with Nami's pace.

After a while, Nami came home with her memory.

Looking around the yard, the whole orange orchard was uprooted, and countless roots were placed in the yard in a mess.

And the treasures that she had collected for many years were nowhere to be found. The most suffocating thing was the blood on the land.

At this moment, Nami's uneasy mood reached its peak!

Unconsciously, tears filled her eyes. Before she could rush into the house, she was dragged into the bushes by a hand that suddenly appeared.

Nami was startled. Just as she was about to struggle, the man's voice rang out.

"Don't panic, I'll take you to see Nokigo!" After saying that, he dragged Nami's hand and continued to go deeper into the bushes.

Nami nodded when she saw that it was a familiar villager, and quickly got up and followed.

After wandering around in the bushes, she came to a dilapidated wooden house. Before she opened the door, she could already sense a sense of dead silence...

Nami waited anxiously, fearing that the scene in her dream last night would appear again...

The old lady glanced at Nami sadly, sighed and pushed open the door...

Suddenly, an unconcealable smell of blood mixed with dampness and rottenness came to her face. Nami scanned the scene in the house with a dull look...

The first thing that caught her eye was a tall and strong tiger shark mermaid.

Dark blue skin, wearing an orange bathrobe, listening to others with a serious face.

On the other side was a huge sack, and no one knew what was in it.

On the wooden bed on the left side of the fishman, her sister who she had been thinking about day and night was lying...

But at this time, her sister... Nokigo, had a horrifying through-wound on her chest, and the flesh around the wound was flying...

The face showed a strange deathly white, and it was obvious that she had been dead for a long time.

The old lady patted Nami's back with a sad look, unable to bear to look at the heartbroken Nami.

"This... this... what's going on, Nokigo... why! Why is this?!"

Nami's eyes were empty, tears unconsciously flowed from her eyes, and she kept shaking her head to deny the reality...

She rushed forward, knelt beside the bed, grabbed Nokigo's already cold hands, and shouted hoarsely.

The old lady sighed and said

She recounted the facts she knew.

"Yesterday afternoon, Colonel Mouse of the Navy Branch got the news of your treasure from somewhere,"

"Brought people to dig the orange orchard left by Bellemere... When Nokigo wanted to defend it with all his strength, Colonel Mouse used it as an excuse to interfere with Kung Fu..."

The old lady raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and couldn't bear to continue...

Nami closed her eyes tightly, gritted her teeth, grasped Nokigo's cold hands, and pressed them against her head.

"Along... It must be Along... Apart from Nokigo, only he knows that I am about to fulfill the promise, only he knows..."

Jinbei looked at the distraught Nami, stepped forward, and knelt in front of Nami under the horrified eyes of everyone, bowed down.

"I'm sorry, little girl. Arlong was expelled to the East China Sea by me. I wanted him to calm down, but I didn't expect him to commit such a heinous crime..."

After a pause, he said again: "I have heard about your story. You are very brave!"

"Don't worry, I will personally pull out Arlong's tendons and bones to comfort the souls of the dead villagers! After that, I will kill him or cut him up!"

Nami suddenly raised her head, looking at Jinbei with bloodshot eyes, and the anger rising in her heart reached its peak with these words.

With indescribable resentment in her eyes, she drew out the steel knife and stabbed Jinbei. "It's you, Arlong was expelled to the East China Sea by you... You are the initiator of all this..."

"Why did you do this, why...? Have we committed any crime? Why do we have to endure all this?"

The surroundings were silent, with only Nami's soul-penetrating questioning and the sound of the steel knife piercing the human body!

Blood trickled out from Jinbei's waist and abdomen, making Jinbei's face look a little ugly...

I was bitten in the back...

Jinbei's breathing became more rapid with the pain, "I'm so sorry, I will pay for the sins committed by Arlong!"

Nami screamed hysterically, "You...what can you pay for it with? Will Nokigo come back to life because of your payment? Or will Bell-mère come back to life...?"

Jinbei lowered his head, "No, but I will do my best to compensate you for everything you have suffered over the years!"

Nami's hoarse shouts reached the ears of several people who were searching outside the room, and they found the wooden house in the direction of the sound...

Luffy kicked the door open with a solemn expression, and a domineering aura rushed over him. He looked around the scene in the house, and finally raised his hand and pointed at Jinbei.

"Nami! We're here! Is he...Arlong?"

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