The place was not far from the jungle, and they entered the jungle almost instantly. Ina followed her memory and came to the giant tree. She found a bunch of bushes behind the tree, stretched out her hand and spread them apart. There was a different world inside! Ina squatted down slowly and put the man gently on the straw mat. She recalled the herbal knowledge that her cheap father had taught her. She frowned slightly, said "trouble" softly, and went to the woods. After searching among them one after another, she still found a few herbs that could play a partial role. Her little face wrinkled together, and she stuffed the herbs into her mouth, endured the sourness, and chewed hard... Then she spit it out and applied it on the man's forehead. She found another purple leaf, gently opened its mouth with her fingers, put it in her mouth, closed her jaw, and leaned against the tree trunk to wait for a while. She didn't wait for the man to move. Ina looked up at the sky. Night fell and the moonlight was about to hang on the branches.

After restoring them one by one, Ina turned around and left.

Before reaching the base, she heard the cheerful laughter of Luffy and the other two, and Ina's mouth corners slightly curled up...

She stepped on the tree trunk and exerted force continuously. In a few jumps, she entered the door of the house. Just as Ina was about to push the door, she was stopped by Sabo, who signaled her to pull the rope on her left hand, but Ina didn't understand what he meant. She just stepped into the house. As soon as her left foot stepped into the house, she tripped.

Ina's mouth corners curled up, she laughed softly, raised her hand and waved lightly, a white light flashed by, and the oncoming wooden hammer was split into two pieces!

After Sabo noticed the movement, he quickly lay on the ground. A slash passed by him. When he saw that he didn't hit him, he quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew the power of the slash. Before he stood up, he heard Ina's laughter. He looked up and found that nothing was damaged...

Sabo chuckled. He knew that Ina was just trying to scare him!

Of course, this was based on Ina's fine control of the slashing force!

Ina turned her head and looked inside the house, a trace of doubt flashed across her face, "Where are the ingredients for today?"

Sabo and Ace looked at each other. Ace took out a grilled fish as tall as a person from behind. Seeing this, Ina couldn't help but wonder how they could hide such a big grilled fish behind them

"Here!" Ace handed it over. Ina took it and then looked at the temperature of the grilled fish. Doubts came to her mind again. The fish in front of her obviously didn't look like something that could be grilled by the single-celled organisms in front of her. She turned her eyes to Ace and waited for his words.

"Ina, today the three of us met an old man who wanted to take Luffy as his apprentice..."

Ina looked puzzled, but soon she had a guess in her mind and took the lead in saying, "Is it Grandpa Nagli?"

The two looked puzzled and blurted out, "How did you know?"

Ina did not explain, her thoughts continued along this topic, and then she stroked her chin thoughtfully and continued to ask, "Is it because of me that Grandpa Nagli took Luffy as his apprentice?"

"It was not clearly stated, but it should be... yes!"

Ina looked helpless, gently stroked her forehead, and circled her thumb against her temple. She didn't know how to repay the favor of teaching her to learn swordsmanship, and now there is another one... Forget it, don't think about it, too many debts will not weigh you down!

"Okay, I got it..."

The next day, when Ina got up, the three people around her had already disappeared...

Rubbing her eyes, she looked up at the sunlight falling on the floor through the window, stretched lazily, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, thinking: It seems that my education is still effective!

After hastily packing up the things in the house, she closed the door and set off for the tree hole...

Continue to the giant tree, opened the bushes and walked in. There was no one in front of her. Ina couldn't help but be stunned. Then there was a sound of wind behind her. Ina smiled slightly, dragged Bai Luo from her waist and blocked it!

"Clang!" The sound of metal interlacing sounded, and Ina accurately blocked it.

After seeing Ina blocking it, the man looked heavy, and turned around to continue attacking with the force.

Ina raised her eyes slightly, blocked it again with Bai Luo, and after tapping it lightly, she directly pressed it against his waist, making him unable to move!

The man lowered his head and glanced at Bai Luo who was leaning against his waist, then loosened his arm... "Kangclang!" The dagger fell to the ground, and he raised his head and stretched his neck forward, closing his eyes tightly, as if waiting for death to come.

"Is this how you treat your savior?"

Ina's voice was mixed with a little teasing, and then she chuckled!

The man's eyes lit up instantly when he heard the words, and then

Glancing at Ina, he was slightly stunned when he saw Ina's age, as if he was doubting the truth of the matter...

But he seemed to have thought of something again, and repeatedly stared at Ina's figure, as if he wanted to remember Ina firmly in his heart...

Then he bowed slightly, his voice was calm, with a little pride!

"Lothilde Illian will remember your kindness!"

Ina waved her hand expressionlessly, indicating that she didn't care!

Glancing at her empty stomach, Illian's stomach seemed to sense Ina's peeping, and cried out slightly in dissatisfaction!

Ina smiled and stared at the red-faced boy, "Since you are awake, then follow me!"

As soon as the words fell, she turned and walked out of the tree hole, and Illian followed closely behind, without saying a word all the way. As they walked along the road, they finally encountered the first ingredient.

Of course, for Ina, it was an ingredient, but for Illian at this time, it was undoubtedly a creature like a natural enemy!

Illian's face was pale, but he still strode forward with a firm look. He opened his arms to protect Ina!

"Go away!"

Ina was somewhat familiar with this scene, but it did not prevent her from having a good impression of him. She smiled and pushed him away. Her palms and backs were around Bai Luo. Suddenly, a white light was lightly waved out, and the giant lion in front of him was instantly killed with the pressing air pressure!

Yilian's eyes were dull, and his mouth opened slowly and unconsciously. He was obviously stunned by the scene in front of him, but fortunately he had a strong ability to accept it.

Although his face was still pale, he still smiled and glanced at Ina, "I overestimated my ability!"

Yilian saw that Ina did not reply to him, his face was normal, without any impatience, and his elegant behavior told of his good upbringing!

Slowly retreated behind him, waiting for Ina to deal with the giant lion in front of him...

Ina directly set up the grill on the spot, put it on it, and grilled it. The fragrance gradually overflowed. Ina took out the seasoning from her arms and sprinkled it evenly on it. Her skilled movements were distressing! !

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