The new world, Dressrosa

Doflamingo, known as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was not in a good mood at the moment, and put down the newspaper in his hand with trembling arms.

He let out a long breath and looked up at the palace that had been repaired... "Why, why is this monster still alive..."

Vergo, who came to visit, happened to see this scene and said with a puzzled look: "Dover, what's wrong?"

Doflamingo glanced at Vergo, and handed over the newspaper in his hand with a weak tremor, "Take a look for yourself..."

After Vergo took the newspaper in Dover's hand, he looked down and his mind roared, almost making him faint.

"This... How is this possible? Isn't she dead?"


Grand Line Alabasta

The blazing sun burned Luffy and his companions in the endless desert.

Luffy, exhausted, drooped his arms that were about to fall to the ground, sticking out his tongue, "Nami, is there any water..."

Nami's appearance was not much better. She lowered her head and poured out a water bag that could not pour out a drop of water. She gritted her teeth and said, "You still have the face to say that if it weren't for you, would we have fallen to this point?"

Vivi wiped the sweat off her face and said, "It's almost there. In another hour, we will reach the rainy land... Let's hold on a little longer."

As soon as the words fell, a news bird fell from the sky. After seeing everyone, it hesitated and hovered for a while, and then gradually fell.

Nami, who was already upset, became even more impatient when she saw this. She waved her arms violently, trying to drive away the annoying news bird.

The news bird was about to get up and fly away again, but the sharp-eyed Nami suddenly saw the content of the newspaper, her eyes widened suddenly, and she grabbed the news bird's neck like a goose.

Under the horrified eyes of the news bird, Nami took out a Bailey from her trouser pocket and handed it to the news bird. Her voice was hoarse, "Give me... a newspaper."

When the news bird saw the Bailey in Nami's hand, it immediately breathed a sigh of relief, took out a newspaper with its mouth, and handed it to Nami.

After seeing that the transaction was completed, the news bird flew away with a puff. Nami glanced at the content of the newspaper and said.

"Luffy, there is news about Ina in the newspaper!"

Luffy, who was originally listless, was stunned for a while after hearing this name...

Then, he jumped up excitedly and rushed in front of Nami, looking at the content of the newspaper with his two big eyes shining.

Nami moved the newspaper a little, and Chopper said thoughtfully: "Ina, is this the person Luffy has been talking about all the way?"

"Yes, Ina is Luffy's twin sister, very powerful. If she were here, maybe we wouldn't have to go through so much trouble this time."

After saying that, he spread out the newspaper, and the Straw Hat Pirates gathered around Nami to read the contents of the newspaper.

Vivi was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and was very curious about Ina's existence, and she also stretched her head to look at the newspaper.


One hour later·Alabasta·Town Bar

"Have you heard? There is a new generation in the navy, whose strength can be compared with the admiral!" A middle-aged man, with a big tongue, preached at the bar.

The person on his left lowered his head and thought for a while, then a voice rang out, "I seem to have an impression of her, and she is only one character different from the Vice Admiral Bingluan in the Navy. It seems to be... something called Ina? However, she doesn't seem to be a new generation, she has been in the Navy for ten years."

As soon as the words fell, a voice came from behind, "Hello, can you tell me about this Vice Admiral?"

The two thought it was the Navy, and hurriedly looked back. If the Navy caught such a thing of slandering the Navy's senior officials behind their backs, it would not be so simple.

But when they saw that it was just a young man with a naked upper body and an orange cowboy hat, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Pulling Ace to sit down, he looked up and looked around, his expression excited, "Young man, I tell you, you really asked the right person!"

"Ten years ago, I was captured by pirates, and fortunately she saved my life."

"When she rescued me, I heard from her subordinates that she was only seven years old, and she had no rivals in the first half of the Grand Line!"

When he heard the age of seven, Ace's heartbeat stopped for a moment, but he was not sure if they were talking about the Ina he knew.

But the bar owner saw that Ace looked kind, smiled, and handed Ace a newspaper from under the bar.

"The drunkard said

, just listen, don't believe it completely, and, she should be the woman they are talking about. "

After hearing this, the two of them shouted at the boss incoherently. But the boss didn't care at all.

These two are old customers of the bar, and a joke won't cause any quarrels.

Ace thanked him and read the newspaper carefully. After a while, Ace put down the newspaper in his hand with a complicated look.

But at this moment, the door of the bar was suddenly pushed open, and a very powerful but very familiar voice sounded.

"I want water, food! I want meat!"

This sentence made Ace look back, but he saw a group of people coming to the door, but when he confirmed the leader, he laughed.

The boss also looked up at Luffy, put a glass of water on the bar first, and then walked into the back kitchen.

Ace raised his hand to adjust his cowboy hat and greeted Luffy, "Luffy, long time no see! "

Luffy was at a loss, squinting his eyes and looking at Ace, and suddenly, as if he had discovered something, he shouted happily.

He hugged Ace, "Ace!"

After hearing this name, the Straw Hat Pirates behind him froze for a moment, staring at the man in the hug in horror.

After Jinbei's words, they already knew the value of this name! Ace with a bounty of 500 million berries!

After a while, Luffy let Ace go, and Ace took the opportunity to look at the people behind Luffy and greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, you are Luffy's companions!" The expressions of the few people were a little dull. They didn't expect that the Ace they were talking about was so approachable.

Vivi and Chopper looked at the few people whose expressions had changed significantly with puzzlement, and wanted to speak out of curiosity, but it was obviously not good to speak now.

But Luffy jumped out at this time and laughed heartily: "Yes, these are my companions! "

"This is Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Vivi!"

Ace nodded to everyone and greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, I'm Luffy's brother, Ace! Thank you for taking care of my useless brother!"

The few of them became even more embarrassed, "No, no, Luffy is our captain, this is what he should do!"

At the same time, they were secretly complaining in their hearts, Luffy's brother... doesn't look like Luffy at all, why does he look so polite...

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